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by NRawk
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #2262256
After a night of drinking and fun, Eri goes out to do some shopping.
06 - Perspective

The next morning, Eri groggily got up sometime close to noon. Her mouth felt dry and she had a slight headache, but surprisingly she didn't feel hungover. Sirus was also still asleep, curled into a little ball in her cleavage.

"So adorable." She thought, smiling warmly before she realized that she had gone to bed completely naked. Her face flushed a bright shade of red as she started to remember her drunken actions. "I really need to learn to hold my liquor better..." She slowly got out of the sleeping bag, gently setting Sirus back in the head section without waking him somehow when she noticed that he was crying in his sleep. This sight always broke Eri's heart a little, something she would see more frequently than she would like but thankfully not every day. This was a sign that he was dreaming of his family, this time he wasn't mumbling but quite often he would, calling for his mother, father or people named Chris, Alex or Jamie. She wanted to comfort him, but knew that anything short of letting him go was nothing more than a hollow gesture. Regretting her actions but ultimately pushing those feeling aside she still had a busy day ahead.

She picked out some clothes to wear, pink flowery lace bra and panties with pantyhose, a black skirt that clung to her knees and a pink and black horizontal striped off-the-shoulder sweater. Getting her shoes and coat on, Eri looked back to Sirus still sleeping in the sleeping bag and smiled softly. "I'll be back in a bit, don't get in too much trouble." She thought, waving good-bye and heading out the door, locking up behind her.

Even though it was her day off and she wanted to take it easy, Eri knew she still had a lot to do before she could provide a comfortable life for Sirus. She went and cancelled her PO Box now that she had an apartment and then went shopping for things she'd need. She ended up purchasing a large variety of stuff from groceries to cutlery on her way home, shrinking and carrying the load in the cheap, new purse she got. Being on the go for so long was exhausting and she was happy to get to the last terminal where she had to make a transfer.

As she headed into the building to wait for her last bus, Eri noticed a woman holding a picture and walking up to people. She was slightly shorter than Eri and probably twice Eri's age give or take a year. She had long, blonde hair and brown eyes at were swollen and red from apparent crying.

"Excuse me, have you seen this person?" Eri was able to hear the woman asked, showing the picture as she went. "My son, have you seen him?" She would continue to ask going from person to person.

"A mother looking for her lost son," Eri thought, her own heart weighing heavily for how close to home this hit her, "the poor woman."

Like a bee bouncing around from flower to flower, the woman questioned without rest, hoping that someone would have some information for her, eventually making her way to Eri.

"Excuse me miss, but have you seen my baby boy?" She asked, approaching holding up a picture.

Studying the photo, Eri's heart skipped a beat and she gasped in surprise, seeing a moderately handsome young adult man with brown hair and blue eyes standing next to the same woman holding the picture. He looked like he didn't want to be in the picture, but it was unmistakably someone she knew and very well at that.

"Sirus!?" Eri exclaimed, tears welling up almost immediately. "Sirus' mother? Oh no, what do I do?" Her thoughts in disarray the strength in her legs threatened to fail as she had to catch herself on a wall.

"You know my boy?!" The woman asked, eyes widening to an extreme degree and filling with hope. "Have you seen him? He went missing a few months ago. His roommate said he never came home from work, but his work had footage of him leaving." She explained, grasping Eri to help steady her.

"I can't let her know I have Sirus." Eri reasoned. "If she finds out I'll probably end up shrinking her too, and I don't want Sirus to hate me." "I... I actually met Sirus a bit before Christmas one morning." Eri stated, trying to keep as much to the truth as possible.

"That sounds like the time frame he disappeared, do you know the day?" The woman asked, becoming more ecstatic.

Shaking her head, Eri's tears began falling. While true she didn't remember the exact day of the week, she'd never forget what she did. "I'm sorry, I was actually... between homes at that time. Sirus helped me when my cart was in a ditch, gave me some change and even his gloves." She explained, producing said gloves from her purse, they were her treasure. She hugged the gloves to her chest, crying even more.

"Oh, you poor thing." The woman said, smiling gently to Eri. "That sounds like my Sirus, born with a heart of gold." There was a pride in her voice that spoke volumes of Sirus' character, not that Eri didn't already know.

"Thanks to him, I found a reason to try harder, make sacrifices and got my life back on track. I just got an apartment yesterday." Eri continued. "I can't thank him enough, if I had never met him... and now..."

The woman pulled Eri in for a hug, Eri breaking down and throwing her arms around Sirus' mother. "Shh, it's okay sweetie." The woman whispered. "I know my boy would be proud of the work you've done, I'm sure you did your best."

"Why?! Why this family?" Eri questioned angrily. "Why did I have to hurt this family?" She continued to cry for a couple minutes before she started to calm down. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." She apologized, staring down at the ground ashamed.

"It's not your fault dear." The woman replied, lifting Eri's chin to meet her gaze. "Thank you for telling me about my son." Helping Eri to her feet, the woman extended her hand. "I'm Melony, it's nice to meet you...?"

"Eri." She replied, shaking Melony's hand.

"Well, I won't take anymore of your time Eri." Melony said, letting Eri go. "When I find my son I'll be sure to tell him you worked hard and got your life back together."

"Miss Melony?" Eri called to the woman before she got too far away.

"Just call me Mel. What is it?" She asked, turning back to face the young woman.

"You said it's been over three months without a trace of him, so I'm sure some people have probably told you some awful things or not to get your hopes up. But I believe Sirus is out there somewhere, trying his best too." Eri said, trying to comfort the mature woman.

Smiling a motherly smile, Melony nodded. "I know he is, I'm his mother after all." She said, waving and then continuing on her quest to find her missing son.

Eri wasn't able to think straight for the next little while. For the past three months she had actually been living happily with Sirus, sure it was rough every now and then, but she still remembered the days fondly. She hadn't allowed herself to think about how his family would be taking his disappearance, or more like she didn't care for as bad as it sounds.

"They were just indistinct blobs to me... Sirus doesn't talk much about them." She thought, absentmindedly boarding her bus. "I want to make Sirus happy, but I also have to keep him. But do I really have to, or do I merely want to keep him? At first I kept him because I promised Eris, so she wouldn't take my power away. But spending so much time with Sirus, do I really value my power more than doing the right thing?"

"If you didn't, you'd have released him by now." Another voice rang through her mind.

"Eris! Could you at least warn me, please?" Eri asked, startled by Eris' abrupt response. "But you're probably right... If I didn't think on some level that Sirus wasn't worth losing my power I would have restored him by now."

"I have to admit that he is pretty special though." Eris stated. "My tinies always beg and try to bargain with me, it's quite cute in its own way actually. Though almost all of them bore me and I end up eating them, stomping them, squishing them with my boobies, crushing them in my pussy or shoving them up my killer ass." She bragged, giggling at her mischief.

"How can you so casual do things like that?" Eri asked almost in disgust. "Those people were just living their lives and you toy with them and kill them? What gives you the right?"

"The fact that I shrunk them, obviously." She replied as if it were that simple. "Listen, sure I'm powerful, powerful enough to meddle in alternate dimensions, but I still get bored like anyone else. And it's not just humans I target either, though they are the funnest. I've buried devils in toe jam, suffocated demons in vaginal discharges, covered angels in shit that has the corpses of the gods I've shoved up my ass in it. I've even drowned DRAGONS in my piss, and those scaley fucks are more powerful than gods. I can do anything I want to whoever I want whenever I want."

"So you just decided to give me this power and get me to ruin peoples lives for the fun of it?" Eri asked, not even sure if she fully believed Eris self-proclaimed feats of power.

"More or less. And if I get bored I'll turn your dimension into just another of my anal beads." Eris answered honestly. "Oh wait, I already have fifteen and don't want to make the string too long... Whatever, one more wouldn't hurt."

"What?!" Terrified, Eri couldn't believe what Eris was saying. "Turn an entire dimension into an... an..."

"Oh yeah! It's really fun too, I protect it from being crushed by my shit, but the smell wafts throughout the entire place." She explained giggling. "And then I check on them every now and then and everyone's all like 'Oh I wish this smell would go away.' or 'I forget what fresh air smells like.' That never gets old. Oh, and when I keep them up there for so long and the new generation doesn't even know what fresh air is, priceless. Plus I like the feeling of a bowel full of beads."

"No way, that... I can't even..." Eri thought, her mind failing to comprehend the scale on which the being that took notice in her operates on.

"Oh don't worry, despite what I thought, watching you and your little boy toy is actually pretty interesting. I'll probably not have to do anything like that to get my entertainment from your dimension." Eris informed. "Though, maybe think about telling someone about your power and giving them some tinies to play with. Oh, your friend Sarah seems pretty naughty, I'm sure she could even give you some ideas, that would be fun to watch."

"I couldn't do that! I told you, I'm not shrinking anyone else." Eri protested.

"Just a suggestion, I doubt little Si would let you anyway." Eris said. "He's pretty good at sniffing out danger before it happens."

"Not good enough, otherwise he would still be his own person." Eri thought bitterly at herself.

"Maybe it was because you aren't dangerous." Eris offered offhandedly. "Oh, sorry sweetie, I got guests coming to play a little game now. Talk to you later." And with that, the storm of chaos known as Eris passed as quickly as she came.

"Not dangerous? Sure I wouldn't hurt him, but I ruined his life... and am worrying his family." She thought. Looking at the scenery outside, Eri realized that while talk to Eris she had missed her stop. Getting off at the next available stop, Eri quickly headed home though could stop thinking about Melony and if or how she should tell Sirus about her.


Unbeknownst to him, Sirus woke up an hour or so after Eri left. He normally didn't sleep so long but he figured in exchange for mostly keeping his wits while drunk, his body took more energy to recover, a fair enough trade. Realizing that Eri had left him alone he was actually at a lost of what to do for a while, basically every waking moment for the past three months had been by Eri's side.

Even though he was slightly hungry there was no food in the unit yet so he preoccupied himself by playing his 3DS a bit, most games were impossible for him to play especially at three inches tall, but turn based ones like Pokon were perfect. He played for a bit but low batteries forced him to stop early. He decided to explore the apartment a bit, his trusty, modified sewing needle in hand. He had wrapped the base of the needle with some hockey tape for a grip and used rocks to grind a slight cutting edge to it. Because of Eri's diligence he had yet to need to use it but he was confident it would serve him well.

The last people to occupy the unit were thorough in their cleaning, there was nothing interesting to find at all. By the time he made it to the end of the hall by the entrance he figured Eri might be getting back anytime now.

He climbed to the top shelf of the coat closet and waited for his giantess handler to come home. His wait was longer than he thought and in the meantime he did some light exercise and practiced his needle handling to pass the time. A couple hours later he heard the sound of keys jingle on the other side of the door, followed by the deadbolt unlocking. Getting in place, Sirus waited as Eri entered the unit and closed the door behind her. He decided to surprise her as she was locking the door.

"Welcome home!" He yelled, running to the end of the shelf and jumping towards the blonde girl.

Eri barely had time to turn towards the voice that welcomed her back before she saw Sirus flying towards her. "Sirus!?" She exclaimed, quickly reaching her palms out to catch him.

Sliding along the surface of Eri's palm, Sirus' momentum carried him over her wrist and down the sleeve of her coat, coming to rest at her elbow.

"Don't scare me like that Sirus." Eri said, sliding him down her sleeve to her waiting hand. "What if I didn't catch you?"

"But you did." He countered, sitting on her palm.

Puffing out her cheeks in mild frustration, Eri couldn't help but feel a little happy he seemed to trust her that much now. "Maybe I should keep you with me at all times if you're going to pull stunts like that." She said, carrying him back to the living space. "I actually felt a little lonely without you today." She admitted, sitting down and setting him down. She removed her coat and started unpacking all the things she had bought.

"Yeah, it got a little boring without you here too." Sirus confessed, sitting off to the side to not get in the way. "So do I need to ask?" He asked, looking at her tear stained face and slightly reddened eyes.

"Ask about what?" Eri feigned ignorance, though she knew she does so poorly. She restored some bags of groceries and headed to the kitchen to put them away, hoping Sirus wouldn't pursue her in the process. She was wrong. When she set the bags on the counter to start organizing everything she felt something start climbing up her pantyhose. Looking down she saw Sirus ascending her leg at a steady pace and took a moment to appreciate how much muscle definition he had gained since she shrunk him. "We can talk later Sirus, I've got to put these groceries away." She said, trying to ignore him for now.

"Did something happen?" He asked, undeterred as he quickly reached the hem of her skirt. "Did someone try to do something to you?"

"No, no, its nothing." She said, trying to end the conversation as she opened the fridge and freezer to put stuff away.

The cold air hit Sirus causing him to shiver. He had always been sensitive to the cold, something he was teased for by his Canadian fellows, so in order to escape the frigid embrace he climb under her skirt.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going mister?" She asked sternly, realizing where he went.

"It's cold out there." He defended, but needed to climb close to her inner thighs because of how tight her skirt was. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No. I told you it's nothing." She repeated. She knew he was only looking out for her the only way he could, which helped offset the irritation of him not listening to her.

"It wasn't 'nothing' if you were crying." Sirus argued, having reached just under her crotch now, the pink lace undergarment slightly visible thanks to the lighting.

"Come out from there before I get mad Sirus." She warned, reaching down and pinching her pantyhose just below him and shaking it a couple times hoping to dislodge him. While she succeeded in breaking the tiny man's grip, Eri ripped a hole in her pantyhose and before she could let go Sirus fell into it.

Caught between the tight, mesh legwear and Eri's soft, hairless inner thigh, Sirus tried to wiggle his way out but was held fast. "Um, I got stuck in your pantyhose..." He informed her, waiting for a rescue.

"Oh, I don't know." She giggled playfully, patting Sirus before withdrawing her hand. "I'm very busy right now, I have groceries to put away, dishes to wash so we can use them and soooooo much more, I don't think I'll have time to get you out for a while. If you think you can get out of there by yourself you're welcome to try, otherwise I guess you'll have to wait." She teased.

"And if I get out you'll tell me what happened?" Sirius asked, smiling confidently.

"If you get out and up to my shoulders, I'll grant you one request." Eri replied, continuing her tasks, trying to keep her legs open enough to not crush Sirus but close enough to hold him in place. "But when I am finished and help you out, I get to do something I always wanted to do with you. Deal?" She added.

"Challenge accepted." Sirus said, confirming his approval of the terms as he began wiggle madly to turn around.

© Copyright 2021 NRawk (nrawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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