Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2252603-Mr-Ant-Teaches-Life-Lessons---Chapter-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2252603
A continuation of chapter 1 (part 2)

Our anthill is kind of like a 🏠 house. Only, our home is usually made in the ground. It also has several rooms like a house has bedrooms. The anthill has small passageways from room to room like a house has hallways. We only have one entrance from the top. There are a lot of us, and we have a lot of rooms in our anthill. 🐜🐜🐜

We have all these separate rooms. 🐜 We mostly just take care of the 🍼 babies inside the anthill. 🐜 Of course, we can take a rest here when needed and we can come here for shelter when it is storming or if there is a threat to our safety outside. 🐜🐜

Ant babies start out as eggs laid by the queen or queens. Then they become larvae. At this stage they may shed skin several times before they become a pupa. The Larvae live off the regurgitated food of adults. 🐜

Pupa are in a small cacoon until they emerge as adult ants. The adults begin working to help gather food and maintain the colony or the queens assume their role of laying eggs or go start their own colonies. 🐜🐜🐜

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A continuation of chapter 1 (part 3)

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