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by Logan
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2246481
A poem about falling apart, with the hope of coming together after a year in lockdown

Fragments play out in the night,
shining in the dark;
shards collected when its light,
stored by ravens, stark

Hoarded, harboured, housed by crows,
for when lost suns, long set;
loose amidst such darkened throws,
such things, we can't forget

Stray memories, blown in on winds,
bubbles of stored time;
fragile as the night rescinds,
no reason, rythym... rhyme

A cadence broken...oddly scanned,
'midst punctuated marks;
in such silence, out of hand,
alone, we disembark

Lodged in long, recurring loops,
with every day the same;
as blackbirds wing, and sweep, and swoop,
the brightness of a name

Desire,...such an oddity,
set steeper where we stray;
where shades of mediocrity,
get deeper, every day

In disjointed, fragmented sleep,
such patterns scatter doubt;
frosted glass, fermented deep,
as shockwaves shatter out

A ghosted image, forged in place,
down fault lines, fly such crows;
a tattoo marked... a special space,
our watermarks on show

A wreath laid out for lovers past,
a weary worn refrain;
hiding 'neath the covers, cast
away from ball and chain

'midst patterns slowly forming, found,
carved ruts we crawl, in vain;
they find us every morning, bound,
in rituals, mundane

Remembered from a distance, spanned,
through doubts, we don't confide;
to hold a heartbeat in your hands
.. to cast that beat aside

A beat, long dropped that tempts me still,
a rhythm dark and dank;
running through on empty... will,
on vapour in the tank

waiting as the wind revolves,
with peace found in a face;
some mysteries you can't resolve,
with pieces out of place

Missing for a time now, lost,
splintered over lines;
plans we had, that somehow cost,
dreams drowned in turgid rhyme

A rythym set, where truths secrete,
a beat, now back ground noise;
ambient and incomplete,
an annal awkward, poised

Arriving with the light of dawn,
the dying light of stars;
sky's canvas, dark and empty, drawn,
envisioned from afar

with ink offset and tattoos met,
gripped taut around the frame;
a skin beset with stark regret,
ripped thoughts across the plain

'midst echoes of a girl, extolled,
who wore a broken smile;
tumbled cross a desert, cold,
such fumbled weeds beguile

A routine old, as the days unfold,
and nights roll in unseen;
with stars gone out, unheld, untold
.... and nothing inbetween

A vacuum where months mass in twelves,
a space where time refrains;
a place where we might find ourselves,
... and lose ourselves again

Meandering as days long, drift,
sands sift through hands of fate;
hindsight's an ironic gift
... it always lands too late

Flown in a flash of feathered wings,
darkened as they are;
as blackbirds gather, weathered things,
tethered down with tar

Leathered down and tired out,
left locked down for the ride;
bound in volumes, tomes that shout,
with bent spines, tanned, that hide

A catalogue of errors marked,
a multitude of sins;
remembered, dwelt in, cycles arced
... it ends as it begins
© Copyright 2021 Logan (stipey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2246481-Fragmented