Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2279958-ROSE-ELLEN
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #2279958
A little girl's ordeal,
The Rose Ellen Mary McGee Ordeal

Two little girls were sitting by a garden gate
One was seven and the other nearly eight
They were having a party of afternoon tea
With their dollies, Clara and Rose Ellen Mary McGee.

They were all dressed in their bonnets of blue
They had cakes and cookies and sandwiches, too
The little girls were laughing, having a good time
When there occurred such a terrible crime.

Out through the gate came a horrible beast
A big black, hairy dog looking for a feast
He ran to the table and began to eat
Both girls screamed and jumped to their feet.

The girl of eight grabbed for her dolly's arm
To keep Rose Ellen Mary McGee from harm
The beast turned out to be much faster
Now the doll was headed for sure disaster.

Around and around the tree they all went
Till all three were completely spent
They fell upon the ground by a bush of holly
The dog started panting and dropped the dolly.

Rose Ellen Mary McGee with hair full of dirt
Was wet and soggy, but not really hurt
The little girl hugged her dolly near
"I'm so very sorry." she said. "My dear."

"Please forgive me for not protecting you."
"I'm sorry you were frightened, too."
Forgiveness comes to all creatures that be
Dogs, girls of eight or Rose Ellen Mary McGee.
© Copyright 2022 Penelope Moonbeam (inkydinky33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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