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Rated: E · Short Story · Melodrama · #2293677
Miss him so much but she remembered all the pain he had caused her and the doubts crept in
As Sarah sat in her small apartment, she couldn't help but feel the weight of loneliness on her shoulders. The nights were especially hard, as she lay in bed staring at the four walls around her, her mind replaying memories of her ex-boyfriend, Jake.

"I pretended I'm glad you went away," she whispered to herself, tears streaming down her cheeks. "But really, I'm dying inside."

She had put on a brave face for her friends and family, pretending that she was over the break-up and moving on with her life. But deep down, she was still hurting and missing Jake terribly.

As the days passed, Sarah tried to distract herself with work and social events. She even went on a few dates, trying to fill the void in her heart. But no one could compare to Jake, and the pain of his absence only grew stronger.

One night, as Sarah sat alone in her apartment, she heard a knock at the door. She hesitated, wondering if she should answer it. But something in her gut told her to open it, and when she did, she was shocked to see Jake standing there, looking nervous and vulnerable.

"Can we talk?" he asked softly.

Sarah felt her heart racing as she let him in. They sat down on the couch, both unsure of what to say. But eventually, Jake spoke up.

"I know I hurt you," he said. "And I'm sorry for that. But the truth is, I've been miserable since we broke up. I miss you so much, Sarah. I can't stop thinking about you."

Tears filled Sarah's eyes as she listened to him. "Why didn't you say that before?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"I was scared," Jake admitted. "I didn't know how you felt, and I didn't want to make things worse. But I can't live without you, Sarah. I need you in my life."

Sarah felt a glimmer of hope in her heart. Maybe they could work things out after all. But then she remembered all the pain he had caused her, and the doubts crept in.

"How could I let my angel get away?" Jake said, his voice breaking. "Now my world is just a-tumblin' down. I can see it so clearly, but you're nowhere around."

Sarah felt a pang of sadness. She knew he was right - they had shared something special, and it was hard to let go of that. But she also knew that their relationship had been toxic at times, and she couldn't go back to that.

"I miss you too," she said softly. "But we're over, Jake. We can't keep hurting each other like this."

Jake nodded, looking defeated. "I understand," he said. "I just had to try, you know? I had to see if there was still a chance for us."

Sarah stood up and walked him to the door, feeling a sense of closure wash over her. It was time to move on and start healing.

As she closed the door behind him, she felt a sense of peace. The pain was still there, but she knew she would get through it. She would learn to be okay on her own, and maybe one day, she would find love again. But for now, she was content with just missing him from afar.
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