Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2248202-Naruto-again
by CJ
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2248202
Mara gets to join team 7 and has a intro meet with them.
Name: Mara Hatake
Age: 12
Sign: Leo
Traits: Training with throwing knifes and spikes, second top A student
Hair color: White
Eye color: Orangish yellow
Height: 5'4"
Background: Family killed in the fight off the nine-tailed fox she was sent to live with Kakashi after a few years of growing up in an orphanage.

Mara huffed walking the halls of the academy she had been there for four years and already mastered almost everything. She turned her head to the class she could hear Naruto yelling like always and before she stepped in everyone fell silent. Mara just rolled her eyes and walked to the front of the class, she had always filled in for Iruka when he was running late.

"Tch she still thinks she's the boss." A boy said and Mara shot a glare at him she smiled as Iruka walked in.

"Good morning Iruka sensei." Mara said and smiled before going to her seat, she had been sat by Sasuke which annoyed her since fan girls always picked on her for it.

"Today will be the forehead protector text as I call your names you will be tested by making one shadow clone." Iruka said and Mara sat up in her chair.

"Sasuke." Iruka called and Sasuke walked out of the room a bunch of fan girls waited for him to come back.

Mara just stared off thinking about how to do it before Sasuke came back with his forehead protector and told Mara it was her turn.

Mara huffed before walking into the room.

"Mara please make one shadow clone." A man said.

"substitution jutsu..." Mara murmured and a clone that looked just like her appeared, she slowly went up and picked a forehead protector out of the box, she pulled out a black one before putting it on and walked out.

Now that everyone had a forehead protector they where all getting paired into groups.

"Naruto with Sakura, and Sasuke and Mara will be making up team 7 your leader is Kakashi." Iruka said as Mara's eyes lit up she always was with Kakashi and that fact that he was going to be her sensei just made it better for her.

Mara and the other had walked out of the academy and were now waiting for Kakashi, Mara had told them he was always late and wouldn't be on time.

"How do you even know our sensei?" Sakura asked and Mara chucked.

"Because he takes care of me...." Mara said softly and Kakashi had appeared.

"Okay everyone I know Mara but not the rest so I will introduce myself then you all will introduce yourself, I'm Kakashi Hatake..." Kakashi said and motioned to Naruto.

"Naruto Uzumaki I love ramen." Naruto said and Mara looked away trying to not laugh.

"Sakura Haruno." Sakura said and kept looking at Sasuke.

"Sasuke Uchiha I want to kill a certain someone and restore my clan." Sasuke said as everyone turned there head to Mara.

"Well um I'm Mara Hatake. I specialize in throwing knifes and throwing spikes...." Mara said softly and hid behind Kakashi, since Kakashi had raised her she was given his last name to use to get into the academy so she had always went by it.

"So this is the child you're raising." Might guy said and Mara peered out from behind Kakashi at Neji, Tenten , and Lee.

"What youth she has." Lee said and Mara looked confused at Kakashi.

"Don't mine Lee I'm Tenten." Tenten said.

"Mara Hatake.......and you already know those bakas...." Mara murmured which made Tenten laugh.

"Rock Lee and that's Neji." Lee said pointed to Neji, Mara seemed to stare at him but looked away once he noticed.

Mara hid behind Kakashi still as she watched more people walk over which made her nervous.

"Seems everyone's meeting your daughter Kakashi." Kurenai said as she looked over.

"Hello....I'm H-h-hinata Hyuga..." Hinata said softly as Mara peered over.

"Kiba and this is Akamaru and that's Shino." Kiba said pointing as Mara just waved again.

"Mara Hatake...." Mara said softly looking over. She quickly tossed a throwing spike at a piece of cloth that was flying away from a person and made sure it was in range to be gotten down.

"Fast moves..." Neji muttered seeming to be studying Mara.

Mara stepped out from behind Kakashi letting her long white hair flop down and her yellowish orange eyes scanned around.

Rock lee looked over seeming to stare at Mara which she didn't like and shot a glare at him.

"Well we're going to get ramen want to come?" Rock lee asked as Mara looked confused.

"Rawun?" Mara asked pronouncing it wrong.

"Ramen. Have she never had it before Sensei." Naruto asked and Mara nodded yes she hadn't even heard of ramen.

"Why don't we all go?" Shino asked as everyone agreed.

Mara followed the teams as she looked back to Neji.

"S-s-seems you keep staring at Neji d-d-do you like him?" Hinata asked and Mara jolted confused as to how she got behind her.

"Even if I did I wouldn't have the strength to tell him...." Mara muttered softly as she looked back to Neji.

Hinata just huffed sadly as she walked past Mara, she started to walk a bit slower seeming uneasy but once they got to the ramen shop, she acted happy.

Mara watched everyone order not wanting to eat but just sat down by Neji anyway and messed around with the fork to her ramen.

"Seems she doesn't like it." Sasuke muttered looking over at Mara.

Kakashi knew she wouldn't like the ramen since she was with so many people.

Mara took a bite but she burned her tongue and winced.

Hinata frowned again as she looked between Mara and Neji slightly.

Neji was eating as he glanced at Hinata confused.

Mara stopped eating and huffed looking away towards the window. She jolted when Hinata softly kicked her and made her fall of the seat but Neji quickly caught her.

Everyone was now staring but Mara nodded as a thanks and tried to get up red faced.

Mara noticed everyone but Neji saw her red face and tried to get up but Neji wouldn't let go of her.

"N-n-neji let go." Mara squeaked and he finally let go and Mara rushed off embarrassed.

Mara ran off into the woods seeming upset. She hadn't turned back and kept running but fell and bashed her head on a rock. She looked around slightly and ran a hand over it before everything went black.

"Mara?!" Sakura called as everyone looked for it, it didn't help she knew how to cover her scent.

Everyone had looked for hours until Neji and Kakashi found Mara with her hair covered in blood.

Neji picked up Mara as Sakura tried to heal her.

Mara shifted slightly in Kakashi's arm fully unconscious. Neji looked away as Kakashi and everyone walked away as Kakashi brought Mara to the house.

Mara seemed to whimper in her sleep as she shifted in pain.

Neji knocked on the door as he peered in and Kakashi showed him to Mara. She was asleep in her room with her head bandaged. The room was filled with flowers and plants, it was light pink in color and her bed laid off the the side along near the window and a small kitten's bed.
© Copyright 2021 CJ (cjriverwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2248202-Naruto-again