Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2278845-Pretzel-and-the-Merpups
by MG
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #2278845
Pippa has a dream where the Doxie family finds a magical mer-pup.
The Doxies were out for a beach day.

Pedro: "Pippa, you want to play some fetch?"

Pippa: "No thank you, Pedro. I'm actually going to take a little swim first."

So Pretzel, Greta and the rest of the pups were playing fetch while Pippa went for a swim.

Then it was getting late.

Just then Pippa saw the magical mer-moon and then something in the water was swimming up towards her. So she got out the water.

It was a pup with a fish tail.

Pippa: "Whoa. Who or what are you? Wait a second. You must be one of those Mer-pups."

[Mama mer-pup barking]

The Mama mer-pup pulled Pippa back in the water and touched her nose.

And Pippa transformed.

Just then Pippa noticed that she had a fish tail too.

Pippa: "OMG. I'm a mer-pup too. [Pippa howling]"

But then Pretzel came along.

Pretzel: "Pippa, who the pup with a fish tail? And why do you have a fish tail too?"

Pippa: "Dad, I'm a mer-pup just like her. Jump in. It's fun."

Pretzel: "A mer-pup? That's sounds fun."

So Pretzel got in the water and Mama mer-pup touched Pretzel's nose and he transformed into a mer-pup too.

Pretzel: "Whoa, what happened to me?

Pippa: "Ta-dog. Now your a mer-pup."

Pretzel: "I'm a mer-pup?" "Whoo-hoo"

The rest of the Doxie family came and they were surprised.

Greta: "What in the?"

Pippa: "Before you ask us, Yes, this is a mer-pup. And yes, we got turned into mer-pups too. Ta-dog."

Paxton: "Mer-pups? Wow. I have to draw that in my Pup-pad."

Pedro: "What's a mer-pup?"

Poppy: "Whatever it is, it sure sounds fun to be a mer-pup."

Puck: "I don't know. I mean That's sounds fun, but I still don't know about this."

Pretzel: "How about a swim underwater."

They agreed, so they dived in, except Puck.

Puck: "No way. I not going to..."

Then the Mama mer-pup grabbed Puck's paw and pulled him in the water.

Then the baby mer-pup came up.

Poppy: "Aw. The mer-pup has a baby." "So she's a mama mer-pup."

She touched all their noses. And they all turned into mer-pups.

Puck: "Ah. Why do I have a fish tail?"

Pedro: "Puck, that because your a mer-pup too."

Puck: "Oh! This is pawsome."

Pedro: "Hey everyone, we breath underwater."

They all swam underwater, exploring.

Then the mer-pups wanted to show them something.

So the Doxies followed.

They saw a castle with other mer-pups.

Pippa: "Whoa. What is this place?"

Pretzel: "It looks like an underwater castle."

Greta: "It certainly is a beautiful castle."

Mama mer-pup: "Thank you." "It's called Puplantis, it's our home."

The Doxies were all surprised.

Mama mer-pup: "What?"

Paxton: "You can talk? Bow-wow."

Baby mer-pup: "Of course we can talk."

Pippa: "Oh. We didn't even introduced ourselves. My name Pippa."

Poppy: "I'm Poppy."

Pedro: "I'm Pedro."

Puck: "I'm Puck."

Paxton: "and my name is Paxton."

Greta: "I'm Greta. The pups' mother, and also the mayor of Muttgomery."

Pretzel: "and you can call me Pretzel. I'm the pups' dad and Yes, I am long."

Pretzel: "Were the Doxie family, or The Doxies. We live in Muttgomery.

Mama mer-pup: "Muttgomery? What's that?"

Poppy: Muttgomery is where we live.

Baby mer-pup: "Whoa. How did you get so long, Pretzel?"

Pretzel: "Now that's a long story. Get it?"
(all laughing)

They were shown around Puplantis. But the mer-pups told them that they can't stay as a mer-pup for too long.

Mama mer-pup: "You'll turn back into normal dogs once magical Mer-moon goes down."

Greta: "Thanks for telling us."

The Doxies were having so much fun underwater as mer-pups.

Until it was time to go.

Pippa: "Bye mer-pups, it was fun swimming with you."

The mer-pups waved goodbye to the Doxies.

The baby mer-pup also gave Pippa a friendly lick.

But when she woke up, she found Pedro licking her face to wake her up. Then she saw everyone else in front of her.

Pretzel: "You okay, Pippa?"

Pippa: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Pippa: "Hey, we're not mer-pups anymore. We're back to being regular dogs."

They were all confused.

Puck: "What do you mean mer-pups? Pippa, what are you talking about?"

Pippa: "Wait, it was all a dream?"

Pippa: "I had this dream where we met this mer-pup and she transformed us into mer-pups too. And we were underwater and..."

Greta: "Slow down, Pippa."

Pippa: "Okay!"

Paxton: "What would we do if we really saw a mer-pup?"

Greta: "Then we would have to keep it secret."

Pretzel: "Your mom is right. We wouldn't want anyone finding out about a magical dog with a fish tail."

Puck: "I have joke. What do you call a dog with a fish tail?"

Pippa: "A mer-pup?"

Puck: "Nope. A dog fish."

[All laughing].

The end.
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