Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2272223-Sky-and-the-moths-of-moon-island
Rated: E · Short Story · Young Adult · #2272223
A short story of a young girl that reflects on the simple yet beautiful ways of nature
Sky and the moths of moon island

         Sky lived in a quaint house on the ocean shore of a small island. This was no ordinary island. It was not the tropical sunny beautiful island type. It was full of thick forests of Pine trees, rocks, bugs, deer, rabbits and the like (not palm trees). The sky was mostly gray, dark and cloudy. The girl that lived there with her mother was named Sky. She liked to call this home "moon island". Much like the wooded forest that surrounded her home, she had beautiful eyes that were big, dark, deep and green. They were much like the sea that also surrounded the island.

         It was summertime, but raining. 'It rained a lot on this island' Sky thought. But all she could do was wait patiently and eagerly for her mother to come home, in hopes of sun. She was sitting on a large comfortable couch, while dazing out a window looking at the ocean.The large dark waves were crashing into one another. This made Sky most appreciative to be indoors. As she sat, she could hear the wind howl and whip against the house. Just then, a kettle of water that had been boiling for tea hissed. The perfect day to stay cozy inside with a cup of tea. She smiled.

         Her cat Pedro was keeping her company. He sat most fatly and content by her side. He purred softly. His fur was a soft white coat with black spots. He was most endearing, and comforting to Sky, (especially on a day like today) A loyal friend and companion he had become to her.

         Peppermint- most definitely, with a spot or two of honey. Honey in which her mother had harvested herself. Their were gardens they kept behind the house, where with the bees and honey were. As Sky sat down onto the couched once again she sipped her tea, and reflected now on the past few years of her life.Her whole life seemed to be so fast moving.Her mother Vivi was a scientific "researcher". She ventured out to different lands and explored them. She observed and studied different types of bacteria and how they interacted with life. All sorts of life. Mostly animals. Everything from Elephants to insects. Skys favorite were the moths and butterflies.

         Vivi had two gardens. One garden grew vegetables and herbs, but Vivi was mostly interested in tomatoes due to the desire to draw a certain species of caterpillar into the garden called a "Tomato Hornworm". This would eventually morph into a "sphinx moth" also known as a "hawk moth." In order to study these creatures more closely, Vivi decided one would have to attract them. Another method she was using had been by planting a "moon garden".

         This was Sky's favorite garden, because her favorite time was night; when the moon was out and the flowers looked marvelous. She would ritually wait in anticipation for moths to come visit. Sky had discovered with her mothers research that these flowers bloomed at night, in which time the moths came to pollinate. What a beautiful thought that was to her. Along with twinkle lights wrapped around the boarder of the garden, the lights also drew the moths attention.On the first night the moths came, Sky waited in eager suspense.She sat outside on the back porch and watched as slowly, yet certainly in expectation. Then they came. One by one, moths gracefully and slowly seemed to "dance" as they floated and fluttered most seamlessly amidst the pale warm moonlight. Reaching ever closer to what attracted them, the moon flowers. There was a bushel of white morning glories that glowed brilliantly in the light. The moths were being enticed by the heavy aromatics coming off of them. A united slow dance between the two. It was breathtaking to Sky, how both flower and moth seemed to just be meant for each other.Sky felt an overwhelming sense of purpose, tranquility, and romance all in one. How intriguing it all was. They paired so well.

         Sky found herself also dancing. She was being lulled into the night to what seemed to be natures "music". She felt a sense of warmth and contentment setting in. This was right. "Nature has a rhythm", she thought. All at once she realized how pleasing and satisfying that thought was. It was like a lullaby she had never known before.She found herself amazed and astonished by the simplicity of it. She thought to herself, "this is what happiness feels like." Nature finds it so easily, it all just falls into place for them. And she found herself falling in love with it every night. Sky found purpose in this place. The moths and flowers in which served each other with the greatest of ease and sincerity gave her inspiration. No questions were asked. Its like they just knew their purpose.It was instinct. If only humans could be more content with simplicity. We must"trust the process" of life sometimes, with not such ease. Just look at the history of man and the stings of broken promises. These creatures just do it, and possibly enjoy it. They don't have a choice, but they receive benefits to their lives by helping one another. Can we learn something from their ways? Sky was pondering over this as she danced in sync with the music and the moths.

         If this life has a rhythm she thought, then I intend to join the dance! With great eagerness and willingness of heart I will live no strings attached. With no expectations of anything in return, I will strive to give myself over to sincerity and peace. Yes, I will live for a greater purpose and take delight in the process! I will 'drink in', as the moths do, from the 'nectar of moon flowers'! With a graceful passion, unalarmed and at one.Living with acceptance. This rhythm we call 'life' is a dance to relish in. We should embrace it as the moon moths do. Unlike other creatures we don't live by instinct, we live by choice. 'So what will my choice be?I I shall help others of my kind and creatures of all sorts in any way I can. I will keep observing the simple things and I will always keep remembering the moths moon island.'

© Copyright 2022 Catherine Paul Amsler (catherine722 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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