Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2243078-Our-Anchor-in-the-Storm
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Biographical · #2243078
How God provided for my family and I in 2020.
Like everyone else in the world, my family and I experienced storms in 2020. I got furloughed from my job in March and still have not been called back to work as of January 2021. Fortunately, God provided me with Social Security benefits, so I have enough for everything I need and most of what I want, without having to deal with the EDD. I appreciate not having to wonder how I will pay the rent and buy food. For this, I am very grateful.

I have faith that I will be able to return to work in some form later this year. I hope that I'm called back to my old job. I can always apply for another position if that doesn't happen.

Last year, a leak sprung in the shower in the unit above mine and ruined my bathroom with mold. God blessed me with parents who could help get it fixed. They let me and my cat stay with them while the restoration workers did the work. I can tell that while it was a pain in the rear, it was God's will because it inspired my mom to come to church with me, which has been a huge blessing. My church has given my mom a warm welcome, and everyone likes her. I enjoy getting to see her every week and spending time with her.

I have always struggled with anxiety, and it has been particularly difficult during the pandemic. I worry I will get the older people at my church sick, which hasn't happened. My mom is a nurse and reassures me that I have nothing to give them as I have had two negative covid tests, and both she and my doctor say the symptoms I experience are just allergies. She recommended Psalm 91 to read when I get anxious, and I find it comforting. I am grateful for the fact that I got to see my family at Christmas, and none of us caught anything.

God has been a wonderful provider for my family and me, from providing me with an income without work to providing parents who can help and comfort me. He has protected us all along. He reassures me that He is in control, and we have nothing to fear with Him among us. He truly has been and still is Our Anchor in Times of the Storm.

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