Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2278826-End-Times
Rated: E · Poetry · Sci-fi · #2278826
End Times for Writer's Cramp
End Times Writers’ Cramp


Sam Adams
Reflected that the end times
Were coming.

Climate change
Running out of control
The whole world is on fire.

magnetic storm
causing rampant
power failures

Making it hard.
To breathe
in the smoky air.

He just wants to
Jump in the river
To cool off.

But he realized
There was no end
In sight.

As the world ends
Burning up
Turning the world
Into hell on earth.

New Prompt:

Use in your poem or story the following, and bold it for tomorrow's judge:

magnetic storm

power failure


jump in the river
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