Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2256266-Crawling-Back-To-Her---Part-4
Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #2256266
Steve's humiliation continues at Lucy's feet, yet he can't help but enjoy it!
"Loser, I want you to take a break and fix me a drink. Orange juice with ice," Steve's ex girlfriend tells him, one of her bare feet prodding him away very slightly.

"Yes, boss," he replies meekly, however reluctant he is to be parted from her soles. He is about to stand to head to the kitchen but he remembers his place, and role. Shuffling away, on his hands and knees, he can imagine her pretty face is one of smugness and satisfaction as she types away on her laptop.

So little has changed in fourteen years, yet so much. Still, Lucy's beverage of choice appears to be an orange juice with ice. Still, she is working away at something - now work, rather than schoolwork. And yes, as he did all those years ago and is doing again gratefully now, he is literally kneeling at her feet and massaging them, like a servant.

Back then, he was her boyfriend, not a spineless, snivelling loser. Back then, she would not call him things like 'loser', and 'foot bitch'; she had affection for him; he was the better-looking and more confident of the two. He also did not have another girlfriend, who did adore him and he can't - and shouldn't help but feel horribly guilty for betraying her like this. He tries to rationalise this as a duty to his ex, rather than outwardly cheating, but it's a thin argument. Lucy is right of course - he doesn't have the balls to admit the truth to Helen, not about his foot fetish, not about his real desires. And now he's in so deep with his ex...

Yet there's more to it than that. Steve genuinely hasn't realised how much he'd hurt Lucy. From breaking her heart at sixteen and seriously causing her stress and bitterness the second time round... he had been selfish and thoughtless in so many ways. She hadn't moved on in her life, still at her parents, still in the same job... If him doing what she told him, all involving her feet was what was needed to help her, he'd do it. Yes, massaging her feet tonight was the least he could do, to help heal those wounds.

Bringing back in the drink, he notices with surprise that she is wearing glasses. Not dissimilar to the ones she'd worn many years ago - large, thick frames which made her look undeniably cute and nerdy at the same time. Handing her the drink, she nods, barely acknowledging him. He thinks about mentioning the glasses but remembers his two options: 'Yes, boss' and 'No, boss.'

This really completes the scene. Meekly rubbing the feet of his ex, who feels he is so beneath her now that it is a clearer reversal of fortunes from all those years ago that he'd dumped her. There would have been a time when she was desperate to please him, thrilled as she was to be dating someone 'out of her league'. It was actually a little startling to be almost travelling back in time to massage his ex's feet, but the stark difference being the much more powerful and confident aura about her. One other thing, he just can't shake is his throbbing hard-on, now at the point of affecting his breathing and perspiration. Feeling sweat actually drip from his forehead and his palms becoming increasingly moist, Lucy notices it too.

Frowning and peering at him over her glasses, she stops typing. "Er, are you OK there, foot bitch?"

"Yes...boss," he replies, feeling more sweat drip from his forehead.

"You look, kinda sweaty," she surpasses a giggle. "This a little too much for you?"

"No... I mean, yes.. I mean...um..." He can't even be coherent as his slippery fingers actually drop one of her perfect feet to the couch. "Sorry, boss. I'm sorry... I..." He flusters, before remembering his two options of words. Going silent under her stare, he swallows thickly, wiping away the dampness from his head with one hand, the same one that contains a mixture of his perspiration and her foot sweat.

Both amused and annoyed, she tuts at him. "Looks like you've not got the stamina I thought. I've got least another half hour of work to do." She shrugs. "Oh well - I can't be having my feet being dropped like that, can I?"

He wants to protest but knows better of it. "No, boss." He says weakly.

"Plus, you probably should get back to your girlfriend," her eyes flash wickedly, while he feels torn, knowing at least this is the right thing to do. He could even buy Helen some flowers, or make the apartment even tidier before she gets back... "Unless, of course..." Lucy's cute, freckled nose crinkles as she pushes her large, black-framed glasses back on.

"Yes...boss?" He asks with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. He's already mentally started the process of crawling out of here while trying to disguise a huge erection.

"I'll give you the choice, to make it fair. As you know, I'm always fair, aren't I loser? You can either crawl out of here now, as your foot rubbing has outstayed its welcome. Or, you can be my foot rest."

"Foot rest?!" Steve gasps at her, immediately regretting speaking up. He stays silent as she frowns at him before continuing.

"My feet aren't so comfortable here and nor is my back. I want to stretch them out but as you can see there's no coffee table - Mom got rid of that years ago. Anyway, you can be my foot rest. What's it going to be, my helpful little foot boy?" She smirks at him, swivelling her legs around so she is now sat at normally back on the sofa, like she was yesterday, with both legs at a right angle, her feet hovering, the toes wiggling."

You can leave...just leave now... That's the right thing to do, the sensible thing to do. He could really surprise Helen, prove to her earlier that she had nothing to be suspicious about... but getting to be his ex's foot rest. That would mean her soft, bare soles resting on him...

"Yes...boss..." He murmurs weakly, crawling on all fours so that his back accommodates the weight and pressure from her feet and ankles.

She shakes her head at him, rolling her eyes as she crosses over her legs so the pressure is slightly more pronounced in the small of his back. "I'm sure your girlfriend won't mind, of course not..." She says sarcastically. "Well, it's your choice. By the way, had you crawled away, I probably wouldn't have asked for another foot massage any time soon. Actually choosing to be my foot rest... Well, that tells me that you either can't resist me, you're trying to make it up to me - based on the last couple of nights AND the past, or that you want to prove you can earn back being allowed to give me a foot massage again, as your hands were sweaty and not exactly up to it just now. Interesting! I love analysing!"

Staying silent, Steve merely grunts, not even able to see her face from his position. Wow, he's been demoted in a very quick time! From being playfully but irresistibly seduced by her feet last night, massaging away like a submissive beta just now and now... little more than human furniture!

However, it feels good to serve her. It's humiliating and thrilling at the same time. Best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) of all, his hard-on is still throbbing away, making his balls actually begin to ache a bit. Occasionally, his ex demands a drinks refill, which he does automatically, bringing it back to her as quickly as possible to please her. After a little while, perhaps half an hour or so, she seems to be getting uncomfortable.

"Your back is too high for my feet. Turn around to face me and drop your chest down - like child's pose in yoga," she tells him with authority, lifting up her legs while he repositions meekly. He knows the pose well. Lucy had started yoga in between their relationships before. When they had started their second relationship, he actually came over when she was in the middle of a routine. He had waited a good twenty minutes outside her bedroom door, for her to finish before being allowed to enter the room, of course greeted to the sight of a barefoot Lucy in the child's pose...

That particular yoga position is one to relax the body as much as possible, but also is a way of surrendering. The latter is definitely most true here! It actually does one thing to him; the pressure of his body bending forward finally, mercifully causes his erection to start subsiding, at least making it easier for him to get back and drive home with more of a level-head...

"Actually, I need a better angle. Lie down on your back," she orders him abruptly, just as he was beginning to relax. Of course he obeys. While he stares at the ceiling, he shifts his eyes forward to see both of Lucy's bare feet descending upon him; at the last second, they cross over so that one heel is pressed lightly onto his right cheek, and the other foot gently caresses against the other side of his. His nose is filled at once with the glorious, heady scent of her perfect feet, his mouth pushed to the side so he has no option to even consider kissing her soles.

"I'm letting you do this because you've been a good foot rest. Keep proving to me that you're a good, little beta bitch and you'll definitely be grateful for it," she tells him matter-of-factly.

"Th-thank you....thanks..." Steve murmurs, his voice muffled by her feet, so enamoured to be in this position, he completely forgets about his options for speaking. A sharp tap from one foot to his forehead reminds him.

"Y-yes...b-boss..." He croaks, while she spreads her toes and gives an apparent sigh of satisfaction.

Within twenty seconds, he feels his dick throbbing again, something that she clearly notices as she has a clear on view in front of her of his entire body. "Wow, it really doesn't take long does it? Something I've been revisiting recently as well is our sexual experiences, when I've been able to make you orgasm incredibly quickly. Of course, the common denominator was my feet, obviously... I remember once when we watched one of the Captain America films in this very room. You were so horny and desperate to get all over me but I wanted to watch the deleted scenes. I was annoyed but you just wouldn't stop whining, so I pressed pause, then challenged myself to making you cum in under a minute. I didn't even bother taking your pants or boxers off! All I did was push you onto couch and shoved my groin against you a few times. You came in your pants in, like, 10 seconds. I felt a little bad that you then had to sit there, all sticky, while I got to watch all of the deleted scenes with no protest. Ha, I hadn't even thought that I'd been resting my feet on you during that film. Had I not done it, or been wearing shoes, you probably wouldn't even have gotten hard!"

Her words are a bit of a blur as he meekly continues to use his face as her doting foot rest. His jeans are now shaking a little as he feels his cock literally dripping with pre-cum.

"How many times did I make you cum into your pants? I mean, I know of at least a few where I didn't want to get my hands or anything else messy, but knowing what I know now... I really wander..." She muses this thoughtfully, casually swapping over her feet, while he grunts slightly to accommodate the change in position, his lips very briefly tasting a slightly cheddary, fruity flavour.

Tapping back at her keyboard, she seems to be refocused on her work now. Meanwhile, the hard-on is getting so unbearable, Steve feels himself squirm against the pressure from his cock, straining against his boxer shorts, nudging against his jeans.

"That's another reason why you're here, at my feet, you know. Something else I've realised is that you being so obsessed with my feet is actually demeaning. It's like you have objectified me and that's made me resentful. It's why after that I couldn't consider a proper relationship with you - which is why now, I'm exploring our dynamic where there is one clear alpha and beta. Or winner, and loser!" She giggles a little as she types away.

"Oh!" She suddenly lets out a louder laugh. "I remember another one! Back in your bedroom, at your parent's place. After we started making out, you claimed that you could resist me kissing you for five minutes... you literally went thirty seconds before begging me to kiss you! I remember that so well, because I had taken my shoes and socks off at the door, and you were practically hard, the moment we started making out. I thought you were just incredibly horny for me. I thought about getting laid then, but I wanted to wait. And I'm glad I did! Anyway, I straddled you, as you made this claim of 5 minutes."

He remembers it well. It was, embarrassingly the first of a good few times that he came far, far too early...

"So after thirty seconds, when you surrendered and begged me to kiss you, I remember laughing at how hopeless you were as I dropped my full weight down on you and kissed you all over your face, before snogging your face off and dry humping against you a couple of times. You then told me you had to go to the bathroom suddenly. I was, like, OK... But I knew what had happened - I just didn't want to make you feel bad. I mean, it must be kinda humiliating, shooting your load like that..."

Is doing this deliberately?! He feels like making the same excuse now, to actually tug himself off, NOT for her to witness and notice, like she apparently did fourteen years ago!

"I mean, I get it now though. You couldn't stop staring at my feet - you even insisted I walk ahead of you! When I started kissing you, I actually remember arching my legs up and bending my feet around - I must have known subconsciously that you were drawn to them. I'd love to know how much was my kisses... you were so infatuated with me..." She stares down at him, pushing her glasses back that had slipped forward a little. "How much was feet, how much was me?"

Still squirming, literally, he knows there is no answer. He merely whimpers, as he feels his load begin to build up to a climax, like a volcano, ready to erupt...

"Ooh, when I stayed over at your place for the first time a few years ago, you agreed to sleep on the couch, which I thought was very gentlemanly of you, and made it clear that we'd have sex on my terms, of course. Anyway, in the morning, I thought it would be funny to wake you up by smelling my feet! So I put my feet over your face... a bit like this actually... until you started stirring..." She giggles at the memory.

Oh, crap... this is going to be all over, very quickly. Forcing himself to stay rigid still, Steve hopelessly looks on, praying that his pants will stop quivering...

"By the time you opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was my feet, you were so surprised but stayed so calm, then I felt that splurt from your groin. I nearly hopped off you, but felt bad that I had caught you at a private moment...like you had been jerking off with your eyes closed, not knowing I was there. But it was my feet that did it, wasn't it. It's always been my feet hasn't it, loser?" She giggles again, while gently rubbing each sole against his lips and nose, her silky, smooth bare feet feeling so glorious and natural while he lays there, in total ecstasy...It takes all his concentration NOT to kiss her feet and completely worship them in surrender, forgetting to focus on trying to stay still....

Convulsing forward, he lets out a full on howl of release, which is at least restricted in volume due to her feet covering his face. However, the ejaculation is more than noticeable. Lucy stops rubbing her feet, allowing them to rest there, sliding downwards so that she can lean forward, readjusting her glasses and raising an eyebrow at the stain already forming over his crotch. Such was the power of his orgasm, his cum shot throw his boxers and heavily thundered against his jeans, already soaking through...

"Wow... I didn't think that would happen. I mean, you didn't even touch it, did you? No... you definitely didn't touch it." She stares at him, a mixture of amusement and pity on her face. "Well, at least that explains why you were squirming so much. Can you be a good foot rest while I finish this work now?"

"Yes...boss..." he croaks, completely drained and destroyed. His ex girlfriend has made him cum in his pants, without even touching his crotch! It is beyond pathetic; it is so, so demeaning that he lies on the floor, spread-eagled, just hoping that she'll finish her work soon. With every passing second, he feels the need to get out, to escape this desperately humiliating situation. Yet, he knows he can't - any sign of going against her just doesn't feel like an option. Even now!

Also, time is ticking away and fast. Helen will be surely be back soon and expecting him to be up for some physical time. Steve needs to get changed, get ready...

Time stretches out, and for a mortifying moment, a feels the unmistakeable sense of wood building in his pants once more. Maybe it is just good timing, or that his ex has taken pity on him but she suddenly removes her feet from his face, putting down her laptop and stretching back out onto the couch.

"Well, I told you that everyone's good at something didn't I, loser? You are good at foot massages but you need to sort out the sweating. I don't want my feet being dropped, feeling all clammy. Even better though, you are the perfect foot rest..." she grins at her ex, while he hangs his head in shame, knowing the compliment is a derisive remark. "Once you got all of that stuff out of your system, you were perfect. Still, solid. Yep, I think that's what you're best at of all."

"Yes...b-boss..." he stammers, feeling so broken now. Not even after removing the sexual frustration from his system can he even consider standing up to her.

"Oh, and one more thing," her blue eyes sparkle, as if just thinking of it. "As you were an excellent foot rest - whether it be on all fours, in the child's pose, or on your back - your best position of all - you may kiss my feet. Once each before you crawl out of here."

It's an offer he knows deep down he will jump out to take. Shifting to his hands and knees, he meekly crawls forward, back to the position he was with the initial foot massage, as he gazes longingly at each bare sole. The objects of simultaneous desire and destruction. She smirks as Steve silently leans forward to kiss one foot at a time, making each one last as long as possible, allowing himself to extend out his tongue so it's more of a French kiss, savouring the delicious salty, yet sweet, musty but just perfect flavour.

"Now, I know that I've been keeping you quiet while I've been working. Or reminiscing about the past..." she adds with a grin. "You've done that well too, most of the time. So, as a reward, you may show me how grateful you are for this evening."

"Thank you, thank you so much Lucy...goddess...my conqueror... thank you for letting me massage your feet... I'm sorry I sweated so much, I will work on that. I'm...sorry...I loved every moment...thank you so much for allowing me to. And for being your foot rest...it was an honour... thank you for seeing me worthy to do this. It was...it was amazing, feeling your feet on my face..." he gushes. "You're right...when you woke me up with your feet a few years ago... I felt them there... I could smell them and got hard, but pretended to be asleep... all it took was some movement from your legs to make me cum... but tonight...it was all me.. I just couldn't...I didn't even need to touch...sorry for being so hopeless, so pathetic...I...I accept my place at your feet, as your foot bitch..thank you so much. I'm sorry...sorry that I'm not man enough to satisfy you... to make you feel fulfilled....Sorry. But thank you for just being so honest and beautiful and for having the best feet..." He whimpers, bowing his head on the edge of the couch while she crosses her legs, her feet dangling just over his head - in perfect symbolism for their relationship.

It's the most pathetic and humble he has ever sounded, by a long way, in his entire life. The worst thing is that he genuinely believes what he says and accept that he deserves whatever she need to do with him. A mixture of her feet, plus her constant analysis of their past has made him increasingly weak, guilty and helpless around her.

"You're welcome, my grateful little foot bitch. Keep grovelling like that, and you'll definitely get closer to accepting your place - not just here but in life. Now - crawl away." She pushes her bare feet against his head, allowing him to meekly crawl away from her, far more beneath her than the previous night. Steve knows that she gave him so much sexual pleasure, so effortlessly, that he is hooked...broken...defeated but accepting in his place.

Thoughts of Helen swim into his head while he scurries back to his car, then motors away. Can he keep doing this? Living this double life? Things with Lucy are from over. Even though they're not dating, or even having an affair he's definitely been unfaithful to his current girlfriend. Has Lucy opened his eyes and made him truly accept that he's really a foot bitch deep down?

Or does it have to be that black and white? Maybe he can enjoy the conventional relationship with Helen, one that has got him promotions at work, a nice, spacious apartment. He thinks of Lucy, still living at her parents... what does he ultimately want with his ex? Does Steve actually want to get back with her, to make up for what happened before or does she truly see him as a worthless loser, just to be dominated and humiliated?

So many questions and so little time. Worst of all, as he pulls outside the apartment, he swallows thickly as he notices his girlfriend is already there. Checking his phone, he sees a message from Helen sent ten minutes ago.

Baby, where are you? The hall light is on too...should I be worried? Call me as soon as you get this! xxx

How is Steve going to deal with this? Continue to lie to Helen, tell the truth...or is there another option? It's getting to the point where he needs to start making some tough choices, but does he have the guts to do so? And what does Lucy want... she seems to be far from done with her ex! Find out next time!
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