Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2264196-Urbanes-Kidnapping
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #2264196
Secret Santa Gift.
Urbane awoke with a groan, his head throbbing from whatever had decided to impact his skull. He could feel a small welt already forming back there and would be damn sure to give one in return to whoever gifted it to him. He felt his eyes open, but no light seemed to register in them. Blinking a couple times and shaking his head a bit, he quickly deduced that someone had blindfolded him in his unconscious state. His anger rising, he quickly tried reaching for the covering, only to find his wrist and ankles securely strapped down. Realizing he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, he decided to use what senses were still at his control to examine his predicament.

Upon using his feeling he could tell that he was clothed as he was before...but his boots were missing. This was made even more clear by the musk from his socks as it hit his nose. Granted it wasn't unpleasant, but it no doubt filled the room around him. He spread and curled his socked toes, resting his head back on what seemed to be a table of sorts. There was no point wasting his strength.

It wasn't long after he awoke that he heard the distinct sound of footsteps. As they got louder, he picked up on one keen detail. They were being made by his boots! Having worn them so long, the sound was tattooed into his brain. He let out a soft hiss and went to snap at who he thought to be his captor. However all that came out was a surprised laugh as he felt a finger jam into his foot, lighting up the nerves in quite the ticklish jolt.

"Good. You're awake. Now we can begin our fun." The stranger spoke smoothly, not necessarily addressing him directly, but rather just stating the facts. Before Urbane could say anything, he felt ten pointed claws start in on his socked soles, striking at the defenseless nerves beneath. His laughter quickly filled the room as he instinctually pulled hard at the restraints. If he wasn't laughing so loud, he would have heard the slight chuckle from his captor before his two big wiggling socked toes were suddenly encased in their mouth. Urbane did not let this go unnoticed as moans began mixing in with the laughter.

The captor continued this mix of tickling and worship for what seemed like hours. The claws has worn through his musky socks, leaving access to his bare soles. However the hungry mouth continued focusing on the sock covered toes. Urbane couldn't help himself, and through this had sprung a hard on. The captor finally stopped for a moment and smirked, looking over their victim. They were happy to oblige in the obvious need of the captive, making quick work of his pants and under garments, a hard and leaking cock springing up. Urbane went to protest once more, but was met by a feather quickly working the sensitive skin. A loud squeal left his mouth, followed by giggles and moans alike as his cock was worked masterfully by the feather. He didn't know what he wanted. On one hand, he wanted the finish and the pleasure, on the other he feared it would not be the end. Unfortunately, he didn't get a say in the matter as with one final squeal, several large ropes of cum left his cock and painted his torso.

The captor could help but chuckle as they looked over Urbane.

"One down. At least ten to go. I'll give you a minute."
© Copyright 2021 MidnightWolf (sniperkid at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2264196-Urbanes-Kidnapping