Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2268892-A-Bad-Batch
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Contest · #2268892
Flash Fiction: Prompt "They won't be Missed."
"I thought these were supposed to be incinerated." Maggie sneered through sips from her black coffee, suspiciously eyeing her colleague Maxwell as he placed the last box of Sweet Melissa's sugar free gummy bears into his black monogramed duffle bag. "The FDA recalled them after all the projectile voiding and lawsuits."

Maxwell straightened up and adjusted the smudged black rimmed glasses sitting upon his greasy nose. "Consider this my severance package," He snapped back as he stormed through the brightly lit office and out to his battered Honda Civic, Maggie dropping the paper cup of burnt coffee and chasing after him.

"What do you mean severance package?" Maggie said in a panic as Maxwell threw open his trunk.

"You really have to start checking e-mails. We've been sacked, the whole damn department has been fired over this fiasco."

"Fired? But it was one bad product!" Maggie futilely protested.

"Yes, a fifty million dollar mistake, somebody had to go and it wasn't going to be the big executives. Welcome to corporate America." Maxwell ruefully lamented as he slammed his trunk shut.

"But why take the gummy bears, what could you possible want them for?" Maggie asked.

"For all the masochists and juvenile boys out there, who will buy these up on the black market." Maxwell smirked.

Maggie shook her head, "You really are the worst sort of person."

Maxwell pondered a moment, "You want to go behind the dumpster and do some blow?"

"Yeah screw it, why not." Maggie said as she surrendered to the stupidity and walked off to get cranked with the scoundrel Maxwell.

Meanwhile, two nightwatchmen were witnessing all this from the shadows of their smoke break. "They won't be missed." one said to the other as they went back inside to file their report of the theft.

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