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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2287169
A Dad's nighttime adventure with his daughter.
You walk slowly through the door feeling a wave of guilt wash over you. Feeling your dick throb in your pants you walk over to the corner of the room. Dropping your pants you kneel down next to your daughter's crib the fact that she's less than one hardly matters to you at this point. You stick your dick through the bars saying "wake up honey I have a bottle for you" you shake your dick up and down in an attempt to entice the young girl. You feel the soft skin of her hands touch your dick before moving to your shaft and then warmth and wetness of her mouth on your head. The feeling of suction on your dick makes you regret not getting sucked earlier. You feel her mouth fully wrapping around your glans making your cock twitch and balls clench. You moan quietly as you press against the bars trying to give your daughter as much access to your cock as possible. You press your head down to about halfway down your shaft surprised she takes it so well. "Good girl" you think saying this will hopefully keep her calm. You take a deep breath to hold in your moans as you lift her head up and down on your cock but a loud moan escapes as you force her head all the way down to your balls. The choking sounds she makes your heart hurt almost as much as the pain in your dick almost. Your balls strain with the burden of holding back your cum as you pull your dick out of your lovely daughter's throat. You pull off her diaper and lift her out of the crib you can't help but grind her underage pussy against your dick. You turn around and lay her on the baby changing station and strap her in. Picking the lube out of your pants you coat your dick. You grip your hand on the side of the changing station to brace yourself you place your dick at her entrance and push hard. A moan comes out of you and the baby as you finally pop inside. You pull back slightly relishing the feeling of your daughter's pussy on your hard dick. You press forward until you feel her soft asshole on your balls you start thrusting listening to the nasty sound of your adult balls on her underage butt. You scream "oh fuck' as you feel the tightness clench down on her dick as you pull out and slam forward the wet slap spurring you on. Your balls strain as you're about to cum you slow down your thrust but put more force behind each one making your daughter squeak. You pull your cock out at the last second cumming on her face but decide that this is how it's supposed to be and shove your dick back into her tight toddler pussy. Your balls twitch shooting hot cum right into her baby womb. You feel the pumping of your balls into the lovely girl you call daughter. As another rope is shot inside you can't help but think that this is right. If you weren't supposed fuck babies why does it feel so good? Leaning down to kiss your daughter you cum out the biggest load causing her to scream and your balls to bounce and strain. You stand back up and look down at your daughter. Pulling your dick out causes a wet popping and jizz oozes out of your baby's pussy. This sight causes you to brick back up ready for round two.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2287169-The-Best-Baby