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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #2293603
Teeny tiny
“What the fuck is that!!!”

“Oh my god!”

Humanity collectively cries out, as the entire sky from all points on earth lights up to an unreal degree. Gone was space and the solar system, and everything everyone knew. The earth blinked out of the universe, and left floating above a sea of distant, cosmic sized white pillars. Nearly everyone was awake now, with all the world’s leaders quickly congregating, and each in turn putting out broadcasts for the world to remain calm. However, as people start looking through powerful telescopes at the fuzzy brown and blue sky, it quickly becomes apparent where the planet is.

“Babe get to the basement!! I’ve just got images back from the hubble telescope, and it looks like we’re in some girl’s bed----”

And then… nothing. A massive out of focus object in the sky moves, causing a rush of air to wash over the fragile little orb. Like the worst hurricane ever, it causes anything lighter than a semi-truck to lift into the air and go flying. The constellation of satellites orbiting the globe are blown into oblivion, with many of them crashing into the world at impossible speeds; raining down meteors of bent metal down onto the already in shambles towns and cities. A few billion are straight up launched off the globe all together. Falling for thousands and thousands of miles, but never quite reaching the pillars below as the drafts of air are simply too powerful

This destruction pales in comparison, to the what follows only a moment later. The air itself seems to shake, as the astronomer cowers in the basement with his wife and family. To those brave enough to look outside even after what just happened, They’d see a tan object in the distance. Coming closer and closer every second until…

“Oh my god!! It’s a foot!!!! Everybody ruuun!!”

Then the earth was ended. The sky turning more and more tan as the wrinkles and slight imperfections of her foot come into focus; dotted with dirt and sweat from walking about in her flip-flops all day. Just the change in air pressure from her foot lowering down devastates the northern half of the planet, with entire continents being levelled and oceans being pushed onto land. A half second later, the northern hemisphere crumples under the ungodly pressure of ball of her foot, with the world putting up little to no resistance and crumpling like a ball of wet sand against her sole. A splitsecond later the entire thing is then crushed into the carpet fibers below with no resistance at all. All that humanity ever had accomplished being smushed into a smear underneath her perfect sole.

“HM? WHAT….”

Her voice rings to nobody. Taken aback by the unexpected sensation of stepping on a small rock, she turns her gaze downwards towards her left foot. Right before she sees however, the earth had already re-appeared. Directly in front of her big toe, at the size of a bb, the earth gases up in confusion

“Babe what just happened? Didn’t we just die? I thought we---”

A wife speaks to her husband, but doesn’t quite get to finish her sentence as the giant girl speaks. Having seen the tiny orb, not noticed that it’s floating, and assumed that it was a bb pellet that one of her roommate’s friends had left behind.


The Earth barely having any time to gain any sort of bearing, before her voice washes over them. Unable to take the massive, powerful sound waves, the earth simply cracks from the energy. All the people on the surface, and anything not above halfway through the earth’s mantle dissolving in an instant from the raw energy of her speaking at full volume. From her vantage point, it looked as though the tiny bb had desintigrated from a smooth teal ball, to a cluster of mud, to a dirt stain on her carpet in less than a second

“What the hell?...”

Thoroughly intrigued by the strangely behaving object, she then gets down on her knees. Stark naked except for her pair of pink panda panties, the brunette girl hooks her hair behind her ears, and looms over where the strange thing used to be; watching in amazement as it reforms right before her very eyes. The clump of dirt vanishing, and teal marble forming once more

“WHAT’S GOING ON--- oh...”

She lowers her voice, as she realizes that whatever it is breaks in that moment. But again, it re-forms for her to watch. Curious about the unknown objects strange behavior, she then reaches her hand out. Two massive digits looming on either side of the helpless little planet, before they come together. Grinding and crushing the earth like a ball of sand. The girl cutely smiling, as she sees it re-form again, directly in front of her knee.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS THING… It’s pretty cool...”

She says aloud. Not caring for its constant cycle of destruction and reformation from her speaking. Once it appears again, she stops talking, and giggles to herself as she harasses it with her hand. Pinching it between fingers, slamming her palm down on it, impaling it with her fingernail, and flicking it into oblivion, she just plays with it for a couple minutes like some strange sort of toy

“I’m --- SMUSH – Kind of scared! Wha --- FLICK – t’s happening! Are we gonna – CRUNCH – be okay..?”

A girl says to her boyfriend. The pair of them watching the constant apocalypses as they come and go in seconds. The giant girl’s hand in the sky bringing armageddon several times over, made worse by the booming waves of her girlish giggles.


She says, as it reforms for her waiting hand. The world panicking now more than ever as instead of being crushed instantly, the world is only half smushed. Nearly the entire planet, save for the most northern and southern countries, get crushed underneath her fingertips while the rest of the world gets razed by ungodly wind currents. The girl lifting the world up to her dresser. To the relief of the very few surviving people, she then takes her thumb that the world winds up glued to and presses it into the endless, flat surface that is her desk. Smearing it like a ball of mud against the clean white material, just so she can watch it re-appear again. The desk as clean as ever, with the little blue world floating above its surface

“Hm! Well, first things first…. I need a shower.”

She says to herself. The planet of billions getting quite an eyeful as she hooks her fingers around her waistband, and drops the panties to the floor. Her curvy form on full display for all as she turns about, and bends over to get some pajamas out of her lower drawer. After one more quick apocalypse from the air displaced by her ass as she walks by, humanity gets a chance to gather itself. A good portion of the sky was the white desk she does her work on, in addition to the objects in her room. Hazy posters and other objects like her bed being visible with the naked eye, if not a bit out of focus. But the one thing that was in focus, was that giant pair of pink panda panties. The faint warmth from her just wearing it, and subtle scents of ass, womanhood, and bodily oils hitting the planet like a cloud that nobody can ignore. News stations across the globe, and people from all nations being focused solely on the impossibly sized undergarment in the sky. From the giant object, mathematicians and scientists across the globe begin to take measurements, and estimate that their current size is roughly 3mm. However, most people can do nothing but watch, and listen to the thunderous, distant noise of water from her shower
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