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by Jason
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2269648
Experiencing transitions
Prompt: Experience
Title: Flowery conversation
Flowery Conversation
“Can you believe it?” Sarah said to Jason with dreamy eyes.
“I know, spring forth with hope now that the snow is melted and it is getting warmer.” Jason looked around inspired to get the day started.
“I know, the sun is getting brighter as the days are getting longer.” Sarah swatted at a few baby flies that were starting to pester her. “One thing I wont miss is the insects.”
“Right. We have to get to class, you want to walk with me?”
“Sure lets go.” Sarah and Jason walked hand in hand to math class.
The day reached to unseasonal warmth. By 3:30 in the afternoon it had reached to 77 degrees. A person who wants to try they need to understand that for people who live in Maine and other upper states in the US, spring is a new birth. Just to paint a picture, during fall season because the state is part of a temperate forest, the trees other than conifers and other evergreens, will lose its green leaves and seems to die, although they just go into hibernation. During this time Mainers call this stage death, especially as the temps in mid November start to drop to below zero, or below 32 degrees Farhenheit. Once the snow starts to fall and the trees are in complete hibernation it really could be considered a death, as spring is considered a new birth.
Sarah got out of classes first and went to her and Jason’s meeting place behind the gym. She waited their trying to recite her lessons of the day and was thinking about her and Jason’s future together. The scope of her thoughts turned to prom which was coming up in a few months. She straightened her long pink and lavender flowery dress as Jason approached.
“You remembered our secret meeting place,” Jason began, then looked and saw other kids leaning on the wall further off. “Oh, I guess its everyone’s special meeting place,” he said, a little embarrassed.
Sarah started to giggle with admiration. That giggle always makes Jason a little weak at the knees. “Do you want to study at my place for a bit, Mom and Dad will be home, but as long as our shoes are on and the door is open, we can study algebra a bit.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jason said with a quick change of thought that has nothing to do with math. They were well behaved and got a lot of math done and the study session was productive. Jason was invited to stay for supper and they ate in silence passing glances at each other when Sarah’s parents were not looking.
Don’t forget about the test tomorrow, Sarah gently warned Jason, knowing that he struggles with being told what to do.
“I know, I will do fine now that we have had a good study session,” Jason said confidently, “how do you feel about the test, Sarah?”
“I am gonna ace it,” she responded cheerily and started giggling a little again. They went their separate ways and Sarah brushed her teeth and hair and got ready for bed. She climbed in, pulled the blankets up to her chin and fell asleep before she hit the pillow.

During the rest of the early spring, Sarah’s excitement grew about the prom. She could not wait. She enjoyed seeing the flowers everywhere taking root. She loved the life that she felt from the environment. It was invigorating. She walked with pep in her step whenever she had to saunter outside to her next classroom in the other buildings.
With prom just a few weeks away and then the end of school just after that, students were putting spring decorations up in preparation for the prom. Springy conversations were being had everywhere in the halls. Jason was preparing a bucket list, for his impending college days and the breakup of his girlfriend knowing that they would not be able to stay together because long distance never works. He decided not to go to the prom but enjoy other spring activities instead.
“I can’t believe your not going to the prom,” Sarah was almost in hysterics. She started to shake with trepidation.
“What the hell is this,” she looked down at the notebook that Jason was holding out to her. “This better not be a break-up letter!”
“No this is my bucket list for what I am going to do after school and when I go to college.”
“I am sorry,” a tear dropped from Sarah’s cheek, “I was only thinking about myself and the prom. She wiped the tears away with a tissue that Jason pulled out of his pocket. I have been sidetracked and had not really thought about the future any more than that.”
“Its okay, don’t cry.”
Sarah sniffled and asked if they could just try to make long distance work. They agreed that they would give it a trial period and see how it goes. Turns out they enjoyed the prom together and when Jason got comfy in college he was able to visit Sarah and things turned out for the better for both of them. They enjoyed each other’s company even more because Jason was away for those long periods of time. The transition from Highschool to college was not as bad an experience as they had thought.

The End
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