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by bill
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Animal · #2256128
Rita from Oliver and Company eats you. I don't own this character, just the story. Enjoy!
Late one evening, you find yourself wandering around some docks in New York City.

In the distance, you can faintly hear muffled music playing.

Getting closer to the source of the music, you soon enough see a old rundown houseboat.

Cautiously you make your way towards the houseboat, and take a peek inside from some overhead windows.

Inside you can see various dogs, all different breeds, talking amongst themselves - complaining about there being no food...

Just then, another dog enters the houseboat. This one, a terrier, has some hot dogs around his neck.

He gives the hot dogs to the other dogs, as they then begin to eat.

The dogs continue to talk amongst themselves.

As theyā€™re talking, you try to leave the windowā€¦

However, the window gives way and you fall down into the houseboat, now surrounded by the various dogs.

They talk about what to do with you, one of them says to just eat you.

The other dogs all look at the one that suggested the idea, a small chihuahua, before looking back at you...

Suddenly one of the larger dogs, a female brown Saluki, speaks up while looking at you. She says that the chihuahua actually had a good idea, and that sheā€™ll eat ā€˜this oneā€™.

The other dogs let her pass, as she motions you to follow her.

Behind you, the others dogs whisper amongst themselves, no doubt being somewhat jealous of the Salukiā€¦

Soon enough, you and the Saluki are up on the dock outside the houseboat. She stops walking, and turns around to face you before she sits down in front of youā€¦

You ask her if sheā€™s really serious about eating you.

In response, she says to you in a calm and friendly tone that she has to now, even if she doesnā€™t really want to. She adds that she thinks youā€™re kind of cute, for being a trespasser and allā€¦

This causes you to look up at her, before she lowers her head towards you, opening her mouth as she does.

Soon enough, the Salukiā€™s jaws are around you. Her breath wafts over you, smelling strongly of the hot dogs she was eating a few minutes before.

She lifts her head back up, your lower half still dangling from her mouth.

The Salukiā€™s tongue starts tasting you. She mmmā€™s around you, apparently really enjoying your taste now, as she works you towards the back of her mouth.

Her canine teeth gently chew on you, as her saliva coats you for your trip down her throatā€¦

The larger dog then swallows you, her throat bulging out slightly on the outside.

She uses her tongue to pull the rest of your body into her mouth.

You feel her tongue taste and coat the rest of you in her saliva...

Outside, the Saluki has her eyes closed in bliss as some excess drool trickles down the side of her lips, dripping down onto the dock below.

She works the rest of you towards the back of her mouth, as she tilts her head back slightly, before she swallows again.

Now youā€™re just a bulge in the dogs neck, surrounded by her throatā€¦

She then gives you a final, wet, soft glrk of a swallow to send you to her stomach.

The bulge you were making in her neck disappears into her chest, as the Saluki contently sighs around you, before licking the sides of her mouth for the last of your flavour.

Inside, you enter the dogs stomach, now surrounded by the bits of mashed up hot dog sheā€™d eatenā€¦

Her stomach happily groans and gurgles around you, as on the outside you are now just a decently sized bulge in the dogs middle.

She gets up and walks back towards the houseboatā€¦

Once the female dog returns to the others, the terrier walks over to her.

You hear from the inside, as the Salukiā€™s stomach continues to loudly groan around you, the terrier ask her how you were to eat. You then hear the other dogs, specifically the chihuahua, also ask her ā€œYeah Ritaā€¦How was it? Are they good food, or not?ā€

The dog that you were now just another meal for, Rita, responds to all the other dogs saying that you were a very delicious and filling dinner. Even better than the hot dogs they were currently eating, which were pretty hard to beatā€¦

With that, the Saluki then leaves the other, now very jealous, dogs to go digest in peaceā€¦

As she left, she could hear some of them start arguing amongst themselvesā€¦until the terrier quickly put a stop to it.

Outside the houseboat, now sitting on its deck, Rita looked down at her now beginning to properly digest stomach, and gave a soft smile before she patted it with one of her front paws.

Inside, you feel her pat her stomach, causing it to squelch around you and the hot dog bits, before you hear her suddenly let out a deep and loud burp.

Catching her completely off guard, Rita blushed a little from the loud wet belch of a burp, feeling a little embarrassed by it.

She looked around before slowly laying herself down onto the houseboats deck, thankful that the other dogs - especially the terrier, Dodger, didnā€™t hear it.

She then fell asleep, as her stomach contently continued to digest her dinner through the rest of the night and into the morningā€¦
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