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Rated: E · Article · Political · #2289271
This article articulates the dramatic fall of England into Satanism.
England has turned to Satanism and WICCA in record numbers for this time in history. While many people in England have become atheists in their religious belief, many have also turned “black”. As a matter of fact, “5,000 members of England and Wales … [have professed that they] practice Satanism. (Devil's island: Growing number of Brits are practising Satanism with 5,000 members in England and Wales - while Wicca and Shamanism see boom since 2011... but Scientology suffers decline, by Oliver Prince, 1-21-2023.). Hyperlink: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11654511/Growing-number-Brits-practise-...

Some 2,000 people signed a petition for England’s high award given to those who serve abroad, The Order of St. Michael and St. George, to be redesigned. But Bumi Thomas, a Nigerian British singer, complained that the award showing St. Michael is not really St. Michael and the devil but is “a black man in chains [like George Floyd] with a white, blue-eyed figure standing on his neck.” He claimed that the image, in view of “what happened to George Floyd and what has been happening to black people for centuries under the guise of diplomatic missions: active subliminal messaging that reinforces the conquest, subjugation, and dehumanization of people of color.” Given that purity and holiness are often expressed by the color white and light by the Church of England, and the devil and sin are expressed as being devoid of light and thus black, could it be possible that those figures really did represent St. Michael - defender of the Church - crushing the devil and evil? Could the petition be a mission of Satan to remove the picture of his victor obtaining victory over him? (The Guardian: Calls for redesign of Royal Honour over ‘offensive image’, by Samuel de Brunelleschi, 6-22-2020). Hyperlink: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/jun/22/calls-for-redesign-of-royal-hono...

There is a startling rise of satanism among the youth in the U.K., seemingly England as well but satanism has been repackaged as a “movement towards self-identification and self-realization.” The cult seems to deny that satanism is the worship of Satan. Rather, it emphasizes the development of “your own version of yourself as Satan.” Thus, each member of the cult seems to become a false god to be worshipped. ('Yourself as Satan': Satanism Rises in UK, Appealing to Young People as a Religion 'Of The Self,’ by Steve Warren, 1-17-2023). Hyperlink: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2023/january/yourself-as-satan-satanism-rises...

Perhaps the most telltale sign of England’s connection to the occult was when King Charles opened the 2022 Commonwealth Games. It is recorded that, a “massive 32 foot high idol of a fiery bull” was the focus during its opening. Reportedly, names of 21 people killed in the Mulberry Bush and Tavern town bombings by the IRA were “inscribed on its headpiece”. One wonders if those were “victims” offered to whatever false god, perhaps Satan or Baal? Why else would their names have been inscribed on the idol? (TIMESPrince: Charles Opens The 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games With An Idol Of A Raging, Fiery Bull Prompting Comparisons To Baal Worship, by Geoffrey Grinder, 8-5-2022). Hyperlink: https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/prince-charles-2022-commonwealth-games-raging-bu...

In another terrible moment, King Charles alluded to the fact that he was not sure of the paternity of his son, Prince Harry. Even if it might be possible, a parent really should not joke about such important issues. It seems to be a bit narcissistic. Could it be part of the king’s narcissistic supply? In any case, if there is any sincere doubt, a paternity test should be done to determine paternity for certain. What a scandal! (King Charles made ‘sadistic’ jokes about Prince Harry’s ‘real’ dad: memoir, by Sara Nathan, 1-5-23). Hyperlink: https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/king-charles-made-jokes-about-prince-harrys-real-...

Though traditionally the Church of England taught about the existence of the devil and taught to reject the devil, when it held its General synod, it changed the verbiage for its baptism ceremony from vowing to “reject the devil and all rebellion against God” to “”turn away from sin,” and “reject evil.” Their justification for it is based upon the fact that they feel that the devil seems like “just a caricature” … “it doesn’t help them to recognize and really grapple with the very awful reality of war and famine and poverty, and the horrible things that people do to each other.” (The Church of England doesn't want you to worry about the devil, by Matthew Bell, 7-15-2014). Hyperlink: https://theworld.org/stories/2014-07-15/church-england-doesnt-want-you-worry-abo...

When one compares the changes to satanism in England with the changes to the Church of England, one notices that they are being made more closely identified to each other. For instance, satanism has reportedly removed the worship of Satan, while the Church of England has removed the rejection of Satan in its baptismal service. And they both are moving to become more accepting of gender ideology, etc. This is all seemingly moving along to fulfill the goal of de-christianizing England, even to the point of turning it into a satanic homeground.

King Charles is not the only one to be accused of demonic attachment. Apparently, Prince Harry has also accused the Royal Family, and most specifically, Camilla, of ““getting into bed with the devil” to “improve image”.” (One wonders how Camilla could possibly improve her own image by leaking untrue information about a new family member? (Note: It seems that Prince Harry denies the possibility of the following sentence: Could it possibly be, instead, a revengeful undertaking since Prince Harry begged his father not to marry Camilla? Hyperlink: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11602375/Prince-Harry-begged-Prince-Cha...). And who could blame Prince Harry? Camilla disgraced Princess Di in time and now she will for all earthly time. It is no wonder the Prince made such an objection.) Prince Harry went on to say that “”while he loved his Father Charles and his brother the Prince of Wales”, “at the moment I don’t recognize them,” he said.” (‘Prince Harry accuses royal family of getting ‘into bed with the devil’, by DANICA KIRKA Associated Press, 1-10-2023). Hyperlink: https://www.oregonlive.com/nation/2023/01/price-harry-accuses-royal-family-of-ge...

Such division caused by the malicious leaks is the fruit of the demonic, many in the Church of England would say. C. S. Lewis addressed politics in this way: “Loyalties, Lewis understood, are not lost in grand ways. Politics claims them in more subtle ways. As Uncle Screwtape wrote:
“Once you have made the World an end, and faith as a means, you have almost won your man, and it makes very little difference what kind of worldly end he is pursuing. Provided that meetings, pamphlets, policies, movements, causes, and crusades matter more to him than prayers and sacraments and charity, he is ours.” (“A Demon’s Guide to the Election: How C.S. Lewis Addressed National Division, by John Stonestreet, 11-2-2020). Hyperlink: https://www.christianheadlines.com/columnists/breakpoint/a-demons-guide-to-the-e...

The result of Satanism and WICCA in England can be felt in the Church of England. One priest, Gavin Ashenden, who resigned there, said that, “the Church of England and much of Christianity have been infiltrated by cultural Marxism.” He further stated that “the cultural firestorm raging from the Western world over sexuality and gender exhibits the same totalitarian characteristics of that regime.” The problem for the Church of England and what will lead to England’s fall is “the loss of a monarch who publicly acclaimed the Christian faith,” it is claimed. (Conservative Anglicans warn Church of England is cratering in attempt to stay relevant: 'The church is dying', by Jon Brown, Fox News, 11-15-2022.). Hyperlink: https://www.foxnews.com/world/conservative-anglicans-warn-church-england-crateri...

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