Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2253718-The-Rebellion---COMPLETED-
Rated: E · Other · Animal · #2253718
July 2nd Prompt
It is not that I ran out of yarn, I just ran out of ideas what to make for myself. Much to my cat's horror, it wasn't a kitty toy I crochet for her playful paw, but a hat to sit upon her ginger-hued head. Ears flat, fangs barred, no, she was not amused at all. She didn't care about the delicate seashell stitches that made such a pretty little border, she slapped the decorative pom-pom with a sassy smack. I cooed and assured her she was a beauty for sure, the hat was a perfect match to her jade green eyes.

No amount of sweet talk could assure her, now she refuses to look at me. Not a single cat hair clings to my lap or blouse, cause she won't come near me. I woke this morning to find all my yard a tangled, hopeless mess. Strung from one end of the house to the other. How did my ninja cat do so much destruction without waking me? Where are my crochet needles? My entire sewing basket is empty!

There she sprawls, looking like a queen on my window ledge, blinking her green eyes at me. She's made her point. No more kitty caps! No more crochet accessories for me or my feline friends. With a sign of defeat, I clean the mess and decide it is time to find a new hobby.
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