Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2281302-ROCKFORD-ROCK
Rated: E · Short Story · Nature · #2281302
Tell me you have never wondered if rocks could talk,
My name is Rockford; I am a rock. I am used for many things, some good, some bad. When I was younger, I once skipped across the lake and sank to the bottom. I thought I was doomed to remain with the fish but, I was rescued by a fisherman's net. I then ended up on the shore in the sand. I stayed there for almost six years until a small boy took me home and placed me in a cage with his pet turtle. Fred the turtle and I spent many fun times together. We played tag and swan together every day. One day Fred went away and was replaced with a hamster named Jasper. He wasn't so friendly; he would jump on me and try to escape. He tried to turn me over once and I fell on his paw, he left me alone after that. We never really became as close as Fred and I. One morning the boy came in and took me out of the cage, put me in his pocket. picked up a stick from his desk and we went outside. It was good to be in the sun again. I missed my days on the lake shore and hoped soon I could return. Tommy was the boy's name, and he was rather small, blond hair and blue eyes. Tommy took me from his pocket and placed me in a rubber strap that was attached to the stick. He pulled the strap back and let go, while I went flying through the air and hit the barn. I was stunned for a minute but not hurt. Rocks are strong you know. He came over and picked me up and back into the strap I went. while I was off and soaring again, this time I landed by a rose bush. Tommy played this game for a long time. I really didn't mind; I was outside, and it felt good not to have Jasper jumping on me.

After a while Tommy grew tired and so did I. He sat down under a tall elm tree and laid me on the ground with the stick. It felt good to have dirt beneath me and I thought if only I could roll away to my home on the lake. Just then I heard chirping from up in the tree, I knew that sound I heard it a lot when I lived in the garden. It was the chirping of baby birds. They sure sounded hungry. Tommy heard the sound, grabbed me and the stick, stood up and then while I went flying and then no more chirping. The little bird fell to the ground next to me. 'What have you done I screamed?' The little bird did not move, and Tommy just stood there. In a few minutes the mother bird returned to the nest, seeing her baby on the ground she flew down next to it. She looked at Tommy and began to flap her wings as if to scare him off. Tommy ran into the house and left me lying on the ground. "I am so sorry Mrs. Bird; I did not mean to hurt your baby." Just then the baby bird moved and flew back to the nest with its mother. I remained under the elm for a long time, I heard the little bird sing every day and was happy. I hoped Tommy would forget about me and I could live outside forever.

The seasons and the years pass by. I have seen the little bird and Tommy grow up and leave the nest. My days under the tree I made many friends, the little bird being one of them. He spent many days trying to find worms underneath me. The squirrels brought their nuts and acorns to crack them open on me. The snails found me to be a good shelter from the rain. Even though this tree was a nice home I still longed for my home by the lake. I could hear the waves washing to shore, now and then see the gull's overhead. One night I had a dream of being shipped across the lake and swimming with the fish. I am now best I know one hundred years old. I have lived in many wonderful places and been on many adventures. I long for my lakeside home more than any other home. I Look up and see a young man walking toward the tree. He bends down, picks me up puts me in his pocket and walks down to the lake. He takes me from his pocket and sends me sailing across the lake. I skip over the water two, three, four times and land on the other side. The sand feels so warm beneath me and as I sit there, I look back at the boy who became the man that brought me home. Thank you, Tommy.
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