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Rated: GC · Article · Comedy · #2240904
Poynter fact-checker propagandist group uses the wisdom of the ages- Teenagers
POYNTER, the Nazi-run "fact-checking" organization that Facebook uses like the girls who post their phone numbers on men's bathroom walls, now has teenagers telling us "the facts".
Yes, now the same teenagers who told us and their parents that, "You're too old to understand", Also work as "volunteers" who work for POYNTER come with such personal accolades as:
-Pierced lip, nose, face, genitals
Snuck out of house, snuck guests in
Given themselves tattoos
Skipped an unbelievable amount of class
Gotten in physical fights, including with own parents and grandparents
Drank alcohol
Smoke weed on regular basis
Own a vape
Watch porn
Bought pets they can't care for
Taught themselves to lock pick parents liquor cabinets
Taught themselves to scale high fences to escape arrest
Vandalize random things
Tried acid and shrooms
Sneak into paid for events, movies, etc.
Break into school after hours while being truant
Have sex with anyone just because
Self harmed multiple times, razors, etc.
Have a Masturbation addiction, can't keep hands out of pants, even in public
Rebelled parents religion due to it's "rules and regs", but got inducted into a Christian Scientist or Islamic cult, or even better...ANTIFA or BLM
Talk to strangers online and do sexting with them
Have mental illnesses they refuse to acknowledge
Drive illegally
Brag about owning a "shit ton" of daggers and knives, while being anti-gun
Put holes in wall
Paint/draw over wall
Make Booger Wall
TP/egg/spray-paint, and other vandalism to houses, But claim Conservatives hurt your "feelings"
Have a debit card in their parent's name and
Buy things online without asking or telling what it is
Wear whatever they want, regardless of how retarded they look, even to job interviews, ironically, this paid off well with POYNTER, as that is exactly the dysfunctional crap they're looking for in a "fact-checker"
Stay up for days at a time and drink energy drinks

Great job Poynter. You have taken a bunch of insecure, rebellious, misguided young teens(13 -19) and given them the floor on matters impacting the nation and the entire world, of which they know very little about.. Now how about we fact check POYNTER's owners? I'm on it...Oh, and here's a link to their dotarded teen fact-checker page:
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