Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2292200-Alexs-Failed-Experiment
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Adult · #2292200
Alex is a scientist; he constantly works on serums. One goes drastically wrong, however...
The science lab was empty as Alex carefully measured the chloraid and mixed it into the test tube on his lab station. It’s relatively easy for him to be alone, so he is always scribbling down theoretical formulas and ideas. The mixture in the test tube was a dark shade of blue, but if he was right, it should be a violet shade once he adds in the dromine powder. He added a pinch of the powder and watched it change to that violet shade he hypothesized.

“Ha! It worked!” Alex exclaimed, only to be stopped by a voice.

“Am I interrupting you, babe?” Spruce asked, coming in with Alex’s lunch.

“Not at all! Come in.” Alex kisses his cheek and smiles. “I’ve just finished a formula that will allow hunger to be reduced so we don’t have to worry about missing a meal!”

Spruce just gave him a look. “That doesn’t sound safe.”

Alex just waved him off. “It won’t be tested on humans. Yet. I’ll have to run it by the office.”

Spruce sighed. “Just remember, we have that party tonight.”

Alex smiles. “I know. Five o’clock?”

Spruce nods. “Love you!”

“Love you too,” Alex chuckles.

Alex gets to eating the meal he was brought while he jots down the notes. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and soon, four o’clock rolled around. He took the time to change into a white button-up with a grey vest, a black tie, white pants with a black belt, white socks, and black dress shoes. He brushes his hair out before turning the lights out and grabbing his bottle of grape-flavored water and his bag, heading out and driving to Rosa’s birthday party. He downs some of the water as he went inside, then stops and looks at the bottle. Is the grape flavoring old? It tastes weird.

“Alexie!” Rosa yelled, hugging him.

“Oh, hey! Happy birthday!” Alex hugs back, smiling.

“Still lonely?” Alex teased, and Rosa pouts.

“I’m waiting on Raven! She’s picking up Iris and Taliah,” Rosa says.

“Yeah, yeah,” Alex smiles.

“Rosa, we’re here!” Raven said as Iris tackles her in a hug, Taliah walking in calmly.

“Yo.” Taliah waves.

“Let’s get this party started!” Rosa exclaims.

As the party went into full swing, Alex started dancing with Spruce. It’s been a great day so far until a feeling swept over Alex. He suddenly feels excessively full, and clutches at his stomach, causing Spruce to stop, worried about his partner.

“Alex? What’s wrong?” Spruce sits him down.

“Ugh… I think that grape flavoring was old…” Alex softly groans as Spruce leads him to the restroom.

“Hold on, babe, I’ll see if there’s any medicine.” Spruce kisses his cheek and leaves Alex.

Alex sits there on the ground, still clutching his stomach. He looks at the grape bottle that is beside him and opens it. He smells it; it’s not old, so why is he feeling so full? He only had that lunch, and he usually eats more than that. His stomach gurgles more and he squeezes it tighter, groaning. In the quiet bathroom, his stomach rumbles and groans, and he starts sweating. He feels sick to his stomach and wonders if he was poisoned. He suddenly notices that his stomach begins building up some pressure, pushing his gut past his belt. His gut grew at a semi-fast pace, his vest and shirt buttons straining to stay on.

Alex panics, struggling to get up as his stomach kept growing, the belt and buttons straining against his growing belly. He immediately grew bright red in the face as his belt snapped apart and the pant button popped off, exposing his zipper, the only thing left to stop the growing belly. Alex manages to slide into the biggest stall, away from the world.

“Alex, babe? Are you okay?” Spruce asks.

He can’t let Spruce see him like this! But when his zipper falls, and a couple of his shirt buttons pop off, his gut stops growing and he pants heavily. He needs that medicine, and to get out of there without anyone seeing this.

“Y-Yeah! Just… give me the medicine and some water. But not the grape water. Pour it out…” Alex said in between pained breaths, and that’s when Alex remembers Spruce is small. He slides under the stall door with the water and medicine, only to be met with the sight of Alex and his bloated gut.

“A-Alex, babe, what happened?!” Spruce exclaims.

All Alex could get out were pain-filled moans as his gut starts growing again, pushing his shirt up, exposing his navel, and forcing the flaps of his pants open as he felt his legs and arms get chubby too, clutching the fabric. His face rounds and his jacket sleeves start ripping apart. Spruce struggles to get his jacket off, but he does so while Alex grows more. He stops shortly after, his other clothes still intact, albeit his shirt is torn open. His arms and legs were perfectly chubby and his face was soft and round.

Spruce rubs his belly after giving him the medicine. Alex could barely register that until he realizes what had happened: the mixture. He might have accidentally added it to his water, but he never expected this! His stomach gurgles quietly again, and Spruce helps him up.

“C’mon babe, let’s get you home.” Spruce helps him out the door; thankfully, no one saw.

Back at their shared apartment, Alex lays on the couch, Spruce rubbing his belly. Thankfully, he only feels bloated, so the effects shouldn’t last long. Spruce kisses him and smiles.

“You know I love this stuff,” he said as he kisses his belly, which groans as it was touched.

“I-I know… it just hurts… so much…” He almost cried in pain, Spruce rubbing it gently as Alex goes to sleep.

“Just sleep, love. It’ll be okay,” Spruce smiles.
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