Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2250719-MusicVSComedyLoud-House-BodySwap-Fanfic
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2250719
Luna And Luan Use Lisa's Bodyswap Remote To Swap Bodies And Try To Live Each others Lives
It Was A Interesting day in the loud house to say the least

Luna and Luan were in their room arguing: both of them insisted they could do the other one's hobby better than her.

It all started when Luan had told Luna a joke and Luna had responded with, "That's a lame joke!" and Luan had said, "I'd like to see you do better!".
Luna had replied that she could totally do better and Luan had retorted by saying she'd be a better musician.

Then, Luna remembered something: Lisa had recently invented a body-swap remote. What if they could steal it and swap to see if what they were saying was true?

They decided to wait until Lisa's nap time

Luan grabbed the remote from Lisa’s desk. "Are you sure that this works?" asked Luna.

"Yea, didn't you hear during the meeting? She tested it earlier on a fly and a lizard," said Luan as Luna and Luan zapped themselves with the remote. Luan’s soul floated into Luna’s body and Luna’s soul floated into Luan’s body.

"PROCESS COMPLETE" said the remote. Both of them groaned as they looked in Luna’s full body mirror.

"It worked!", they both said...

"Wait, why do I still have my voice?" said Luan.

"Must have not been 100% perfected, said Luna, then added, "OW my teeth!".

"That’s my braces," said Luan, "Why is your butt so big?", feeling her new bum.

"HEY, don’t talk about my butt, dude!" said Luna.

"Calm down Luna," said Luan Pulling down Her Pants to get a closer look at her new rear, "I was just giving you a RUMP ROAST HAHAHAHAH!" Said Luan Mooning Luna With Her Own Bare Booty

"Don't do that!" said Luna.

"Do what?" said Luan fake-innocently." As She Slapped her new Ass making it Jiggle

"Laugh at my body," sighed Luna. "Let’s agree on two days and then we swap back, deal?"

"DEAL!," said Luan, then said, "Well, you have to go to the sassy laugh, that new comedy club that just opened up Luna,."

"Well, you have to go to The Aftermath: an intense rave party place, and play drums...."

"LET'S SEE WHO'S BETTER! MUSIC VS COMEDY IS A GO!" they both shouted and left...
Lisa woke up. "That's atypical," she said, "I thought I heard shouting. I must have been dreaming," and fell back asleep.

Soon, it was time for Lori to drop Luna off at The Aftermath and Luan off at The Sassy Laugh.
Of course, she didn't know their bodies were swapped, so their plan was working.

Lori dropped Luna off at the comedy club, thinking it was the other way round.

Luna was nervous: she didn't have much of a talent for comedy.

She first decided to try a song,Luan's Laugh Parade:
After doing a quick sound check on the microphone Luna said “Hay folks, I’m gonna try something new so let me know what you think.”
She took a deep breath, luckily she remembered her illusion of Luan’s song from that one time, wale somewhat disturbing these are the type of people who would hopefully like it so she sung “Every now and then, I think the world's a scary place
But I remember it looks better with a pie thrown at your face
If the glass looks half empty
Break off the empty half
And use it as a pirate's leg
Give everyone a laugh
Rubber duckies, wind-up monkeys, six foot leprechauns
Well, life's my stage, a laugh parade
Yeah, that's my kind of song
Hey, Hey!”
Taking deep breaths she awaits the audiences reaction
The audience actually really liked the song and cheered

Meanwhile At The Aftermath, a teenage boy said, "Good, Luna, you're here. Remember that I'm on the guitar, you're on the drums, and Sam sings."

Luan was nervous... she was far from a professional drummer, but she'd made a deal. She had to do this and spend two whole days in Luna's body.
Luan was about to start playing the drums. Luckily for her, their band was only playing one song but it was eight minutes long. “HOW CAN A METAL SONG BE THAT LONG!?“ screamed Luan in her head.
“You ready, Luna?", said Sam.
“Uhhh, yea," said Luan sheepishly.
As they started playing at first, Luan could actually keep up with the band.
“This is great," thought Luan, "Eat it, Luna, I can rock out better tha--"
"CUE THE HYPER DRUMMING!", shouted Sam, and Luan felt her ego explode as soon as she self-inflated it.
As Luan flailed around trying to hit the drums faster (at a speed only the real Luna could do), she accidentally hit her wrist on a cymbal.

"AHHHH, OWOWOWO!!", she screamed as she fell backwards holding her wrist.

"LUNA, are you OK," said Sam, comforting her as she called for medical help.

The owner of the club, Mr Snake, came out and said, “Another wrist sprain, well, better get to work," as he got a first aid kit.
"What are you talking about?!", said Luan, confused.
”You see, girls, I tend to get a lot of injuries at my rave club. To avoid lawsuits, I took a doctor college class online.” "Woahhhh," said both of them as he bandaged up Luan’s wrist,

"Luna’s not gonna like that I sprained her wrist," said Luan to herself.

The band decided to head out after the incident until Sam stopped her before Luan could leave
“Sorry about your wrist, Luna, but I got a surprise for you," said Sam, smiling, "I got us reservations for the next two days for us to go to the Love Struck Hotel, the most jamming hotel in the county!".

"Say what!?" said Luan as her eyes went wide.

Sam began to explain, "I know I told you I couldn’t get reservations 'til next month, but I have a second cousin who works there and said we could stay if we sang a love duet together on our final night there, also it will give us time to do the most extreme thing there that I think you’re gonna dig."

"What is th-at?" asked Luan, a little shaken.

"THE KISS CHALLENGE!", shouted Sam, "27 teams of couples race to the top of the hotel and try to hold a kiss for one minute and be the first couple to do so, winning a nice pair of heart-shaped guitars and I got us signed up as couple 27!"

"Ummm... could you give me a minute, Sam?" said Luan as she ran to the ladies' room.

"I think I’m in too deep," said Luan, frightened, "What do I do?! I don’t love Sam like Luna does but I can’t back out of this love hotel competition either. Maybe I should have gotten Lynn’s body for this challenge. Welp, only one thing to do...Luan dug out her cell phone.
"Hey Luna," said Luan.
"Hi," said Luna.
"Can you swap back today, please? It's just that Sam invited me to spend a romantic weekend at a hotel and I obviously don't want to go."
"Sure thing, sis," said Luna.
As Lori Picked Up Luna And Luan taking them home,They explained there evenings..
I told Sam I wasn’t ready for that competition stated Luna
I know but she insisted,that’s the only reason I’m throwing it the towel on our little competition groaned Luan in defeat
Sho how was your night Luna at the sassy laugh Said Luan
It was way too easy Said Luna confidentially
WHAT Said Luan in shock
Yea the crowd was kinda easily amused to be honest,I told some jokes you said over the past 2 weeks,Threw a pie into a ceiling fan,and even did that hanker chiff routine with it activating your squirting flower,I even got a free pizza coupon
TTHATS GREAT Said Luan grinding her teeth,must have been a slow night
I can’t believe you sprang my wrist,that’s gonna hurt when we swap back,but thanks Luan for swapping back with me so I can be with Sam for the weekend Said Luna
Anytime sis said Luan
Ok you two were home said Lori letting them out also work on those impressions of eachother,kinda sloppy
They both smirked and Luna and Luan Rushed upstairs to get the Remote to swap back to themselves before bed
5 Minutes Later...
Alright Said Luan Holding the Remote, Lets Swap Back
Hold On Said Luna, We Still have Time Before we Go to Bed and When i Go With Sam Tomorrow, and i need To get payback for you Hurting my Arm
w-What Kind of Payback Said Luan Nervously
Luna Then pulled Down Luans Skirt And Underwear
No said Luan
Yes Said Luna Seductively
What Are you gonna do with My Naked Body Said Luan feeling her heart sink
Luna Got A Picture Of Sam And Starting Rubbing Her Womanhood To It
No Shes Sooo Hot said Luna About To Orgasam
Fine Said Luan As She Ran out the door with the remote
Woah,Luans Body Sure is good at jacking off said Luan Passed out on her sisters bed naked
How Will I Get Back at Luna Said Luan..
Lynn jr Came Out Of the Bathroom Holding her stomach,God those New Laxitives Really Helped me out
Hey Can I Have one Of Those Said Luan
Sure Luna But Fair Warning They Will Make you go Within like 2 minutes so make sure your near the toilet when you take them
Luan Chuckled as she knew how to get back at Luna
12:00 AM
Man i Love My sisters Body,i might keep it a bit longer Said luna
Time to Swap back Said Luan Holding the remote and the laxitive
yea I would said Luan Swallowing the Pill,Now Swap Back with Me or Ill Shit on your Instruments
Ohh fine Said Luna,im sorry i jacked off with your body
Im Sorry I Sprang Your Arm Said Luna
ok,Luan Pressed the remote and zapped the two of them with the remote. Luan’s and Luna’s soull floated back into there proper bodies.
Im Me again Shouted Luan
BATHROOm Shouted Luna As She ran for the toilet

The Two sisters made up and Luna And Sam were able to go to THE KISS CHALLENGE, Luna And Luan knew Eachother in more ways than one after that...

The End

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