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by Pairen
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2292048
Your girl best friend who has something extra downstairs gets an opportunity of a lifetime
This is my first ever story. Let me know what you think.


Lily=pink text

Other characters= green text

you and lily have been best friends since the 6th grade. It never bothered you that she was different from other girls but you knew for a fact it bothered her. She was never able to get a boyfriend because of her extra member even though she was one of the hottest girls in school. Once while you two were drinking she asked if you would ever date a girl with her condition. You felt bad as you really did like her but just as a friend and didn’t want to lie or lead her on so you told her the truth. While you could tell she was saddened by your answer it was true and you told her that she would find the right person for her eventually. Things were awkward for sometime but eventually things went back to what they always have been. It was now senior year and you two decided to pair up for your big science project worth 50% of your final grade. Together you created an app where two people submit their fingerprint into their individual app, one person would select to be the alpha and the other the beta. The beta would have to do anything the alpha commanded them to during the time limit set. When it came time to present in front of the class you selected beta and lily selected alpha. “Alright Y/N go sharpen my pencil for me” immediately you grabbed lily’s pencil from her hand and went and sharpened it for her. “Now bring it back” you immediately walked over to lily and handed her her newly sharpened pencil. The class was very impressed but Mrs. Thompson(your teacher) was not fully sold and questioned if you actually followed her command or were just acting for a good grade. Together you and lily entered your fingerprints and canceled your current session and offered Mrs. Thompson to try herself. Once getting set up lily spoke to Mrs. Thompson “Write an A+ on our project why don’t you.” To Mrs. Thompson’s surprise she walked over to your papers and signed a big red A+ in the corner of the page. Mrs. Thompson couldn’t believe it. “ You know what, I think that grade is well deserved” Once Lily and Mrs. Thompson canceled their session you and lily were free to leave class early since you presented first. You and Lily couldn’t have been happier, that app took months to develop and now you can both rest easy knowing you got a perfect grade. On your way out to your cars Lily stopped you. “Hey you wanna drink at my house tonight to celebrate?” “For sure I think we are due some drinks after slaving away on that app for months.”

You arrive at lily’s house later with a case of beer and the vodka she requested. Lily opens the door and tells you that her parents are gone for the weekend which gives you two the freedom to be as loud and rowdy as you want tonight. You both walk into her living room where you both have hung out hundreds of times. You decide to play a drinking game version of Mario kart where both of you become fairly drunk. “I have an idea for the next game, whoever loses has to be the beta and the other gets to be the alpha.” “Alright but are you sure I’ve won like 9 of the last 10 and the only time you won was when I started late and you got like 5 red shells.” “what are you too much of a pussy?” “Alright looks like you are gonna be fetching me my drinks for the rest of the night.”

“Ha looks like I win” you couldn’t believe it Lily must be the luckiest girl in the world. “ that’s such bullshit on the only race that matters, I was in first the whole race but then some computer fucked me with a blue shell and you got like 3 red shells.” “Don’t hate the player hate the game.” Lily laughed. “Alright you know the drill get out you phone.” You and Lily each took out your phones and entered your fingerprints. You selected Beta while she selected Alpha. “What are we setting the time limit to?” “Well it’s already 10pm so I’d say 5 hours just to make sure it lasts the rest of the night in case we stay up late.” You both agree on the time frame and press enter. “Okay let’s get things started Y/N, chug the rest of your beer.” You start to protest as you just opened a new one but before you can get any words out your body betrays you and you begin chugging. “man that will never get old” “ god you are the worst you know that.” “Whatever you say tough guy, now go grab us both another beer and a shot.” Of course you went and did just that as you had no other choice. “Man I should make you do all my chores while you are like this.” “Haha very funny.”

You both get even more hammered as lily commands you to keep doing shots and downing beers. You play another game and both lose to a computer likely to blame on the alcohol and lily commanding you to slow down. “God you are such a bitch.” You say jokingly. “Yeah well you can suck my dick bitch.” She also jokes. Weirdly enough you have both said that to each other millions of times never even batting an eye at it but after she says it you start to get up and walk over to her. “What are you doing?” “I don’t know.” You grab her sweatpants and try to pull them down before she grabs them and holds them up. “Dude what the fuck, are you trying to pants me?” Then it clicked in your head. “Oh my god you told me to suck your dick you dumbass.” You both start laughing hysterically as you realize her mistake. “Jesus I have to watch what I say” you both keep laughing but then you realize that she pulled her hands away and was no longer stopping you from pulling her pants down. She is now in her bare underwear with her large bulge fully visible “ Lily?” “Lily what are you doing, tell me to stop.” You look into lily’s eyes and you see a sympathetic look but is quickly passes in favor of pure drunken lust. She helps you pull down her underwear to let her 8in fully erect cock spring into view. Your mouth starts to advance towards her cock when you plead one last time. “Please Lily you can’t do this, I don’t want to do this.” You start to reach for your phone before lily notices. “Wait…” lily commanded which forced you to stand still “Oh thank god I thought you were really going to make me blow you.” “…hand me your phone.” You retrieve your phone and hand it to lily who then throws it to her side. “Continue.” Lily then grabs her beer and takes a big gulp before watching you go down on her.

Your mouth closes on her shaft as you begin taking more and more of her cock. “What the fuck, I thought she was going to stop me there’s no way this is happening right now.” You think to yourself. You hear lily gasp in pure ecstasy as you bob up and down on her cock. “Oh god yes.” She grabs you hair and forces you down even further. “Use your tongue” she commands and you have no other choice but to follow as your tongue glides along and all around her tip. “Ohhh fuck just like that, your mouth feels so fucking good.” She moans. It feels like forever since you started, the only time you get to breathe is when she orders you to suck on her balls or tongue her ass. Each time you go up for air you try to plead to her but she doesn’t even listen. Finally after what feels like forever she finally says something while guiding your head up and down that isn’t her moaning how good it feels. “Alright Y/N I know you’re probably pissed at me right now but you know I’m a virgin and was always super horny and curious so when you just offered to suck my dick I couldn’t just refuse. You understand don’t you.” Lily is expecting a reply but when you keep bobbing up and down she remembers. “oh yeah haha I guess I have to tell you to stop. Ok you can stop now to answer me.” You pull your head off her cock and scream at her. “OFFERED? YOU COMMANDED ME TO, I HAD NO OTHER COICE AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME TO STOP.” Lily looks like she doesn’t even care about how what you were thinking. “Yeah well, same thing, but look I promise once I blow my load we’ll go to bed and by the time we wake up the time frame will be over and we can just forget this happened okay? oh and also you can get back to blowing me now.” She pulls your head back down and immediately gets right back to where she left off. You think to yourself “is it because she’s drunk? Or is it because of the power she now holds over me? Possibly both, either way I just have to make it until the time frame is over and then I will never have to see her again” Just as you finished your thought you hear “oh god I think I’m getting close!” Lily starts fucking your mouth faster and faster until she slams her cock into the back of your throat and empty’s her load. She moans from pure pleasure and leaves her cock in your mouth until she’s done with her beer. She pulls you off but before you can yell at her again she shushes you which silences you completely. “Shhhhh it’s time for bed come with me.” She leads you up to her room where you have slept before even in the same bed as her but this time is different you want nothing more than to run away. “What, you don’t want to sleep in the same bed as me?” “Look the time frame will run out in an hour, if you want you can just stay up in my bed until then.” You figured you don’t have much of a choice so you decide to go along with what she says. You both lay on the bed but you just keep eying the clock until you are able to get out of here until you hear lily whisper in your ear “fall asleep.”

You wake up the next morning and feel strange until you remember the night before and immediately jump out of the bed, lily looks like she’s still asleep so you run for the door. Just as you reach for the door knob you hear lily mumble something. “Wait.” Just like that your body goes still as you followed her command. “How? The time frame for last nights session should have ended hours ago.” You think to yourself until you realize you don’t feel your phone in your pocket. “Where’s my phone lily?” “ I took it from you last night after you fell asleep, then I opened it up using the same password you’ve been using since middle school. Then I used your unconscious finger to agree to the new time frame: 12 hours. Now how about you come back to bed and listen no talking alright” You walk over and lay back down where lily turns you into the little spoon to her big. “Oh Y/N, I didn’t mean for everything that happened last night to happen ,honestly, but the opportunity was just too perfect not to take. The alcohol mixed with your constant teasing just really got me going so when I realized the power I had over you it was just too perfect. Honestly, I was going to let the time frame run out and try to talk things out but once I sobered up I remembered your pleas to me while I was face fucking you so that wasn’t an option either. Honestly above all else you felt wayyy too good for just a one time use. Especially when I haven’t even tried everything I’ve always wanted to just yet.” She slowly moved her hands down near you ass and began to undo your belt. “So really you gave me no other choice than to increase the time.” Lily finished taking off your pants and underwear and started on her own. You couldn’t believe it, after all these years of being friends you have been reduced down to some sex toy for her pleasure. You began to feel her hands and tip rubbing against your ass. “I’ve always wanted to try this.” Lily said so happily. Just as lily’s tip applied pressure she said something. “Oh my haha, you can tell I’m a virgin I almost went in without lube.” On one hand you were furious being used like this, on the other you were just happy that she wasn’t going in dry. “Ahh shit, looks like I don’t have any, looks like your saliva is gonna have to do the trick.” Lily laid all the way back on her bed and looked over at you. “Alright Y/N come suck my dick or your ass will pay the price.” Of course you had no choice anyways, you crawled across the bed and grabbed her cock before inserting the whole thing into your mouth. It was by far worse than last night as now you were completely sober. You looked up to see lily smiling down at you as you got her cock nice and lubed up. Without her command you tried extra hard to try to get her to cum hoping it would save your ass. You felt her cock start to throb when Lily caught on and pulled your head off her cock. “Woah are you trying to make me cum early? Nice try, but your aren’t getting out of this that easily.” “You know what I think I’m all lubed up, and since I’m already laying on my back, I have always wanted to try cowgirl.” Lily positions you right above her cock. “Alright start going down slowly.” You involuntarily start to lower right above her cock, right as her tip touches your hole she says. “You can not talk during this, but from now on you can moan.”

Lily’s tip enters your hole with little resistance thanks to the lube you provided it. “Ohhh fuck” “keep lowering” your body try’s to lower itself but is unable to due to the tightness of your ass and the girth of her cock. Eventually your able to lower one more inch but you can tell lily is getting tired of waiting and wants more. Anything you try to say or yell just comes out as a moan which just turns her on more. “Ok I have an idea. Ill count down from three and then I’ll thrust up and you’ll try and go down as far as you can at the same time okay?” You try to protest but only a moan escapes. “Ok three…two…ONE!” You try to scream but only moan as your ass hits her pelvis and you are what felt like skewered in half. “Fuuuck” lily slowly starts thrusting in and out but is unable to contain her lust as she starts going faster and faster. Eventually she stops thrusting. “Your turn to do all the work, start bouncing up and down.” You couldn’t even look down as all you would see was lily’s eyes rolled back as you rode her cock. After what felt like a lifetime she tells you to stop and pulls out. “Whew that was close almost came already. I think we’ll try doggy next.” Lily sets you up so you are facing the side of her room that has her mirror. “Now I want you to keep looking into that mirror okay buddy?” You see and feel her slap your ass which forces a moan out of your mouth. She grabs your waist and brings your ass to her cock. She once again try’s to go slow but can’t contain herself. You can only watch in the mirror as she thrusts in and out of your hole with little to no remorse. Eventually you feel her cock start to throb but this only makes her speed up. “Oh my fuck” she moans as she empties herself inside you.

She tells you to lay down and be her little spoon with her while her cock is now soft inside you. “Man that was way better than a blowjob. I’m definitely going to have to do that again… and again” she says almost wickedly. “I know you are supposed to go across the country for college and all but I’m not sure I can let that happen. I did some thinking and realized that if I stay at home I can do my college classes online and you could just stay with me, that way I can have your throat or ass whenever I want. Hell I could even stick you under my desk and have you suck me off while Im in class.” You can feel her starting to get hard again just from the thought of it. She slides he cock out of you ass. “Oops can’t get too worked up again or I might run out of time.” “So I know we implemented the safety feature on the app which only allows for two sessions in a row before the users must take a 12 hour break…” “Of course!” You think. “After this session is over I’ll be free for 12 hours. I can overpower her, grab my phone and delete the stupid fucking app. After that I’ll be home free.” “…So I was thinking for the next 6 hours we have, I’ll just have to go into the code and disable the safety feature. Ohh and better yet add an indefinite time frame.” “Now what should I do with you for the next 6 hours? Ooh i have the perfect idea, how about we test run my idea of you being under my desk while I code.”

“Get on your knees” lily commanded, you dropped to your knees on the floor. Lily grabbed your belt and one of hers and tied your ankles together and your arms together behind your back. “Just in case I don’t finish the code in time, this should hold you in place. Now get under my desk.” Lily laughed in amusement as she saw you try to crawl across her room while all tied up. When you finally got under her desk she pulled up her chair and sat down. Her cock was now back to fully erect and mere inches from your face. “Alright Y/N start sucking, we have a long day of coding ahead of us.” For the next 4 hours your only job was to blow lily’s cock while she worked away on the code it was only when she went to the bathroom or get food that you got to stop. Every now and then you would feel her start pulsating before she would push her cock deeper and unload down your throat. she has to have cum at least a handful of times by now but every time she gets hard again in minutes. Sometimes she would get frustrated with the code and take it out on your throat. With only one hour remaining you heard her phone start to ring. Lily looked at it and could barely contain her laughter. She answered the call and put it on speaker. She looked down and met your eyes and then grabbed your hair and guided you up and down her cock. “Hey Mrs. Y/Lastname, how are you?”
“Hi lily im doing great, I was just wondering if my son is still at your house.” “Yeah he is, things got a little out of hand last night celebrating our project grade so we are a little hungover this morning. But now he’s just um… helping me with one of my other projects.” Lily can’t stop grinning from ear to ear as you pleasure her as she talks to your mom right in front of you. “Well alright lily tell him I say hi, and if he wants to ride with you to school next week that’s perfectly fine.” Lily’s eyes lit up. “Thanks Mrs. Y/Lastname I’ll be sure to let him know.” Lily ended the call happier than ever. “Oh your mom says hi by the way.” She grins.

You can tell the time frame is almost done and lily is still not done with the code. “just have to hold out a little bit longer.” You think. That’s when you hear the worst sound imaginable. “YES!” “With only 10 minutes to spare too, I sure was cutting it close.” Lily then frees your hands and ankles. Next she grabs your phone and opens up the app. “Now, enter your fingerprint.” Your finger has no choice but to do what she says. Lily is almost shaking with anticipation as she is about to get you all to herself for the rest of your life. “Now select the time frame: none.” You do just that. “Now select the beta position.” “And last but not least click enter.”

Lily then grabs your face and brings it close to hers and stares deep into your eyes. “You’re mine now. There are so many things I want to try. Shower sex, missionary, so many scenarios we can play out. Now we have all the time in the world.” You look down and see her cock harder than ever before. “I don’t even know where to begin.”
© Copyright 2023 Pairen (fishguyboy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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