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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #2240411
In this Ben and Gwen have a slightly different relationship
Chapter 1: Ben's command

Gwen's classroom/3:25/a hour till summer break

Gwen wiggled her ass trying in vain to ease the feeling of the plug in her ass and the 7in vibrator in her pussy last year she had unlocked magic! It was really rare but it bound her to a master someone who had both absolute magical and legal authority over her they kept her mana stable so that it didn't accidentally cause unintended spells and were responsible for making sure she used her magic properly in exchange for this responsibility there mana(and very souls as well) would be permanently submissive and obedient to there Master Ben had been the one to become her Master and had used his power over her to make her do what ever he wanted so she had to have these toys in at all times and do to this she'd cummed almost 3 times in this class alone "Miss'Tennyson I understand that you may be distracted but please try to focus for more then five minutes!" She blushed as the teacher called her out she mentally accused 'this is for all the times I corrected you isn't it' but what she really said was "yes sir sorry" she tried to focus even as her class whispered around her "maybe she should ask her master for a smaller plug/nah I bet the little slut likes all the attention/I mean she has cum at least three times in EVERY class/did you see how she waddles around?she definitely loves the attention" more whispers came until Gwen couldn't even look up from her work in embarrassment she had asked ben to let her use a smaller plug a few days ago instead he doubled it to 3.5in wide and a bare bottom bedtime spanking every night till the end of summer break at least she could still learn and use magic(of course ben ordered her that she could only use or learn magic when she was in a atomic wedgie because in his words "if you want to do nerdy spells you should look the part") but all the whispers made her so embarrassed and(though she would never willingly admit it) wet feeling her pussy and ass squeeze down on her toys bitting her lip she pushed her ass out as much as she could while leaning forward she tensed "uuuuhhuuhh! Fuck! My poor pussy!" Squirting she went cross eyed as her juices stained her school chair her jeans had been soaked hours ago and by now there was a small puddle in her chair and under said chair her pussy spasmed around the vibrator even as she limply raised her head and looked at her annoyed teacher "huff! Huff! Sorry sir please continue" she was so glad this was her final day

school main hallway/4:30/gwen on her way to get picked up

"Uhh! Ohh! Ff-uck this ssho humiluting!" Gwen shuffled her way forward her pants around her ankles and her baby blue panties with cat face on the butt in full view Ben had ordered her that when she was walking around school she had to walk like this which meant everyone could see the base of the vibrator under her panties(which had a massive wet spot on the front from how much she had been cumming) and it was obvious that she had gotten a resent spanking with her cherry red ass cheeks in plain view made even more visible by the plug that spread her ass cheeks do to how big it was forcing her to stick her ass out for even a hope of being able to walk worse still was ben had said that she wasn't aloud to rub her burning ass or even attempt to cover herself she was to keep her hands on her head and if anyone asked her about her spanking she had to tell them and she was quoting here 'I am getting my naughty tushy spanked every night before my bed time because I wasn't a proper little anal slut' she really was thankful to be able to use magic but some times she didn't think it was worth it like when Ben was playing video games and was to lazy to get up to go to the bathroom so he'd make her suck his cock and drink his piss the whole time or if he was bored he'd fuck her ass speaking of sucking cock as she came to the bottom of the steps she came face to face with Ben and submissively bowed her head "greetings Master" Ben smirked as the surrounding kids snickered "hello slut grampa called to let me know he's going to be a few minutes late so while we wait I want you to get to work" he said as he sat down on the school steps his legs spread immediately knowing what he means Gwen got down on her knees

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