Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2279920-DOG-GONE-BONE
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #2279920
Poor little doggie
Hello, my name is Andy, I am a basset hound. I live in a house with three humans. They treat me good, and I get all the bones I want. I usually take them outside to hide them. I don't know why I do this; it is just a dog thing. My human just gave me the biggest, juiciest bone I have ever seen. I will take it outside to the back porch and chew on it for a while before it too gets hidden. Of course, when a dog hides a bone, he buries it in his yard. He can go back later and dig it up and probably bury it somewhere else. This seems like odd behavior but, I am just a dog. MMMMMM, it tastes so MMMMMM good. I think it is chicken MMMMM

Out of the corner of my eye I can see the neighbor's cat, Bitsy, she is eying my bone. I bark at her, and she runs away. Perhaps I should take my bone and hide it. It would be embarrassing to have my bone taken from me by a cat. I pick up my bone and go around to the front yard. I start sniffing to find the right spot to dig. I must be careful not to uncover any of my other hidden treasures. I have bones, toys, socks and even an old tennis shoe buried in my yard. Some of my treasures have been buried since I was a pup. As I get closer to the big oak tree, I find a spot that is free and start to dig. As you know we dogs do like to dig and can make quite a mess. We dig grass, roots, rocks and dirt. Anything in our way is fair game. I once dug a large hole over by the fence and found a ball. I then took the ball and buried under the porch. We dogs must keep our treasures protected and thus we are constantly moving them.

As I am digging under the tree, I see that Bitsy has followed me. Sitting above me on a tree limb, I bark but, this time she just sits there. I pick up my bone and walk over to the rose bush and sniff until I find a free spot. I start digging and there is Bitsy sitting right beside me. She turns her head as if to say, may I have a bite of your bone. I decide maybe I should take my bone inside until Bitsy goes to sleep. I can then sneak out and bury it before she wakes up. I pick up my bone and head for the doggie door around back. As I am walking away a small piece of the chicken on the bone falls off.

Bitsy suddenly jumps on it and devours it all. This only makes me more determined to hide my bone, so I hurry along, almost running to the back door. Bitsy is right on my heels trying to knock the bone from my mouth. I finally get inside the doggie door and place the bone in my bed and sit on it. As Bitsy walks by I growl at her, she hurries off into the dining room where she finds her own food. I lay in my bed for a long time watching her, when I think she is asleep I take my bone outside again. It is very dark out now and I must sniff my way across the yard. I finally find the right spot and bury my treasure by the garage. I will probably have to rebury it tomorrow but, for now it is safe.

As I go to sleep that night, I dream of all my treasures. I know that with Bitsy around I will be busy for some time moving and re-moving my treasures. I am a dog and that is my quest in life to protect my treasures from cat burglars.

{664 words}
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