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Rated: E · Essay · Opinion · #2253698
An essay sharing how I choose who to believe and why.
Write an essay about who you trust and why...Write an essay telling us how you decide who to believe...

As a Christian, it can be hard in today's world to know just who to trust and who to be wary of. The label Christian is used rather loosely these days and just because someone calls themselves or someone else a Christian, does not mean you can automatically trust them or believe what they say. So, how does one know who to believe? Who to trust? The Bible gives us guidance as to know what to look for in those around us.

Over the years, I have learned the hard way that what people say is not always what people do. I go slow when getting to know a person because oftentimes, time will give them away. I silently watch to see if their actions line up with what they say. I don't expect people to be perfect, but I do expect people to keep their words and to live up to what they preach, teach or talk.

People who have royally messed up, fallen hard on their faces, and have found redemption are usually the best people to find wisdom from. One of my very favorite Preachers/Pastors that I trust is Jimmy Swaggert. I was a young girl when his sins were so publicly spread around. Yes, he was caught being unfaithful to his wife. I watched him lose just about everything. I also watched him as he let GOD change his life and saw God restore what his sin had taken from him. Now, three generations of men in his family preach and teach the Word of God. That man KNOWS what temptation is. He KNOWS what it is like to sin, to be shamed and humiliated. He KNOWS what it is like to royally mess up. AND he KNOWS the way back to God. That is a man with who I could share the worst parts of me and trust I will be understood. He would speak the truth to me. Those are the kinds of people I look for to look up to. To seek out and believe.

Listen and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Countless people will come and go from your life and there will be good ones and ones who would deceive or destroy you. Constantly pray, ask God to reveal the intentions of those around you. Don't ignore those feelings of misgivings, unease, or suspicion. Don't just listen to what they say, watch what they do and make sure they aline with the Word of God. It would serve you well to read the whole chapter of Galatians 5. There it talks about the fruits of the Spirit and the qualities one should display if they are filled with the Spirit and love of God.

As true Christians, we also have the Armor God provides for us to help protect us from those who wish to destroy us. The Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved and it also tells us to let us come and reason together. God does not desire us to be ignorant or to ignore warning signs. He tells us to be wise like serpents and harmless as doves. I hope this essay helps you to better choose who to trust and who to look up to in these end days.

Word Count - 526
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