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Rated: 13+ · Prose · Death · #2287174
yeah not going well it is not
Grief feels like waves of Hell

Hell is very painful I know or at least I think I know
Grief comes and goes in waves it does
Waves that feel like you can never be saved
Waves that hit anytime they want

Ho painful is the grief I feel
It doesn't help to know I am not the only one
It doesn't help really to know that people can relate at this stage
How I feel really is like so what at least in this moment I do

Grief tries to pull you under to return no more it sure does
I hate grief I can see how some can grieve to death
When the pain becomes so great they just decide to check out
My grief however is no more important than another's

My grief is not greater than anyone else, it just is not
I feel like it must be however that is surely a lie
Grief must come to everyone sooner or later, fair or not
However, the fairness may be in just that it comes to everyone

Although my Pastor says there is no such thing as fair in life
Maybe he is right and then again maybe not
At this moment I feel he is right
I am already tired of this grief I surely am

Frustrated, angry, maybe mad at the world however nothing will bring her back
It is what it is, suck it up buttercup right, right
However we will not be doing that today!

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