Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2262777-Music-of-the-Past
Rated: E · Poetry · Music · #2262777
The Writer's Cramp due December 1, 2021 (Line Count: 16)
I listen to the music of the past,
Music that brings back joyful memories,
That radio stations broadcast,
Throughout winter's holiday season.

I want to sing along, when I hear,
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth,
Because it fills me with Christmas cheer,
And always makes giggle and laugh.

While we were putting up decorations
Frosty the Snowman would make me smile,
When played on the local radio station,
Or on my Grandparents record player.

As I listen to the music from my childhood,
I contemplate the years that have elapsed,
Since I reach my full adulthood,
I start to hum my childhood's favorite songs.

Poet's Note:

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