Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2276951-The-peaceful-paradise
by Miky
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2276951
A story for the whole family that teaches us to value our nature and animals
Once upon a time in a very distant town where a very peculiar character named Bastian lived, he lived in a very noisy city where the only thing they did was work. One day he left work and found some puppies, he found it very curious since there were no dogs in the city since they did not have time to take care of them.
The next day when he was on his way to work he saw that the dogs were still sitting in the same place as yesterday, and so on the days passed and they were still there, until one of the dogs approached him and gave him his paw, to Bastian found this very strange and for that reason he took them home immediately.
Upon arriving at his house he saw that the dogs were not comfortable in his apartment and that they were only sitting in front of a window that overlooked a mountain. Bastian wondered if there were other animals on that mountain and if they had another life that he did not have to see just by working.
That night Bastian packed a suitcase with what he thought would be enough for his long trip to the mountains. At dawn Bastian went out with the dogs towards the mountain, since he was afraid that they would see him with them, he took his car and began his trip.
When he got to the edge of the city, he had a little doubt about whether to go or not, but the dogs began to bark at him in a cheerful way and he kept driving, until he found a fog that did not let him see the road, without However, he kept going.
When the sun began to rise, he could see that there was already a very large green area where the dogs wanted to go down and he left them, but something very strange happened because the dogs began to walk away from the road. Bastian yelled at them to come back but they ignored him, Bastian began to run after them to reach them and when he reached them he had a beautiful view where he saw a mountain in front and at his feet a lagoon with ducks swimming in it, Bastian was quite surprised and sat down, thinking that before in his city must have existed landscapes like this and now all there is are building after building.
The dogs kept walking and Bastian followed them without saying anything until they reached a grove of red and green apples, other crops that he didn't even know what plants they were, in the distance he saw a yellow roof and went over to see what was there. When he arrived at the place he saw that it was a stable where there were many horses of different species, he knew this thanks to his family's books that wrote down all kinds of animals they saw.
He was totally surprised by all the animals that lived there and also by the plants that existed because they were very colorful, at that moment Bastian knew that he was in a paradise where he breathed fresh air, and that brought a lot of peace and tranquility to his life.
Therefore, he decides to stay and live there upon hearing this news, all the animals were very happy because they saw in him a sweet, serene, loving and good person. They rejoiced and organized a welcome party, each animal brought a gift to Bastian.
Bastian had a great time at the party, everyone danced and drank water from a beautiful lake.
Bastian begins to build a small but cozy and beautiful house and that is where he lives with all the animals.
Since then, he has felt very happy and calm, he no longer has worries and realizes that humans are very harmful to nature.


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