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by Vanden
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Adult · #2269723
Hannah wasn't the nicest girlfriend so she got a taste of her own medicine.
Hannah looked across the black table at her girlfriend Emma who placed a cup of soda in front of her, smiling at her before picking up the book that she had placed on the table, getting ready to read the next page. Hannah took a quick look around the cafe before taking the cup in her hand and bringing it up to her lips, taking a sip of what she thought was soda. She then took note of the tart taste of the liquid unaware of what it was slowly doing to her body.
“Um babe, I think you got me the wrong drink, this tastes a lot more like Sprite,” Hannah said, annoyed that her girlfriend made another mistake, despite her clear instructions.
“Oh, did I? I’m sorry baby, it won’t happen again.” Emma inquired, looking up from her book, smirking a bit, knowing what she put in the cup.
She placed her hand on her girlfriend trying to calm her down so that she would not make a scene in front of the rest of the cafe. She also knew that if her girlfriend became too worked up the potion that she put in the cup might activate too soon and if it did then she would have to take some very drastic measures, and nobody wanted that. She started rubbing her thumb across the top of her hand, watching as the annoyance slowly left her girlfriend’s eyes showing that she was beginning to calm down.
“It’s fine. Just please try not to do it again. I love you.” She exclaimed as she placed her hand on Jemma’s face, bringing it in for a quick kiss before pulling away, going back to finishing her “soda” as she looked down at her phone, while Jemma went back to reading her book. After a while they both decided it was time to end the date and got up, pushed in their chairs, and made their way to their car outside, leaving a small tip on the table for the server. Hannah got into the driver's seat, fixing the chair and rearview mirror while Emma climbed into the passenger's seat, placing her purse on the floor in front of her before fastening her seatbelt and making sure that her door was closed tightly. Hannah then eased the car out of their parking spot and took off out of the parking lot, starting their fifteen-minute drive home. Most of this time was spent in silence as Jemma looked out at the scenery, her face resting on her right hand, as she thought over what she was about to put her partner through.
Hannah was not a bad person, it was just that she felt it was time Hannah learned a little more respect, and yes this might not be the right way to go about it, but I mean who was she to go against the advice given to her by a close friend. It worked for Summer and Jenna, I mean they both tried similar potions from this person, and they were incredibly happy with the outcome.
After a while, they finally pulled into the driveway, Hannah stepped out of the car and walked into the house. She sat down on the couch to relax after such a stressful drive home. Like Emma, she felt that she had gone a bit too far in the cafe, I mean it was just soda and it is not like she had ever done anything to hurt her in the past. During the drive home, all she could think about was how badly she had treated Emma in the past, and compared to now it was bad.
Without Emma, she might not have ever gotten the help she needed to keep her anger issues in check, and without her, she might still be back with her horrible family who treated her just as badly.
It was at this moment that Hannah suddenly began to feel a sharp pain in the pit of her stomach, making her double over in pain on the couch, wondering what it could have been that was causing this. She then rolled off the couch, down to the floor as her body also began to tingle, her tongue feeling like cotton as it began to smooth out, removing all her taste buds. She then felt as her body began to quickly shrink down in size, going from her normal height of five’10 down to at least a foot tall. Her arms and legs then started to flatten out, all her bones becoming nothing, but small cotton fibers and her fingers shrank into what used to be her hands, and the same was done for her feet. At this point, her face had also flattened out into the butt part of a pair of plus-size thong panties as her entire body began to come together to form the final product. It was at this moment that Emma had walked in the door, looking upon Hannah as her transformation finalized, leaving her tongue at the bottom of the inside, her eyes and nose at the back, and her stomach and lower half in the middle. To add a final change, her hair was turned into a cute little pink bow on the front of the thong, complimenting her slick black design.
Emma walked over to the cute little undergarments that laid in place of her partner, she bent down, picked up the thong, and held it up in front of her face, taking a good look at all the intricate details put into Hannah’s design, including the little pockets usually found in the crotch, and the very natural looking tag found in the back. If she had caused her transformation, she would have mistaken Hannah for an actual pair of panties and not a human being, she then brought Hannah up to her nose and gave her a good whiff taking in the new panty smell before bringing her back out into view.
“Now I’m guessing you're wondering why I did this to you. Well, that is easy. You were a mean person and I figured it was time you were taught a lesson about treating people right, especially those who care about you. So, I asked Jenna for some ideas, and she gave me this bottle filled with a weird red liquid during lunch last week and told me to try it out on you. So, I put it in your cup earlier and now we are here, and I am going, to be honest, you're pretty cute for a thong.” Emma said this with a smile as she moved her fingers up and down the front of her taking in the pleasant feeling of the cotton on her fingers, before she took both her hands and stretched Hannah out, evaluating her elastic to see how far it could stretch, giving her a devious idea for how to continue this punishment.
“You know what? Now that I have you where I want you, it is time we put your new form to the test. Now you know my friend Christy, right? Well, she has been running low on thongs, and she keeps asking me if she can borrow some of mine while I would love to. You remember how badly she treats her underwear. I mean have you seen her room at home? It is gross and that is why I figure she would be the perfect person to assess you out. You know what I think I will call her right now and have her come over right away and we should keep your slight change between us. Well, at least until you’ve had enough.” As she finished talking, Emma placed Hannah down on the table and walked out of the room to make the call. As she did this Hannah began to regain her focus, taking in all the information that Emma just placed in front of her. She did her best not to scream, but she also just realized that she would not be able to even if she tried because she does not have any vocal cords thanks to her new form. The most she could do was listen to her girlfriend’s crazy revenge plot and talk to herself using her inner thoughts because as far as anyone else knew she was just a normal pair of underwear.
“This sucks. Now how am I going to get anyone's attention when I cannot even talk?At this point, I do not think Emma had even thought of how to turn me back once she was done with me. She never was good at thinking things through and did she even figure out how she would get me back from Christy. I mean that girl is disgusting as hell. Just from the smell of her body odor, I can tell that I am going to be put through hell and the worst part is, there is nothing I can do about it. I’m just a passenger, forced to sit back and take whatever this pig throws at me.” Hannah let her thoughts unfold inside her head as she listened to her girlfriend call her friend in the other room, realizing that there was no way she was ever going back to her old life with how scatterbrained Emma was. She did not have a way to turn her back if something went wrong. This was going to be a horrible experience and sadly she did not know if it would ever end.
Hannah hung up the phone after finishing with the invite, walking back to the living room to tell her partner that Christy would be over soon and that everything was set despite what her girlfriend thought. Jenna did promise her an antidote and she was going to give it to her tomorrow, but she figured she would save that information for later, just because she knew that Hannah was doubting her in what was left of her subconscious. At this point, she knew her girlfriend too well to think that she would trust enough to save her from any life-threatening damage. She stopped in the doorway, looking down at the table that held the girl that she was planning to put through hell. She smiled at how helpless Hannah looked like just another object if she wanted, she could just give her away to a prostitute on the street or she could do something worse like selling her on eBay to some boy she does not know to use her like some useless cumrag. Let us be honest she was nowhere as cruel as someone like Jenna or Summer who would have done it in a heartbeat. Now if this did not work, she might be willing to send her to one of them to see if that worked and if not then maybe, just maybe she would let one of them get rid of her. But that was just a last resort.
After a while of playing with Hannah, Emma finally heard the doorbell ring, signaling that Christy was finally here and that meant that the fun could finally begin. She made her way to the door and pulled it open to reveal Christy in all her curvy, nerdy glory. Just from a few inches away she could tell that Christy spent most of her morning sitting in her bedroom playing video games and eating junk food, not even bothering to shower before coming over. She gave her friend a big hug and led her into the house, gesturing for her to sit down on the couch adjacent to her.
“Christy, it's so good to see you. And I’ve got a surprise for you.” She said this as she grabbed the underwear that sat on the table and handed it over to her friend, watching her reaction as she examined the panties.
“OMG!! Thank you so much, Emma, I love them so much. I’ll definitely do my best to keep them as clean as I can, especially when you went through the trouble to buy these for me.” She leaned in and hugged her friend, forgetting that she forgot to take a shower before coming over.
“Would you mind if I borrowed your bathroom so I could go try them on?” Christy asked, gesturing in the direction of the hallway which housed the bathroom.
“Yeah sure. Go right ahead. I mean that’s what it’s used for.” Emma exclaimed to her guest as she looked down at the panties before looking back up at Christy.
Christy took the thong and walked away, making her way to the bathroom down the hall, stepping through the threshold before closing the door behind her, she then bent down placing the panties on the lid of the toilet before standing back up and placing her easily on the black waistband of her tight black leggings. At first, she struggled to pull them down but with a few tugs, she finally pulled them below her massive butt cheeks, dropping them down to her feet and quickly kicking them to the side, lying next to the wall. She then got back up again and grabbed onto her once clean and colorful thong, placing her thumbs under the folds of her stomach, jamming them into the waistband, stretching the thong to its limit, pulling it hard out of her butt cheeks letting out the smell of the farts that it contained all day. Like the leggings, she let them fall to the ground and clicked them off next to the leggings before. She was now half naked, and her lower half was chilled. She looked over the black thong that sat on the toilet, hopeful that it would fit just as well as the rest. What both she and Hannah did not know was that the potion that turned Hannah into the thong also had two side effects. This was that Hannah would change to fit whoever wished to wear her, making it so that she would fit as perfectly as if she had just come out of a package. The second side effect was that Hannah would absorb any farts and other waste that Christy may let out, making it so that nobody but her could smell them.
Christy picked up the thong once again, moving her greasy fingers up and down the fabric of the panties, admiring them and their dark color before she took them in her hands and stretched them, watching as they reached their limits before bringing them down to the floor where her feet stood. She then moved her right foot and then her left foot into the leg holes that lay at the bottom of Hannah, she then processed to pull them up slowly, taking in their soft feeling on her legs and then her thighs as she brought them up to her crotch. She then snapped them hard against her butt before letting them quickly sink into her butt where it would stay for the rest of the day. Christy smiled at how well the thong fit compared to the rest, she could hardly believe how perfect they were, and to show her gratitude to the panties for not breaking, she took the back of the thong and tug on it, forcing it deeper into her smelly crack, moaning at the wedgie that now sat in her butt. She then bent down once more grabbing her leggings and placing them at her feet and quickly pulled them up to her legs, once again struggling to get them up to her legs but somehow like always she found a way. As soon as she let go of the waistband, she bent down again, sealing the fate of Hannah for the rest of the day, she grabbed the once beautiful panties that lay in a heap on the ground and flung them at the trashcan that lay next to the toilet, happy to finally be rid of them.
Hannah was aware of every movement Christy made, from her attempt to stretch her to her limit, to the struggle that she had put up when Christy pulled her up to her greasy butt cheeks. To Hannah everything Christy did was horrible, and if she had lungs still, she would have certainly emptied them, thanks to Christy’s ghastly stench which greeted her at every turn. She was forced into those massive butt cheeks which were enveloped by the smell of old gas and previous bathroom breaks, this made her gag internally. Realizing that the punishment that her partner had in mind was a lot worse than she had originally thought, she knew that Christy was gross, but she had no idea that she was this bad. Now she knew that most of the nights she would be stuck in between these cheeks, rubbing against her anus as she moved in her sleep, getting covered in sweat and grim as this slob dreamed away. She screamed internally as all light was blocked out by the massive waistband of the leggings making it now impossible to see but this also trapped the undescribed scent of shit inside with Hannah, until she was taken off.
Christy turned her head to the mirror that sat on the bathroom wall, taking a minute to admire her butt and the back of her thighs, finding them as sexy as ever before letting out a massive fart into her new prisoner, sighing as she felt the stifling air warm up her cheeks. She then waved away the fart from her butt trying to clear the air, but it was at this point that she had realized that no scent had reached her nose. She looked confused expecting to smell her latest creation but again with a sniff, she sensed nothing, she then looked down at her butt and pulled out both waistbands, it was at this moment that she was finally able to smell her recent fart. She concluded that these panties must be able to absorb her scent unlike the rest, this disappointed her a bit, because now she would not be able to force others to smell her farts but on the other hand, it made it easier to trap her farts for latter so that she may smell them when she wanted to. She also loved how they did not cancel out the sound of her farts making it so that people would still be able to hear her massive farts, and she could choose when they would be able to smell them, making her pranks more unpredictable. While most would be disturbed by this revelation, she was ecstatic, and she found that she loved these panties more than ever. She then snapped her pants and panties back into place and opened the door to the hallway making her way out, turning off the light, and closing the door behind her making her way to the living room.
“I love them!” She said with excitement, running to hug her friend as tightly as possible, her crotch bumping into Emma’s forcing Hannah’s tongue to rub up against Christy’s wet lips, which were mixed with both sweat and juices. She felt like kissing Emma on the lips for such a wonderful gift, but she changed her mind as soon as she thought of what Hannah would say if she found out, so she pulled away and stood there in front of her friend.
“I’m so glad you like them. I bought them for Hannah but she didn’t seem to like them very much so I figured you would like them more.” Emma did her best to hold back a laugh as she thought about the possible hell that her partner was going through, unaware that it had been much worse than even she could imagine. She was not aware of any of the side effects that had made Hannah’s torture so much worst and made her retrieval later, a lot harder.
“Oh, how did you know I was looking for scent canceling panties? Like seriously these absorb my farts so perfectly that I cannot even smell them from the outside. Like these are so freaking genius.” Christy said this with some much excitement that one would assume that she might explode at once.
“Wait what? Scent absorbing? I thought they were only normal panties. I had no idea that they absorbed the scent, must have missed that on the packaging.” It was at this moment that Emma realized that this might have gone too far. But what was she going to do? Ask her friend to give back the panties that she had just gifted her? That would be rude, and she could not do that to her, it might ruin their friendship, but then again this could also mean that she might never see her girlfriend again. What could she do? Maybe if she told Christy what was going on, she might understand and agree to only wear her for a brief time and then return her when she was done. Yes, that was what she should do, and what was the worst that could happen? She said no and decided that her friend was crazy?
“So, um there’s something I need to tell you about those panties before you leave.” Emma gestured for her friend to go sit down on the couch aware that this would stretch Hannah out and put pressure on her body.
“Yeah sure. Just know that I’ve got to get home soon so can we make this quick?” Christy said this as she plopped down on the couch across from Emma, sending her thong deeper into her butt.
“You know how Hannah has been being a lot meaner to me lately right?” Questioned Emma.
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned it a few times. Why?” Christy asked her friend, a bit worried.
“Well, I’ve also been talking to Jenna and Summer recently and they suggested I use this potion to mess with Hannah. You know, to teach her a lesson. Well, it turns out that this potion turned Hannah into a black thong with a little pink bow. That thong would be the one that I gifted to you. So, I was wondering if you would be willing to return it to me after at least a year so that I can turn her back and end her punishment? I ask for a year because I figure that’s how long it should take her to reflect on the way she treated me and if you do return it, I promise to turn someone else into an even better thing that you can keep.” She said all this to her friend, praying that she understands and agrees to the trade that would happen within a year from now.
After a moment of processing this information in her head, she looked back at Emma a bit worried but also, knew that her best friend would never lie to her. So, with a deep breath, she decided to believe her friend, also assuming that she was spending time together with the others a little too much.
“I’m going to be honest; I don’t think you’re going to want her back after a year of what I’m going to be putting her through but yes sure. I will return Hannah to you after a year. I will do my best to remember, and you will have to do your part to make sure you remind me. Also, I got to ask. Why out of everyone else did you choose me out of all people to be your girlfriend’s torturer?” she asked quizzically as she let out a silent but deadly fart into her little prisoner, blushing a bit at the thought of this action.
“To be honest with you, you’re the only person I could think of in our friend group to teach her how to be a nice person. Plus, and I mean no offense by this, but you are also one of the few people I know that does not care too much about what people think of you and your appearance. I mean seriously girl you stink like ass and so that’s why I decided to put Hannah in your care.” She blushed a bit as she told her friend that she was very unhygienic in the nicest way she could think of, hoping that she did not hurt her friend's feelings. Then again, she might be more useful to it than she thought since she had always been the adventurous child of the group and she never minded it when the kids in school used to make fun of her for the issue.
“Well, I mean you’re not wrong about that.” She laughed aloud after hearing her friend’s explanation. Yes, she knew about her friend's opinions of her, but they were not much better either, especially Summer whose farts have even come close to rivaling hers. And after that story she told them about destroying her ex with her ass,with Hannah in her possession she would be able to top that story by a long shot, but then again, due to her promise to Emma she couldn’t be able to destroy Hannah too badly, she could do a lot of damage with this big fat ass of hers and she wouldn’t want to rip her new favorite panties. She smiled to herself on that last part, loving every minute of knowing her friend’s obnoxious girlfriend was now safely nestled between her giant moons.
“You know, if you want you could give her a yank before I head out.” Christy said this with a wink and then she turned around pulling down her leggings, flashing her friend with her massive ass.
“You know what maybe I will do,” Emma said as she walked over grabbing the back of her waistband, pulling up as hard as she could, causing Hannah to dig deeper into Christy’s ass. She then dug a finger into the fabric of the panties, causing both her finger and the fabric to sink deep into her friend’s anus, then pulling her finger out and giving her friend a nice big spank on the left cheek. She then helped her friend pull her pants back up, leaving Hannah stuck in the hot wasteland of her friend’s anus, knowing that she was not having an incredibly fun time thereafter bringing her finger up to her nose and cringing after the stench hit her nose.
“Welp, it’s getting late so you might want to get a move on so you can start your fun with little Hannah back there. I mean, you would not want to keep her waiting too long, would you? I’m sure you’ve got a lot of plans for her.” She hugged her friend and then began to walk her out, and right when she was about to speak, Emma placed her finger over her mouth allowing Christy to smell her dirty scent before closing the door in front of her.
Christy instantly took the hint, taking in the scent of her butt in her nose before turning away to walk to her car, each motion rubbing Hannah inside her asshole, covering her nose in one of the worst scents she could ever imagine. She got into her car, closed the door behind her, and wiggled her butt in the seat out of excitement for the fun she was about to have. On top of this, she was also just trying to wiggle out a fart that seemed to be trapped in her stomach letting it out in the hot car as she turned on the heater making sure to make it extra hot so that she can treat her new toy to the worst swamp butt she could muster from her glands. As she began driving, she could feel her body beginning to heat up, causing her to become a lot of moisture down below, and with each drop of sweat, what used to be Hannah's tongue began to become wet. This caused her nonexistent taste buds to stink as she was forced to take in the taste of sweat and butt juice that came off both her butt and her pussy, and this did not help the smell any, especially with her nose still literally shoved up Christy’s rank ass.
As Hannah sat inside her owner’s fat cheeks, she felt her body soak up the salty, sour sweat as it leaks from her crevices. For Hannah, this experience felt like she was constantly drowning as each pool formed and then was absorbed by her fabric as if she were drinking up the sweat. But the sweat was not the worst part, that would most definitely be the constant smell that lingered about her, whether it is the scent of ass that was constantly provided by her lover farts or the literal shit-colored goo that leaked out of her butt and down onto Hannah’s face. She had always thought of Christy as the grossest person she had ever met in her life but after spending a good hour or so in her butt, this opinion has changed drastically ,and not only was she the grossest person she knews, but the worst person she had ever met.
© Copyright 2022 Vanden (vandenpalmet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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