Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2263158-There-are-angels-among-us
Rated: E · Prose · Cultural · #2263158
angels are here with us
There are angels among us, there truly are
Angels are all around us
Some are here to help and aid us
Some are here and they do nothing but try to hurt us
Angels of the Heavenly kind and those of pure darkness.
Angels that do good, angels that do bad
Some that protect us, some that harm us
Some that speak the truth of God to us some that tell twisted lies
Mankind is entertaining them all the time
Most of the time we know not the when or the where
However, they are there watching and waiting
They are on assignment from God so they watch and wait
Even for the bad ones, God is still their boss
So they wait for an assignment, wait for their next job to
They can and do travel to and fro, from Heaven to earth and back again
They are at Gods command so they come and go as he pleases
They don't really get to do as they please for the most part
Angels are among us, you may have entertained many a one
They slip in and out of our lives performing their duties
Some perform them whole-heartedly, some of the others not so much.
Angels are among us, the divine is among us pretty much all the time
Each human has an angel they say
I wonder if each human has more than one a good one and a bad one like on cartoon tv
Well, no matter how many are assigned to us they are among us for sure.

Will one pay you a visit today?

There are evils ones to however we aren't addressing this here
Hopefully most the good ones will appear for you when needed!
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