Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2292966-Vera-Facies
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Dark · #2292966
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The hardest thing to accept sometimes is the fact that we all have a darkness inside of us. Some of us may parade around a little bit like we are the nicest human beings to ever live, and they may just be the case in some people's eyes. But where does all that happiness go when the doors are close. The noises surrounding you become non-existent and the voices you have been trying so desperately to quiet during the day, show their nasty faces in the night. I bet I have your attention now don't I? Because you, the reader, of all people know what this darkness can do to a person. Cinematic pieces that highlight this very dark subject only tells one person's story. Yes, you watch them and you are able to relate because you that exact same feeling. That loneliness that comes from hiding your true face from the world. In my personal experience I have come to believe that everyone has three faces. The first face, is the face you show to the world, any and everyone knows this face. This is the face that the world sees when they are trying to put you in one of their many many categories. The second face is the face that you show to the people closest to you. Shocking right? You may be reading this asking, how is that face different from the face that the world sees. Well to answer your question simply, the world only knows the outside, they only see the outside and they will only one the outside. The ones closest to you? They see you. They see the you that makes mistakes, the you that cares for everyone and shows love to those you deem worthy of your love. This face, although maybe your most passionate face, is not the face you see yourself in. No, that face belongs to number three. Now this face is so hidden that I resorted into giving it a symbolic name. The name is Vera Facies, for those of you who don’t know, that’s Latin for true face. This face is revealed to no one. Why? Because it’s who you truly are? No one wants to know who you truly are do they? That’s what you would like to believe, but I believe differently. See I believe that if we look in the mirror and go face to face with our Vera Facies we not only will cower in what we see looking back at us, but ultimately close the door on a necessary evil. You don’t believe this is necessary evil? Men, put down your bravado for a second and watch how you go from being the man, to being a what I can only describe as the little boy who only wanted to change the world but had to change the way he thought, looked, and acted just to adapt to a world that was so so cold to you. Women, take off your makeup and watch how the women looking back at you goes back to that same little girl who in school only wanted to be accepted for who she really was. But instead of showing the world who you were, you decided to play the part everyone already wrote for you. I must applaud both groups. You played a hell of a role in being the cog in the machine that helps dictate how our youth will only be better than the generation before, but make the same mistakes and be drawn into the same type of darkness that we were drawn into by the generation before us. You might think I’m just rambling right now, but just watch. If you don’t accept that darkness inside you and find the light inside it. That very same darkness you refuse to believe you don't exist will engulf you and permanently change you into a person that no face will recognize. I didn’t write this to strike fear in anyone’s hurt but to ultimately push them. I don’t want you sinking any further into the abyss, I want you to come out on top and shine a light so bright that the darkness will cease into memory. Who knows, maybe with enough light, we can open a clear path to the future. So that the next generation can forge a future so straight ahead that the end seems to never come.
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