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by Espero
Rated: E · Assignment · Drama · #2290132
Research for Project
A) Research the number of years to become Police Dispatcher
1-1.5 years training - 6 mo. on the job training

B) Research bus routes from Cincinnati to Denver CO
Cincinnati, OH 7:30 AM
Dayton, OH 9:45 AM
Indianapolis, IN 12:40 PM
Effingham, IL 2:35 PM
St. Louis, MO 5:55 PM
Kansas City, MO 12:01 AM
Salina, KS 3:50 AM
Goodland, KS 7:05 AM
Denver, CO 10:25 AM

C) Research combat battlefield
Unit rec'd radio report from a patrol that had spotted something suspicious. Driving to site in convey of Humvees they spotted explosions ahead to held back and sent skeleton crew ahead to check it out. Soon they heard gunshots and suddenly they were attacked with bullets and grenades. An explosion knocked John momentarily unconscious and shrapnel pierced his leg; his comrade, Jose, pulled him to safety. He had also injured his face and blood was gushing . Jose bandaged it as best he could to stop the bleeding. The attackers were eventually driven off. 6 men were killed and 3, including John and Jose, survived. A helicopter came and rescued them.

D) Research leg/foot injury
Damage to a joint would cause a permanent limp. So would damage to certain nerves. Another way a bullet could cause a permanent
limp is damage to the bone. This could cause the limp to curve, or be shorter than the other leg. Bullet fragments can wind up migrating
into the knee and cause severe discomfort or the leg to log up completely. Serious enough muscle damage can render certain muscles.
useless causing an odd gait. Damage to ankle or foot can also cause serious limps and complications while walking. For example, a
bullet that strikes the shin might deflect down into the foot and damage important tendons and bones there causing the foot to no longer.
function correctly or make it painful to put their full weight on that foot.

E) PSTD: Re-experiencing the trauma through intrusive, distressing recollections of the event, flashbacks, and nightmares
Emotional numbness and avoidance of places, people, and activities that are reminders of the trauma
Increased arousal such as difficulty sleeping and concentrating, feeling jumpy, and being easily irritated and angered
Avoid sharp sounds like gunshots, fireworks, car backfire

F) Signs of emotional abuse include:

Calling you names, insulting you, or constantly criticizing you
Acting jealous or possessive or refusing to trust you
Isolating you from family, friends, or other people in your life
Monitoring your activities with or without your knowledge, including demanding to know where you go, whom you contact, and how you spend your time
Attempting to control what you wear, including clothes, makeup, or hairstyles
Humiliating you in any way, especially in front of others
Gaslighting you by pretending not to understand or refusing to listen to you; questioning your recollection of facts, events, or sources; making your needs or feelings seem unimportant; or denying previous statements or promises
Threatening you, your children, your family, or your pets
Damaging your belongings, including throwing objects, punching walls, and kicking doors
Blaming you for their abusive behaviors
Accusing you of cheating, or cheating themselves and blaming you for their actions
Cheating on you to intentionally hurt you and threatening to cheat again to suggest that they’re “better” than you
Telling you that you’re lucky to be with them or that you’ll never find someone better

Someone is committing physical abuse when they:

Pull your hair or punch, slap, kick, bite, choke, or smother you
Forbid or prevent you from eating or sleeping
Use weapons against you, including firearms, knives, bats, or mace
Prevent you from contacting emergency services, including medical attention or law enforcement
Harm your children or pets
Drive recklessly or dangerously with you in the car or abandon you in unfamiliar places
Force you to use drugs or alcohol, especially if you have a history of substance use issues
Trap you in your home or prevent you from leaving
Throw objects at you
Prevent you from taking prescribed medication or deny you necessary medical treatment
Sign #1 Abused women have to guess at what normal behavior is.

Sign #2 Abused women have difficulty maintaining their focus and drive.

Sign # 3Abused women are often paralyzed by their own negativity so that they find it hard to start something new and have an uphill struggle to see it through.

Sign #4 Abused women judge themselves without mercy.

Sign #5 Abused women feel they always have to justify themselves.

Sign #6 Abused women have difficulty being lighthearted.

Sign #7 Abused women have difficulty trusting.

Sign #8 Abused women take everything very seriously.

Sign #9 Abused women overreact and catastrophize even over small problems.

Sign #10 Abused women faithfully store every last criticism they experience and they discount any praise that comes their way.

Sign #11 Abused women need approval and affirmation and tend to look for it in all the wrong places – i.e. Mr Nasty.

Sign #12 Abused women usually feel that they are different from other people as a result of their relationship.

Sign #13 Abused women are extremely loyal – especially to their emotionally abusive partner- despite all the evidence that he is unworthy of that loyalty.

G) If you ask for birth control pills will the Dr. test you first to make sure you are not pregnant? The answer is "yes".

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