Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2293444-Aidan-and-the-Monster-in-the-Woods
by Aidan
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2293444
I, Aidan Hepworth set out on a journey to the woods when I was dragged into a lake!
Hi, I’m Aidan. I’ve always been an explorer. In this story I’ll be telling you, in as much detail as I can, about when I encountered a monster!

2 years ago, on a dark, cloudy night, I took a late night stroll in the great Nottingham forest. Everything was going smoothly. I was sauntering along. It was peaceful. Almost too peaceful. I Heard a noise. I turned around. Nothing. The noise came back. Again, nothing! I was getting a little bit worried but, I was already miles inside the woods. I had no choice but to keep on walking. “Who’s there!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. No reply. I’d never been so scared in my life. It went from strolling to jogging, jogging to running and from running to sprinting. My blood boiled like a kettle. Once more I turned around. I saw a bug-eyed monster behind me! I was chilled to the bone.

I dashed across the forest. I leaped over mounds and anthills till I couldn’t breathe. “Help. Please someone, anyone. I’m getting chased by a monster!” I yelled. No one heard my cries for help. The monster sprinted past me. I was relieved. I screeched to a halt when I saw a majestic lake. It had a waterfall and everything. A giant arm came out of the luscious lake. It reached for my leg. I realised it was the monster from before! I was dragged under. I held my breath. The monsters eyes glowed like the sun, its teeth were like razor blades and its fur as white as snow. I tried to keep as calm as I could. I tried to lower my heart rate. This was my worst nightmare. I struggled and struggled trying to break free. It tried to gobble me up but as soon as my feet hit its lips I escaped from the grasp of the wicked creature.

I jumped out the lake. Suddenly, I saw a dark, musty cloud of ash following me covering half of the forest. The cloud followed me. little did I know, the forest was cursed! I finally reached the end of the woods. The monster followed me. I needed to rest but I had to keep going. Within a few hours the whole country knew. They had to put everyone on alert. The forests curse reigned over the country. It was unstoppable. Monsters were everywhere. Left, right, up and down. “Soon all humans will be wiped from the planet,” the ash cloud said angrily. “Do you think we’ll make it out alive,” I asked my friend Gerald. “Uh, I really don’t know.” We were hiding in a wardrobe because a giant serpent who can speak the human language broke in!

The walls caved in as the snake smashed its way into our house. We couldn’t escape. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” The snake hissed. We ran out of the wardrobe screaming. The slithery snake swept across the floor as we ran. It was hoping to get a delicious meal. It wasn’t going to be us. We ran and ran till we were so tired we couldn’t walk. We narrowly escaped the serpent which leads me to where I am now, sitting at my dining room table, writing this story.

The end.
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