Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2278470-Life
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #2278470
life (life is forged endings)
why am I not enough
what do others have that I don't
why can't I escape that negative voice in my brain
why do people tell me I'm pretty
but all I hear is the nasty things people have said to me
when will I get confident
when will I believe all the good things instead of the bad
why does nobody want me
or maybe they do but I'm so caught up inside my paranoid head that I would not know
how would I know
why do I get anxious when I see somebody I know
why can't I get excited
I sometimes wish I could start life again
does it happen when we die
do we get to go back and live life all over
is that de ja Vu
is that what that feeling is when you feel iv been here before
have we been here before
will we ever learn
is life an unsolved Rubix cube
only a few can solve it easily
while the rest of us solve one part
while the rest is still messy and unfinished
when will I know
I guess ill never know

the end
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