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Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Personal · #2263073
How I was conned and hurt by a catfish and the man whose pic were used
It all started on a vampire page on Facebook. I was bored one evening and joined. A few days later I received a message from someone named Morley Howard claiming to be in a coven called the Biltmore coven. On October 5th 2019 I answered his message for the first time. We began talking daily constantly from then on. It started out with him wanting me to purchase a kit to join his cousin. After several weeks of talking and him sweet talking me I finally gave in and purchased it. I never did receive it. We began having a relationship. He told me he lived in New Orleans and was a photographer. He would never video chat with me though he was just send me pictures. I don't know if I was just naive or just wanted to believe him that much that it didn't even bother me that we didn't video chat because I'm not much of a person that wants to be on video myself. When I asked why my kit never came when I asked why my kid didn't come, he always had some type of excuse. I finally asked for a refund and at that point in time he told me he had some trouble and really needed money. He told me he owed money to what he called a vampire Mafia type organization for a loan to pay on his mom's house. He talked to me into letting him have my refund. After that he told me he lost his job and he joined the army. Now he had told me he was 33 years old so I couldn't figure out how he got in the army. He said that his mentor in the vampire coven was a captain in the army and helped him get in. So in November of 2019 he told me he settle for boot camp. It was then on Valentine's Day 2020 that he told me he would be deployed overseas. We continue to talk on WhatsApp and made plans for the future. We were going to get married and I was going to adopt his daughter Jessica. He wanted me to help him fight for custody and he said being married he would probably definitely get custody. During this time he also was asking for money for child support to send to his ex. Then when Jessica's birthday came up he wanted money to help pay for her birthday party. We would celebrate our anniversary on the 5th of every month. He would send me pictures of flowers and hearts and tell me I was his beautiful wife. If there was ever time he couldn't get a hold of me he would text my sister and have her check on me to make sure I was okay. Everyday he would ask me if I ate which I never figured out what that meant or why I've never had anyone ask me that before every day. This went on until July of 2021. It was then that I found out it was all a lie. That he wasn't the person in the pictures he was sending me and he was just calling me out of money. I was completely devastated my whole world I had planned out for my future was gone. I didn't know what I was going to do I didn't know where I was going to turn. So on that same vampire site where he found me I posted the pictures he sent me of him and asked if anyone knew who he was or how to get a hold of him because he had blocked me on Whatsapp and I had no way of getting a hold of him. Like an hour after I posted it on the site, I had a response from a man named Nicolas Husson. He told me those were his pictures and that this has been happening to him for years now. He messaged me and we started talking. He told me he lives in France and he is in the army in France. That is where Morley must have gotten that whole story..At first he was very sweet he would message me all day long everyday. We just talked and talked then he got flirty I would send me videos of him blowing kisses and sweet little things like that. As it went on and we talked then it got sexual. He would send me videos of him pleasuring himself and naked photos of himself. He also like to dress up like a vampire and sometimes he would do these things with his teeth in like he was a vampire. We got very close and had the sexual encounters online quite frequently. Then in September I made a mistake and messaged someone asking about some calligraphy that he had done for her. For some reason this just was too much for him to handle and he flipped out on me. He was always very dramatic about everything. He took me off all his social media but told me we could still talk. And I kept hoping in time and what's apologizing that things could get back to somewhat normal and we could be friendly again. But apparently apologizing isn't good enough for him. He seems to want me to suffer every day with the guilt I have for doing this. And not allowing me to feel forgiveness and peace. Morley I could understand he was a con for money but Nicolas I don't understand. It's like he wants to hurt me just for the sake of hurting me. I know I shouldn't have messaged that girl about his calligraphy but I didn't think it was that big of a deal to totally crush our friendship over. It's now November and he barely talks to me anymore. I cry everyday over this and yet he has no heart at all. I don't understand how someone who is in the army can be so cold and heartless. I have literally apologize to him over and over and begged and begged and begged for his forgiveness. But there is none for me. Apparently what I did is unforgivable. I'm like the most horrible person in the world to him and I care so much for him. I've been so depressed and so upset. I feel like a zombie inside I'm here but I'm really not living. Some days I feel suicidal. I can't understand how someone can be so cold and heartless and I'm caring for someone who cares so much for them. He did tell me a few weeks ago that even though we don't talk much anymore he's still uses my pictures to pleasure himself by. That I have that effect on him. And that makes me feel even more horrible you can use my pictures for that but I'm not good enough just have a conversation with. And he knew what I went through with Morley. And now he's doing the same exact thing. The past few months this has happened to me twice now. I'm actually in tears as I write this because it hurts so much. My heart hurts so much every day and there's no relief for it. No matter how much I try to explain it to him it seems to make things worse. Some days I don't know how to even go on. I hope one day thing work out again cuz right now I have completely given up on trusting people loving anyone or even living
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