Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2294771-Eddie-and-Dave-Ch-4
by Bruce.
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #2294771
Party night.
Chapter 4

Anne went to work at the restaurant on Friday night and despite her disapproval, Eddie spent the evening with Dave and a gang of their friends. They ended up at the Lacy Lady disco in Seven Kings and just after midnight they left their friends and set off to the car park to get Dave's car.

         "I still don't know why we didn't tell them about the party," Eddie said.

         "I don't think Joy would be too happy with us turning up with a load of uninvited drunken louts, do you?"

         "But they're our mates and we could have had a right laugh."

         "We can have a laugh without that lot," Dave said. "Anyway, we don't want too many blokes there, do we? Gives us more chance of pulling the birds."

         "I'm not interested in pulling birds. Anne's the only one for me."

         "Well, that gives me even more of a chance then, don't it? How are things with you two anyway?"

         "Things! Things are great. She's one of a kind, she really is. Just being in her company puts a smile on your face and a sparkle in your life. The only bad thing is she moans all the time about me going out on Friday nights."

         "Always will mate. She likes to be in control; she'll always try to tie you down."

         Eddie laughed. "As it happens she does try. Tries to get me to go to The Prince Alfred with her folks. I have been a few times, but I told her it's not really my scene. It's not that I don't like the sing-along type pubs because I do and The Alfred is one of the better ones. It's just I can't seem to get on with her family somehow. There's an atmosphere, you know what I mean?"

         They got to the car and Dave nodded as if he knew what Eddie was talking about. "Yeah, they'll try to mould you to the type of bloke they want you to be. You're better off out of it mate. Before you know it all your nights out will be with her family down The Alfred and next thing they'll have you singing along to old Frankie Laine songs and buying jellied eels from the cockle man."

         "That'll never happen; I don't like eels." Eddie gave a laugh as they got into the car, but Dave ignored the remark. "So where's the party?" Eddie asked.

         "Canning Town."

         "You want to be careful, there's always lots of police down there. Are you sure you're all right driving, we've had quite a few tonight you know?"

         "Don't worry about me, as long as I don't drive too fast or too slow they won't bother us." Dave did a wheel spin and laughed as he pulled away, but he soon slowed down and adjusted his driving as if he were a responsible citizen.

         They were soon at Canning Town and were only a few streets away from the party when a police car pulled out of a side street and drove along behind them. Dave glanced into his mirror. "He's tailing me." Eddie turned to look out through the back window. "Shit, don't look round they'll think something's up. Just act cool." The blue light came on and the police car began to overtake them. "It's your fault, fancy gawping back at them." But the police were not interested in them and they continued past and sped off.

         "It's all right," Eddie said. "He's had a call."

         "I knew it, I never did anything wrong so they couldn't tug me, could they?"

         "Two lads in a jazzed-up Hunter, midnight on Friday. I'm sure they could have thought of something."

         "You're a right bundle of laughs sometimes. Anyway, we're here now." Dave turned into an area of large terraced houses.

         It was an area Dave knew well as most of his relatives lived there. He knew most of the people at the party, but they were all strangers to Eddie. Dave spotted Denise looking over. She was known to be of loose morals and he could see she was taking an interest in Eddie. He was also pleased to see Monica. Monica was the complete opposite of Denise being a petite and pretty young woman and seeming to have high moral standards. She was standing with a group of young women and Dave was pleased that she seemed to be there without her boyfriend Alan, a black belt karate instructor. He knew she worked at an Italian restaurant with Anne and thought he might be able to use her presence to his advantage. He dearly wanted to take out Eddie's girlfriend, Anne, and he thought that he may get the chance to destroy their relationship and make a move on her himself, but first, he would have to get Eddie interested in Denise. Knowing how much Eddie thought of Anne, he knew he would have to persuade him into some serious drinking if he were to have any chance of success.

         Denise wore a scarlet shimmy dress and was up dancing most of the time. She was an attractive well-built girl who seemed to thrive on the attention she got from anyone who watched her, but most of the guests were aware of her bad reputation and some of the girls were not happy she had even been invited. Dave felt pleased by the way she kept looking over at Eddie, showing an interest in adding a new male face to her circle of acquaintances.

         However, the opportunity was slow in coming and Denise always seemed to have one of the lone males making a play for her. Eddie was becoming drunk after the lagers he had earlier, followed by the regular supply of free Pernod and lemonade Dave kept bringing from the kitchen. Dave didn't drink much himself. It was not part of his plan to get drunk and he had the excuse that he had to drive them home.

         "Here, I've got us a drink," Dave said.

         "What another one? I haven't finished this one yet."

         "Get it down ya, you're not driving are you and it's all free, ain't it?"

         "I'd rather just have a beer. That Pernod is starting to have an effect on me."

         "Don't worry, there's loads of lemonade in it."

         Eddie tipped the remains of his previous drink into the glass and took a sip. "Bloody hell, Dave, this is too strong. It's like drinking battery acid."

         "Well, it's got lots of ice in it; it'll get weaker as it melts. Would you rather have this?" Dave held up his very weak gin and tonic.

         "Cor, no thanks?" Eddie took a swig of his potent drink and looked over towards Denise. Dave smiled. Although Denise had been glancing over most of the night, this was the first time Eddie returned an interested look back at her. The girl noticed she had his attention and smiled at him, causing a huge grin from him in return.

         Dave walked off leaving events to follow their own course and thinking the seed had been sown. He noticed Monica talking to the hostess, Joy, but Joy walked off leaving Monica standing on her own and Dave thought this was a good time to have a chat with her. She didn't look happy and looked at her watch before glancing over towards the passage, but she forced a smile when Dave spoke to her. "Where's the other half tonight then, Monica?"

         "He was supposed to meet me here ages ago but he's been to a contest full-contact karate in Enfield. I’m not sure he will even turn up."

         Dave glanced back at Eddie. Just as he expected, Denise walked over and they began talking. He was pleased when Eddie started to dance with her. Dave looked back at Monica, knowing she had been watching him as he looked at the girl.

         "I don't know why they invited her," she said. "She gives blondes a bad name. You've heard the one about the second-hand dartboard I suppose?"

         "Behave yourself, Monica. That's not the sort of talk I'd expect from you." He shook his head and gave a laugh. “I suppose you might be right; she probably has had more pricks than a second hand dartboard." He gave another laugh before continuing. Anyway, her and my mate seems to have hit it off.”

         "Hardly a conquest is it though Dave; getting off with old yo-yo knickers? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. But I don't even like being in the same room as that trollop"

         Dave gave another laugh. "Anyway, I was going to get a drink. Do you want one?"

         "No, Joy's just gone to get me one." She looked towards the stairs. "What I really want is the toilet, when the queue goes down."

         Joy walked in with the drinks and Dave walked off thinking he had to somehow get Eddie and Denise alone in one of the bedrooms and leave them alone for a little while to let nature take its course, but he wondered how he could get Monica to disturb them without it looking as if he set the whole thing up. He made his way to the bathroom, but like Monica said, there was a queue and he decided to go out into the back garden and use his host's flowerbeds as a latrine.

         Outside, he noticed a piece of the boundary fence was missing and he could walk into the garden of the house next door. The outside toilet had not been removed and because there seemed to be nobody at home he went across and looked inside. The small outbuilding was clean and even had an electric light. This could be the break that he was looking for. He knew if he were lucky enough his plan would have a good chance of success, but the timing would have to be almost perfect.

         He returned to the party disappointed to see Denise dancing with another man and no sign of Eddie. He kept looking around trying to spot Eddie and noticed him walking over from the passage swaying slightly due to his excessive drinking. "What's up, where have you been?"

         "Just been to get a beer. I can't drink no more of that Pernod stuff." Eddie seemed to slur his words and Dave thought he was perhaps drunk enough to cheat on Anne; he hoped so anyway.

         They both looked over at Denise as she danced suggestively while smiling over at them. "I saw you dancing with her earlier?"

         "Yeah, she's a right randy sod. She was rubbing herself against me like some kind of crazed nympho'. Look at her, she's dancing as if she's screwing someone." Eddie was staring at her, but then shook his head in pretence of disapproval and looked at Dave. "Anyway, you seemed to be doing all right yourself with that other blonde."

         "She's just a mate. No chance there. She's in love, and apparently, her boyfriend might be here soon." Dave looked over at Monica. She was standing with her legs tight together, looking out to the passage. The queue was now halfway down the stairs. Some lads were banging on the bathroom door and calling out. It seemed a drunken reveller had fallen asleep in the bathroom and it wouldn't be long before someone would have to barge the door open. When Dave looked back towards Denise, he noticed she was still looking over at Eddie. "She's bogging at you again. I think you're in there mate. What a catch you lucky bastard."

         "Nah, if Anne found out she'd kill me."

         "How's she gonna find out? You've already said you don't know anyone here. Except me of course and I won't be telling anyone, will I? You can't let an opportunity like this pass you by, Eddie, she's stunning." Dave looked at Denise again and smiled at her, she smiled back and he beckoned her over."

         Denise walked across to them in the sexiest and most provocative manner she could display without looking ridiculous.

         "Cor, Denise, you've got some bloody energy you have," Dave said. "You've hardly stopped dancing all night."

         "I had a few pills earlier and I feel as if I could go on forever."

         "Yes, I bet you could, once you stopped dancing."

         "Cheeky bugger," she said joining Dave in a knowing grin.

         "You've already met my mate Eddie, haven't you?"

         "Yes, we've had a few dances, but I think I frightened him a bit." She looked at Eddie. "Didn't I?"

         "No!" he said. "My throat was dry and I told you I was going to get a drink, but when I got back you were dancing with someone else."

         "Oh, he was just an old mate from the past, but I'm all yours now." She took his drink from his hand and took a sip before passing it back. "What I could do with really is some fresh air and a cigarette."

         "That's a contradiction," Eddie said. "Anyway, there's enough smoke in this room, just take some deep breaths and it'll fill your lungs."

         "Err, no, I don't want other people's breaths. Oops, did I say breaths or breasts?"

         "Well, you certainly don't need anyone else's breasts," Dave said.

         "Why thanks, Davy, and I never realised you noticed." She seemed to stick her chest out further as if putting herself on display. "Anyway, I really do need some fresh air to cool me off. I'm all hot and sweaty."

         "The back door's unlocked and it's a nice night," Dave said. "It's about the only place where you'll get some privacy to get to know each other. Even the bedrooms are occupied."

         The girl took hold of Eddie's hand. "Come on, let's go for a smoke."

         "I don't know about a smoke, but I could do with a bit of fresh air myself."

         "Are you coming as well, Dave?" she asked. "That could be interesting."

         "No, I'm going for a drink." He watched them walk off and waited a minute or so and then made his way over to the back window. He peered through a gap in the curtains. The girl was leaning with her back against the back addition wall and Eddie was in front of her talking. Dave was pleased. This was all going better than he planned. There was a sudden crash and he looked over towards the stairs; someone had busted the bathroom door open. He looked back through the curtain gap. "Shit, come on, Eddie," he muttered, "it'll be too late soon." He looked back to the stairs and noticed the queue had rapidly gone down. There were no men in the queue and he realised they must have gone forward and started using the bath as a urinal. He looked back outside, they were in an embrace and Eddie was raising her dress above her waist. "Yes, go on my son." He left the window and walked over to Monica. She was standing at the foot of the stairs and was almost at the stage of changing her weight back and to from one leg to the other.

         "Having trouble, Monica?"

         "I'm gonna bleeding wet myself in a minute."

         "I know how you feel. I was like that earlier, but I went to the toilet outside."

         "They've still got an outside toilet. I thought they knocked it out?"

         "They have, the outside toilet is next door, but there's nobody at home and there's a gap in the fence. Just walk in; they've even got an electric light in there."

         "I don't know. It's a bit cheeky, isn't it, and I'd be scared to death out there."

         "Come on. I can stand outside and wait for you."

         Monica looked at the queue. Although the queue had gone down a lot and most of the lads had gone back to the party, Monica knew things would slow down now because the girls would want more privacy and they would certainly not be using the bath. "Sod it, I can't wait any longer, but promise me you won't leave me on my own out there."

         "Of course I won't. I wouldn't want your Alan coming after me, would I?"

         Dave and Monica walked out the back door just as Eddie and Denise were in the final stage of a drunken lovemaking session. They were groaning and calling out like actors in a blue film. They seemed to be trying to impress each other and outdo each other at the same time, but they broke apart in panic when Dave and Monica disturbed them. The girl pulled her dress down and looked down at the ground while Eddie turned away slightly, adjusting his clothing.

         Monica looked away from the couple as she passed; obviously shocked and embarrassed by the situation.

         Dave walked behind Monica grinning. "All right, Eddie?" he said.

         "Yeah, we're just going back inside." He winked at Dave, thinking he had come outside for the same reason, but Dave knew better than to make a pass at Monica.

         Dave stopped far enough away from the outbuilding to be polite, but near enough to let her feel safe. "That was a relief," Monica said when she came back out. "Thanks, Dave, I owe you." She tried to sound at ease, but now the pressure was off she felt embarrassed because Dave had accompanied her to the toilet.

         "Don't be silly, we're mates, aren't we? Look I'm sorry about those two, I really had no idea they were out here."

         "That was disgusting. They were like a couple of sodding animals, but you don't have to apologise, you weren't to know."

         Monica walked off and Dave followed her feeling a bit concerned the conversation ended so quickly. He wondered how he could continue without appearing to be deliberately stirring things up. Monica stopped by the back door of the house and looked at him.

         "That bloke, you came to the party with him and you just called him Eddie. I hope he's not the same Eddie who's going out with my mate Anne, is he?"

         Dave put his hands up. "It's nothing to do with me. He's my mate, but I can't tell him how to behave, can I? Even if I do think he's out of order."

         "So it is him, isn't it? The two-timing so and so."

         "I know he's had a lot to drink, it probably wouldn't have happened otherwise."

         "You don't have to stick up for him, Dave."

         "I know it's bad, but you can't say nothing to Anne, can you? It wouldn't be fair on her and it'd only cause trouble."

         "What if it were the other way round? What if you knew Anne was messing around, would you say nothing to him? Would that be fair on him?"

         "I suppose you're right, but don't say anything to Eddie. We don't need a scene and it won't change the way he is."

         "Oh, don't worry. I won't say anything to him, but I've got to tell Anne. If she found out I knew what a two-timing rat he was and hadn't told her, she'd never forgive me."

         Dave returned a solemn look and shook his head as if in disapproval at his friend's behaviour, but when Monica turned away to walk into the house a huge grin of contentment spread across his face as he followed her in.

         "Hello, and what have you two been up to?"

         Monica smiled at the sight of her boyfriend. "Alan, so you managed to get here at last. I was about to give up on you."

         "There was a bit of a celebration because the club done really good. I'll tell you all about it later." He looked at Dave.

         "Nothing's going on, Alan. I just stood guard while she went to the outside toilet. Ain't that right, Monica?" Dave felt nervous. Coming in from the garden with Monica and being caught by her boyfriend was not part of his plan.

         Alan looked at Monica and they both started laughing. "It all right, mate, I believe you. It's a good job I do though, despite being a purple belt, she don't like the sight of blood." He laughed again. "Come on, let's get a drink."

 Eddie and Dave. Ch 5.   (18+)
Dave makes his planned move on Anne.
#1981530 by Bruce.

© Copyright 2023 Bruce. (brucef at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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