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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #2279854
Futuristic pleasure control ends up being used to control more then pleasure
Plestrol, short for pleasure control. Technology originally designed originally as a military enhancement for its soliders, is a microscopic computer powered from body heat, no bigger then a grain of rice thats surgically attached to the nerves of your testicles and penis. Through clever programming and precise surgical installation on the correct nerves, the device is able to cause the owner to instantly receive an orgasim at the touch of a button in an app.

The thought process behind the idea was that men deployed for long periods of time in the field would get sexually frustrated and unable to control themselves. Such feelings would make soliders emotionally compromised untill they dealt with the situation leaving them vulnerable in the field unable to concentrate on the mission at hand. Such a solution would allow soliders to immediately fulfill their needs at the press of a button and get back in the fight with a clear head in seconds.

The only downside to the technology was that the surgery involved rewiring nerves to go through the computer chip, meaning a natural orgasim wasnt possible. soliders would still be able to get erections but no amount of stroking or intercourse would result in an orgasim. they would be dependant on the app for life. This obviously wasnt a big deal while in the field but once they returned home, it took some getting used to for them and their partners.

As with all military technology, it eventually made its way onto the consumer markets with more consumer facing features. Features like:
External sharing - the ability to grant other people access to your chip on their phones with the app.
Intensity - the ability to increase the strength of the pulse used to generate the orgasim, thus resulting in a bigger orgasim.
Edge factor - The ability to send micro pulses at regular intervals which would never result in an orgasim itself but over time would increase the want for release. Basically a way to put the person in the mood for pleasure and put them on the edge.

Despite the limitation of losing natural ogasims, a signifigatn number of men opted to have it installed. Reasons varied from person to person but some common ones were business men wanting to achieve a higher level of efficiency, older generations who may have lost their libido due to age being able to feel pleasure and pleasure their partners again, men with erectile dysfunctions being able to more easily control their own bodies, and just couples who were looking to spice things up in the bedroom.

our story begins with fred. a 25 year old man who had the chip installed with his last relationship. She felt it would allow him to stay erect for longer and pleasure her more throughly while also allowing him to achieve intensities he probably hadnt felt before. Her assessment was right and their sex life did improve, but other issues arose in the relationship outside of the bedroom that ended in their breakup about 6 months ago. Fred was left with the chip installed and no one but himself to use it with.

He was a bit angry at the situation but he couldnt really blame her for the end result as he agreed and thought it would have been a good idea as well at the time. It was just the cards that life had ended up dealing him. Fred spent little time after the breakup before he jumped back into the dating scene signing up of every dating app he could find. about half the women on these apps had "No Plestrol" written in their discriptions. some felt that the act of intercourse should stay a natural thing without the use of "toys" or electronic devices, especially those with a strong christian background.

After many conversations ending in ghostings and many first dates ending in failure, fred finally hit it off with a women called Aleshia. Unlike some of the other women in the dating scene, aleshia actually was looking for a man with Plestrol. She said to fred that she was after a man who she could depend on to give her pleasure in the bedroom and she felt Plestrol was a way of making sure that happened. after a bunch of back and forth over text message, they agreed to dinner and a movie.
"Ok then, 6:30 ill pick you up, seya then" fred texts her
"Cant wait!" fred gets back

The day arrives and he heads to her house to pick her up. Hes nervious but is feeling good about this one. as he gets close to her house, he notices he is in quite a fancy neighabourhood. Not billionare mansion level uppity but fancy enough houses that some of them would deffiniutly be worth over a million. he finds the place and its just as good if not better then the neighabours. It 2 stories with at least 7 bedrooms and a big terrace surrounded by a big green hedge that looks like its professionally trimmed. She clearly is some form of rich.

He approaches the door and before even knocking, a little girl opens the door with a smile.
"You must be fred"
"uhh, hey,yeah i am. And who might you be?"
"Im lily. Im aleshias daughter. come in and have a seat"
Daughter... she never told me she had a daughter. I dont think it really bothers me but it would have been nice to know. I enter and sit in the foyer. just from poking my head in and around the corner, this place is massive. deffinitly a lot nicer and prettier then my 1 bedroom studio apartment. Lily is standing in front of me and staring at me this whole time. She says
"Mum really likes you"
"Oh does she. Thats nice to know. How old are you lily?"
"Im 12"
"Oh so that would mean your in the 6th grade?"
"Yep, i go to St Mary's colleage for girls"
A private school. Of course. There seems to be a lot Aleshia hasnt told me.

Aleshia comes down to meet me. She looks like exactly wat you would imagine a wealthy women to look like. Prefect skin, red plush lips, long perfectly flowing blonde hair. i dont really know much about fasion but i could see the nametag on the purse she was carrying was gucci and the heels sitting at the door that she put on had prada on the soles. Even i, with my limited knowledge of womens clothing knew those were expensive brands.
"Ready to go?"
"You look stunning. i know you probably think thats just a line but im literally stunned"
"Ohh stop. you dont look too bad yourself"

I take her to this fancy italian restraunt which i was able to get reservations at. After sitting down at the table, i cant hold it in any longer and i have to ask her
"So, you have a kid?"
"Yes i do. im sorry for not telling you straight up. i know thats a super bad thing to hide"
"Its ok, i like kids. Ive never dated someone with kids before but im happy to give it a try"
"Oh thank goodness, you would have no idea the struggles a single mum has to go through to get a date these days"
"yeah its pretty rough out there. So can i assume from your daughter that youve been married before?"
"Yeah i have, i was married to a brain surgeon for 8 years. We split up because he said i was "holding him back". During the divorce, because i was pregnant with lily at the time, i was awarded the house and quite a large sum of money as well as a very large amount in monthly childcare payments. It was just a drop in the bucket for him but it has really set us up for life"
"Wow, what was his name? he sounded like he was pretty high up"
"Yeah he won a bunch of awards and travels the world treating patients all over. His name was Marcus De Barlow. He was a massive jerk though. All he cared about was his job and just used me"

Well thats were the money comes from. Ill have to look that name up later and see what im up against.
"So you prefer guys with Plestrol?"
"Well, after Marcus left me with lily, its left me wanting a man thats going to be predictable and stable, not going to run off on us. I just think plestrol will provide that by allowing for the relationship to not just be focused around pleasure"
She is hitting all of the points im looking for in a relationship. She wants something deep, meaningful. She wants a partner, at least thats what she is telling me. The rest of the date goes great. we joke around over the rest of dinner and the movie was great. we end up heading back to her place at the end of the night. Its 12:00 now and im parked just outside her front door. We are sitting in the car and she says
"i had a really great time tonight. I dont normally do this but would you like to come inside for some coffee"
"Wont lily be sleeping?"
"No, she had a sleepover planned with the neighbours who shes friends with. She isnt home"
"Well in that case, i could go for some coffee"

The coffee lasted for all of 2 minutes before we end up going to her bedroom. she says
"So uhh, ive never used plestrol before. can you show me what to do?"
i download the app onto her phone and give her a 1 time guest code to my app. it will allow her to control the chip for the next hour or untill she hits the orgasim button. I show her the controls
"So this slider makes the intensity of the orgasim stronger or weaker and this slider increases my want for the orgasim and then when your ready, you just hit this button"
"Oh ok, that sounds pretty easy, so if i do this"
she slides the want bar upwards to half. I immediately start to feel it and i start to get a very strong errection
"Be careful, the dials are very delicate. i wouldnt put it up to 50% straight away, i would just increase it by 5% over time and for this session, i wouldnt put the orgasim any higher then a 5"
I try to slide the dials on her phone but i forgot that the app has security built in and only the owner of the phone and theiur fingerprints can change the dials. Meant to be a security feature to stop anyone who steals a phone from controlling the device.

"Oh im so sorry, i hope it didnt hurt or anything"
"No no not at all. it can get very powerful at the upper levels and unless im worked up to those levels, it can just get a bit too much"
I pull out my phone and change the dials myself on my phone to something reasonable. she takes her phone away and says
"Let me change into something a little more comfortable"
I set my phone down and sit on the edge of the bed. She comes back out in a blue short cut nightie. we fool around for a big with kissing on shoulders and rubbing of thighs before she pushes my head down in between her legs
"Start licking" she says

normally im not into this kind of thing but she starts increasing the dial bit by bit which is really turning me on, so i start to lick and as i do, she pulses the dials upwards rapidly and then back down with every lick. The good part about plestrol is that acts like this where only one person would be getting pleasured can now result in both of us getting satifaction. each pulse makes me want to dive deeper and deeper into her vagina. i go harder and deeper covering every spot i can. she moans louder and louder which results in her putting the want dial higher and higher. she eventually climaxes all over my face with her juices squirting all over my face. she doesnt press the orgasim button though and instead says
"Clean that up with your tounge you slut"
My want level must be at least 80% from how im feeling. im so on edge i dont even question it and just lick up all the juces from her and the bed and my own face before finally she presses the orgasim buttom and i explode myself.

We both sit back on the bed huffing and puffing in exhaustion. After a solid minute, she is the first one to speak and says
"Sorry, i should have warned you, ive got a bit of a domination side"
"Hey, dont worry. that was amazing for me. was it good for you?"
"That was one of the best nights of my life. I was right, the Plestrol system is exactly what i need. would you mind cleaning up"
"Yeah sure" i say as i grab a towel from her ensuite and wipe up after myself.
we part ways. she walks me out to my car and give me a kiss on the cheek as i drive away. the night certianly was interesting but i would be lying if i said i didnt have a lot of fun.

we continue to see eachother over the next 3 to 4 weeks. she absolutely loves the Plestrol system and has become a natural at it now. she wasnt lying when she says she has a dominate side. It wasnt really just a side so much as her only side. Each time we did it, she was very much the dominate one and the one in control. It didnt bother me as every time, i got turned on by the system and rewarded with an orgasim no matter what happened but some of the stuff was pretty humiliating. my face between her legs was very common but also getting me to call her mummy and having me bark like a dog and get on my hands and knees and beg like a dog were all acts that she had made me do.

One thing she introduced was getting me to wear a maid outfit she had brought for me. It was pink and frilly and with a white apron on the front. It had white stocking and long white gloves that streched over my elbows. she even brought my a blonde wig and did my makeup so that i would look the part before making me do housework as her maid. She got off on the humiliation and the domination she had over me. it was always unquestionable at the time as the want factor had been turned up high enough i just wanted release and would do anything to get it. I think the more we did it, the more she could see that.

Before and after though were all great. you didnt see her dominate side at all. she was cute, funny, playful. i think i am in love. i ask her
"hey, do you want to take things to the next level?"
"WHat you mean like you move in? i dunno, what would lolly think?"
"Oh come on, me and lily are great together. She loves me... and i think i love you"
"i uhh...... i think i love you too. but i dunno about moving in. it seems like a big step"
"What if i do this?"
i open the plestrol app and give aleshia admin rights. this means that she doesnt need me to grant her access every time, she will just have access 24 / 7. It usally best to only do this once you know a relationship is serious which i think this could be.
"Wow, i dont know what to say. Well if your willing to let me in on your private area, then i guess its only far i do the same. yes, you can move in"

I dont have much stuff as most of my stuff is crap compared to hers and she pretty much has everything i would ever need. Pretty much most of my stuff fits into 2 boxes, 1 for clothes and another for my other stuff like my computer and xbox and jewellery and crap like that. i pretty much move over into her house in a single trip. The first week living with someone else is always the hardest as you get accommodated with eachothers habits. Aleshia is deffinitly a clean freak where as i used to be a bit of a slob so i try my best to be as clean and tidy as i possibly can be. Theres a bit of work involved in helping lily get to school every morning and helping her with homework and dinner after school but thats all fine with me.

About 1 month in and things start going really smoothly. Lily loves me and we are great pals. im starting to get the hang of helping out wioth the housework and doing it the way aleshia likes it done. One big change she made at this point thopgh was she disabled my access to my own plestrol. even though we would do it almost every night, i would sometimes give myself a bit of relief if i felt the natural urge. i go to aleshia and say
"Hey what gives" as i show her the app on my phone with disabled written on it
"You knew what you were getting into when you moved in, you know im dominating. I dnt want you pleasuring yourself anymore. When you want pleasure, i want you to come beg me for it" she said seductivly
I was a bit ticked off, i knew she was controling but this seemed a bit over the line. she must have noticed this because she slid my want level up a bit. my face couldnt help but change from angry to entranced no matter how had i tried.
"ok fine, but you better be generious when i come to you"
"Oh dont worry sweety, i will"

the next week or so was some of the most humiliating. Aleshia would start turning the dial up while lily was at school which eventually lead me to going to aleshia to beg her for a release. I would have to get on my knees and really beg for it, sometimes kissing her feet or giving her long massages that lasted upwards of an hour. I would usually end up in the maid outfit, having gotten quite good at doing my own make up and having to pretend to be a girly girl and waiting on her hand and foot untill she released me.

The next big line in the sand came when aleshia had to go out of town to visit some friends that were insterstate for the weekend. i was meant to be in charge of watchig lilly while she was away but very quickly i realised that i was not going to be the one in charge. It started when just 30 minutes after she left, lily said
"Hey fred, get in my room an clean it"
"Excuse me young missy, and just why would i do that" i respond
"Because of this" she says as she holds up HER phone with the plestrol app on it.
I was shocked. i immedately call aleshia to find out whats going on.

"Calm down calm down. She has had it for about a week now. ive shown her how to use it and given her very clear rules on what she can do with it"
"Dont think of it as sexual pleasure. She is just going to have a bit of fun and wants to order you around and at the end, you get a happy feeling. She gets to have fun, im rexaled knowing she has someone there with her, and you get to feel good while you make her happy. Its win win win"
"oh hush now. let lily have her fun and just enjoy it" she hangs up

I turn to lily
"Hunny, i need you to put the phone down and not use that" i try and say calmly
"No, mummy says this app makes you obey me and i press this button when your good to reward you. now if you want your reward, you need to start obeying me" she says as she puts the want level up to 20%.
I immediately start feeling a massive throb in my pants. i make a dash for the phone and am able to pry it oput of her hands but its no use, my fingers cant control her phone because of the security features. soon after a buzzer goes off and i see on the screen that my want level jumps up to 100%. its never been that high before. I drop to my knees as i get an incredible urge to climax but my body wont let me. I go into a fetal position from the feeling. Its not really a pain that i feel, just such an utter urge to orgasim that i just cant control my body anymore. I was basically paralysed.

Lily simply walks over to the phone and picks it up off the floor where i dropped it. She says
"Mummy put that on for me. she says, if you ever take my device, the bar will go upto 100% and you would be so obedient that you would fall over"
She puts the bar back down to 20% which allows me to get on my knees and catch my breath. Its clear she doesnt know what the app is actually doing and she thinks this is just a game. i get a call from Aleshia.
"I just got an alert, i see you tried to take her phone. Naught Naughty. I had a developer make that for me"
"This isnt funny aleshia"
"Sweety, just play the game. let lily have her fun. clean her room, do silly dances for her. Think of yourself as her dolly that can be rewarded"
"Fine, ill do it for this weekend but when we get back, we are having a serious discussion about this"
"Im sure we are dolly" she says laughing as she hangs up. Deep down i know shes getting off on this. She likes me humiliated and whats more humiliating then being treated as a childs plaything. I wouldnt be suprised if shes watching this through the houses security system.

"now, go clean my room" Lilly says in a demanding tone, stamping her foot and pointing to her room. there is no point fighting it. she has all the control here.
"Fine" i say reluctantly as i get up and head to her room. just before i open the door, lily says
"Wait, your not starting yet are you? Mummy said you had a maid outfit to wear"
Damn you aleshia. Why did you have to tell her about the maid outfit.
"Come on lily. let me just clean your room. Ill do a really good job i promise. you wouldnt like the maid outfit anyway"
Lily puts the want up by 10 percent and says
"Maid outfit, NOW!" as she stomps her foot again. This spoilt brat has let the power get to her head immediately.
i walk over to our room and into aleshias wardrobe where she keeps the outfit and wig. i pull both out and ley them on the bed.
"HAHAHAHA they are pink. Oh this is gonna be so funny"
"Youre going to need to leave the room. Ive got to get changed"
"No, now ask me nicely"
Oh my gosh i want to ring her neck the little twerp
"Please lily, can you leave the room so i can get changed"
"Ok, you have 5 minutes" she says as she leaves the room
Giving me a time frame to get changed. Oh my gosh. It normally would take me 10 minutes to put everything on. i strip as fast as i can and pull the maid dress and frilly petticoat up and figit with the zipper. Its next to impossible to do myself and aleshia often likes to watch as i struggle to reach around and do it myself. i eventually get it done up. i move straight onto the wig which is the next hardest thing to do, trying to find the top and the bottom, and putting it on just right. The hard stuff is finally done so i quickly move on to the stockings, gloves, headdress and heels. Lilly says
"Times up" as she walks in on me putting on the last glove.

Lilly bursts out laughing at me for a solid minute. My cheeks go very red from embarrasment.
"Good effort but you havent even done your makeup and that wig looks thrown on. Come over here" she gestures pointing to aleshias makeup table and slapping the bench in front of it. i daintly walk over in my pink heels. Ive gotten quite good at it since aleshia has made me practice for hours. Lily continues to sniggle at me as i sit down on the bench. She immediately gets to work on my wig, adjusting it on my head and brushing it with a comb. She even ties little pink ribbons on each side. She then moves on to the stockings, pulling them up high enough and clipping them properly to the petticoat which has little plastic clips on ribbons to stop the stockings from falling down. finally the makeup

"I want you to look at me, close your eyes and pout your lips" i do my best to follow her instructions but she says
"No, no, really pout your lips. like your kissing a hot boy" cracking up laughing as she says it. i put my lips into a full on kiss look and lilly starts hitting my face gently with the powder. moving up through the layers giving my cheeks a red glow, pink eyeliner and pink lipstick.
"There all done" she says, i open my eyes and look in the mirror. I had to say, i was the prettiest girl id ever seen.
"For being such a good girl while i did your makeup, you can get your first reward" she says as she hits the button on the phone. I orgasim but its a weak one, most likley aleshia has told her to keep it at a level 1 or 2. the thing is, lily doesnt lower the want level, currently at around a 30% or 40% from the feel so i immediately become horny again and wanting another.

"Oh that reminds me" she says running out of the room. She comes back quickly with something behind her back and says.
"mummy said everytime i give you a reward, youd be so excited you would pee your pants a little from excitement. Lift up that dress and let me see"
i lift it up and sure enough theres a wet spot on my pink panties except its not pee as she thinks but cum.
"So to help, mummy got me these for you to wear" she says as she pulls from behind her back a pair of adult diapers.They are clearly designed for fetish reasons as these adult diapers are designed with a unicorn patteron on them like real baby girl diapers.
"Mummy said if your wearing them, i would be able to give you as many rewards as i want and not worry about you peeing your pants. Isnt she thoughtful"

Bloody hell aleshia. Shes gone out of her way to really plan this. i sigh though because she is right. i cant just be cumming in my panties all day. Lilly opens the pack and hands me one.
"Say thank you to mummy for getting you diapers"
"Thank you mummy" i say trying to hold back the embarrassment. i take the diaper and lilly leaves the room so i can take off my panties and put on the diaper. i unfold the diaper on the bed and lay down on it. Its a bit tricky but i fold each side up and over. each side has 2 sets of tapes i do up on the diaper. Lilly soon enters and makes sure the tapes are done up tight. i look in the mirror and the the petticoat and skit arent long enough so the diaper sticks out a bit and can be seen.
"lift up that skirt and lets have a look" Lilly says. i do and lilly laughs at me and also takes a photo. That cant be good. What is she going to do with the photos. i look in the mirror and i do look incredibly silly. pink unicorn diapers under a pink frilly maid outfit.
"lets give that diaper a test run" lilly then presses the button and i get a 2nd orgasim while im holding my skirt up. still weak but im not complaining.
"yep, i cant see any leaks. that diaper looks good. Time for some work maid. Clean my room" she says again in a demanding tone. i try and walk as i normally would in my heels but the padding between my legs is making it difficult. its a lot less of a dainty walk and has become a lot more like a baby waddle. i make my way to her room and open the door. her room is very girlly and an utter mess.

its still a bit childish in apperance as i guess lilly is. there are stuffed animals, dolls and clothes all over the floor. i get to work focusing on the clothes first. lilly jumps on the bed and starts scrolling on her phone. its difficult cleaning in this getup as i have to waddle over, bend down showing off my diaper, pick up the item of clothing, bend up, fold it, waddle over to the cupboard and put it away. there are at least 200 pieces of clothing on the floor, not all of them clean. lily doesnt care and it completely obsorbed by her phone. a few times i bend down, i hear the sound of more photos being taken. probably of my diaper bottom. its taking all my will to hold my tounge and not lash out. the want level im experiencing and the promise of more rewards is helping me get through it though.

as i bend down to get one of her teddy bears, lilly says
"Wait dont put that away yet. turn around and face me. hold that teddy in your arms up against your chest"
i do that, holding the bear close to my chest.
"Come on, smile for the camera. smile as if mummy just promised you a diaper change" she says laughing. I try and smile as pretty as i can. Lilly takes a photo and says
"Im gonna call that one, baby maid and her teddy. good girl" she says hitting the reward button again "now get back to work"
I take a second to regain my composure over the last orgasim and continue. Youd think with so many orgasim's back to back that i would wear tired of them but thats the beauty to the Plestrol system. as long as the settings are the same, each orgasim will be exactly like that last.

The majority of the stuff is done. the floor is completely clean, im just tidying up her jewlery and other items on her table and dressers.Lily is watching me, now bored of her phone. she sees what im doing and says
"Bring me over that tiara" i pick up a silver and quartz tiara with a ruby at the center. i waddle over to her and present it to her in my hands
"Put it on my head" i lower the tiara onto her head.
"This tiara, now that its on my head. what does that make me?"
"umm, a princess?"
"Exactly" he hits the button again. if she knew what she was doing to me every time she hit that button, she probably wouldnt be doing it so often.
"From now on, i want you to refer to me as princess and i want you to thank me when i give you orders and jobs to do"
"uhh uhh uhh, yes what?"
"yes..... princess"
"thats better, now chop chop, back to work"

About 15 minutes after resuming. Fred felt an urge to use the bathroom. He stopped what he was doing and waddled to the door.
"hey, and where do you think your going young Missy"
"I need to go to the bathroom princess"
"lift up your skirt again for me" I do that putting my diaper on full display.
"what is that" she says pointing to my diaper
"it's my diaper princess"
"exactly... And what's it used for?"
"it's for when I wet myself"
"yeah... So wet yourself. Your a baby maid, your going to act like a baby maid. Now stand there and go potty"
"but... It's a number 2 princess"
"what are you?"
"a baby maid princess"
"and as a baby, what are you doing"
"...... Going potty in my diaper princess"

At this stage she holds up her phone and starts recording as I continue to stand in front of her holding my dress up putting my full diaper on display. I'm incredibly nervous and at first, can't go with her recording me but eventually after a minute, the pressure builds up and my body let's go all at once. I unload a huge stinker into my diaper with a squishing sound and the flow of pee starts and doesn't stop for a good 30 seconds. Lily stops recording on her phone as she tries to stop herself from laughing.
"are you all done" lily says
"yes what?"
"yes princess"
"what have you finished doing?"
"I have finished using my diaper princess"

This is beyond embarrassing. Lily better ease up soon or start giving me higher orgasims or I'm going to snap. Lily then leaves the room.
"come on baby maid, I'm hungry, make me lunch NOW"
it hasn't even been a day since this started and already I can tell she doesn't see me as a person anymore. Just something she can play around with. Even if I get the app taken off her phone when aleshia gets back, I fear the power dynamic between us will have changed forever and she will always just see me as a baby maid who she had use a diaper in front of her. We head down to the kitchen. Each waddle moves the diaper and the mush around. When we arrive, she sits at the dining room table and says
"mac and cheese NOW"

She needs to stop it with this NOW stuff. Just cause I'm dressed like this and having to obey her orders doesn't make me her slave. Who am I kidding. Of course that makes me her slave. I grab the pot and the ingredients. Squatting down in the cupboard to grab some of this forces me to basically sit further into my mess. I start cooking. During the cooking process as I'm stirring the pot, I start to feel my want level go up. My desire is increasing at a steady rate.
"what are you doing princess"
"You don't ask me questions. KEEP COOKING"

She continues to raise my want level, it feels like it's at 60% now. I'm fully erect and it's starting to really throb.
"princess, you know that obedience meter, it makes me really want to be rewarded. I'm really feeling it. Could you maybe give me a reward princess?"
"you fell over at 100% obedience. I wanna see what happens when I get close to that"
I continue to stir the pot but she continues to raise the meter. It's at 80% now. I'm dying inside and the throbbing is incredibly intense. I stop stirring and I get on my knees and start to beg
"please please please princess. I'm already very obedient. Could you please give me a reward. I'll do anything"
"ahh see this is interesting. In the higher levels it causes desperation to be obedient. I'll keep note of that. If you want a reward, you will have to... Uhmm.... Kiss my feet"

I don't even skip a beat, I need a reward asap. I crawl on my hands and knees as fast as I can, not caring how messy I'm making my diaper and start kissing as fast and thoroughly as I can. After about a minute of kissing. I get an orgasim and she lowers the want down to 40% which is what it was before. I feel so relieved but I then realise that I just came in a wet and messy diaper. I push that thought aside as much as I can and get up.
"thank you princess"
Lily doesn't say anything and just has a huge smirk on her face. She is starting to see the power of the app and its true potential which is scary. I finish cooking and serve her a bowl. I go to get myself a bowl but lily stops me sayong
"Maids don't eat with their masters. You will stand there and watch me eat in case I need you"

I stand behind her and hold my hands at my front resting on my dress. Lily takes her sweet time to eat, stopping frequently to check her phone. I'm standing there for a good 20 mins before she finally finishes

Ever since they have made me a full time slave for them, they have decided to keep me permenantly on 70% want level. It's made me so desperate for an orgasim that I've started to help them humiliate me. I'm doing anything just for that breif relief of an orgasim and I've been told that the more humiliated I am, the higher the orgasim will be. The best I've found so far is when I get to dress up in the puppy dog bitch suit. It's a fully white fursuit with black patches here and there, but unlike a normal bitch suit, the arms and legs are very short but also very wide.

Basically it means that you have to bend your arms putting your hands up near your shoulders and use your elbows as your front paws, and do the same with your legs, putting your feet up near your bum and using your knees as your back paws. It pretty much immobilises you and limits your range of movement to that of a real dog. It's not really something you can buy so I had to earn money off of aleshia through my sissy allowance and then buy a normal fursuit, then modify it into the bitch suit it is now.

ONLY issue is I can't just get into it and reap the rewards of an orgasim. The suit requires you to enter with your arms and legs already bent so it really requires someone else to bring the fur up and over you as well as zip it up at the back. Knowing this, lilly and aleshia like to make me beg to be their puppy dog before they put me in it. They know I want it because of the rewards I'll get.

"please lily, haven't I been the best sissy maid this week for you. Remember when you taped that dirty diaper to my face for an hour and I thanked you so much for it. Please let me be your puppy dog. I want to be cute and fluffy for you. You can teach me new tricks and feed me doggie treats"
Lilly thinks to herself
"making you a puppy might be fun this weekend. Go ask mummy first"
I crawl on my hands and knees into alwshias room
"uhm... Mummy"
"what is it"
"lilly.... Umm.... Would like to know if I've been a good baby maid to be your puppy dog this weekend?"
"do you think you've been a good enough sissy slave to be my puppy?"
"oh please mummy. I really want to be your puppy. It will be so funny for you to watch me struggle and waddle around like a puppy"
"are you going to be an obedient puppy and do whatever your told?"
"arf arf yes mummy arf"

"now that I've made you truely embarrass yourself. You were always going to be dressing up as a puppy for the weekend. Chad is coming over and he wants to bring around his German Shepard and was hoping you, the maid would look after him. I want to go further and I want you two to have a puppy play date together. Got get ready"
"oh thank you thank you thank you thank you mummy"
I was dying I side hearing that Chad, aleshias new boyfriend would be visiting again. He's always so mean to me ever since aleshia gave him access to my chip. I guess he wants to make sure I know my place and don't interfere with aleshia and him.

I go to lilly with the puppy bitch suit and ask
"princess, can you help me become your puppy. mummy said yes"
Lily jumps out of her chair and says
"yay, first we need to get you ready"
She undoes the locks on my maid dress and removes all my clothes except for my shock collar. She then lays me down and changes my diaper for my special bitch suit cloth diaper. It's a thick padded cloth diaper with a hole in the rear for when aleshia wants to put things in my butt. Lily then puts a ring gag in my mouth and locks it up behind my head. It stops me from even having the urge to say human words and also makes me drool like a puppy. I then lie down ad she lays the suit over my folded arms and legs. It's furry and padded on the outside and inside to make me feel like a real dog.

The bitch suit, as said before is modelled after a cartoony girlly looking puppy having predominantly white fur and black patches here and there. The eyes, insides of the floppy ears and paw prints are all pink. The tufts of hair on the puppy head really make it look girly. It's modelled after a fursuit called ticket from don't hug cacti after they saw a video of her hugging teddy bears. Aleshia and lily instantly knew after that, ticket the puppy was the kind of girl looking puppy they wanted me to be. After the suit is relatively on me, I'm flipped over and the fur is brought over my back and zipped up. The sipper is padlocked and hidden under a secret layer of fur out of sight.
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