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Writing Mastery Story Bible Template

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1
Writing Mastery Story Bible Template 2
Characters 2
Character Profile Template 2
Break Down Your Backstory 8
Does My Hero Transform 9
Side Character Roster 10
Worldbuilding 12
Research 23
Brainstorms 24
Plot 25

Writing Mastery Story Bible Template


Character Profile Template
Copy and paste this profile template for all other characters you’d like to break down. And remember this is fully customizable. You don’t have to fill out every section. Feel free to pick and choose the details that work best with your story.

Title of Story/Novel:



Hair color/type

Eye color

Skin color



Body type

Face shape

Glasses or contacts?



Distinguishing features

What is their favorite trait?

What is their least favorite trait?

What do they wear when they want to be comfortable?

What do they wear when they want to dress up?

Other Details


Political affiliation

Spiritual Beliefs

World view

Personal motto


Family members


Relationship Status

Sexual orientation

Closest confidante

What do their friends think of them?

Relationship with family

Relationship with friends

Relationship with significant other

Relationship with peers



Pet Peeves/Dislikes


Spiritual Weaknesses

Introvert or Extrovert?

Logical or emotional?


Type of Dwelling

Who do they live with?


How clean is their living space?



Relationship with co-workers

How do they feel about their job?



Most afraid of

Most embarrassed by

Most important possession

Recurring nightmare

What makes them most anxious?

How do they respond to anxiety?

What makes them feel safe?

What makes them feel unsafe?



Where they grew up (town, country)

Traumatic events

Defining moments

Proudest accomplishment

Biggest regret

First memory

Saddest memory

Happiest memory


Break Down Your Backstory



Character Attribute
Necessary to Include?
Where it Appears

Attributes to include in your backstory breakdown:

Goals and Interests
Life Situations and Struggles
Culture and Society
Appearance and Physical traits (optional)
And any other details about the hero that you believe are important to your story

Does My Hero Transform



Internal (Flaws)

External (Problems)

Internal (Problems)

Side Character Roster: (List all side characters)



Name/Role/Archetype/& Brief Summary:


Side Character Functions:

Who Helps the hero grow? How?

Who Stands in the hero’s way & Why?

Who Pushes the hero’s buttons & why?

Who Shows the hero the dark side of their flaws?

Who is the Mirror of the hero’s flaws?

Who Assists or how is the hero assisted with their goals?

Who or what Pushes the hero out of their comfort zone?

Provide a window into the hero’s thoughts:

Tell the reader something about the hero or their world



Memorable “Thing”:


Below is a list of categories, subcategories, and questions that you can use to brainstorm the world of your story. This is not a comprehensive list of categories and subcategories, but rather a starting guide. Feel free to add your own!


What type of climate(s) does your world have?
What are the weather patterns like?
Are there certain regions of your world with more favorable climates than others?
Does the climate play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
Are there seasons in your world? If so, what are they like?
Animals and Creatures
What types of animals/creatures populate your world
How do the animals/creatures interact with each other? With people?
Do the animals/creatures play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What are the origins of these animals/creatures? Are they indigenous to your world? Created in a lab? Imported from other regions?
Plants and Flora
What are common plants or flowers in your world?
Are there any poisonous plants or flowers in your world?
Does the local flora play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, civilization, economy, or politics?
Is there any flora that is rare or in high demand?
What is the terrain like in your world? Mountains, forests, jungle, desert, etc.
How is the terrain helpful or limiting to the inhabitants of your world?
Does the terrain play any role in the creation of nations, civilizations, or organizations?
What is your world’s location in relation to stars, suns, moons, and other planets?
What do people see when they look up at the sky (day or night)?
How does this planet’s celestial positioning affect its way of life?
Is there communication/contact between other celestial bodies?
What are the major bodies of water in your world?
Is water plentiful or scarce?
Is the water safe to drink?
How do the civilizations of your world access drinking water?
How does water play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, civilization, economy, or politics?
If there is magic in your world, what does it consist of?
What is the purpose of magic in your world?
Who possesses magic in your world and what are their roles/status in society?
What are the rules of this magic? What are the limitations?
How is magic regulated or controlled?
What are the risks or consequences of using magic?
How is magic perceived in your world?
Does magic play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What are the origins of magic in your world?
What weapons are most widely used in your world?
What weapons are rarely used in your world?
Are there any weapons that are kept secret in your world?
Do any laws restrict, control, or regulate the use of weapons?
Who constructs weapons in your world?
Are there any special, unique, or highly coveted weapons in your world?
Do weapons (or the possession of weapons) play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What is the most common form of transportation in your world?
What is the least common form of transportation in your world?
What type of infrastructure is required to support the transportation (i.e. train stations, subway tunnels, space stations, etc.)
Does transportation differ between nations? Societies? Classes? Organizations?
How easy or difficult is it to cross the length of your world?
Are there any restrictions to transportation?
Does transportation play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What kind of diseases exist in your world? Both curable and incurable? Rare? Common?
How readily available is medicine in your world?
How advanced is the medicine in your world?
Is medicine man made, nature made, other?
Are there illegal or black market medicines in your world?
How does medicine (accessibility to medicine) play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
Energy and Power Sources
What is the primary source of energy or power in your world?
Is there a power shortage in your world?
Who controls the power sources in your world?
Who creates the energy in your world?
How is energy distributed throughout your world?
Does power/energy play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What is the more prevalent method of communication in your world?
How do people communicate in secret in your world?
How does information spread in your world?
Are communication channels/technology controlled or regulated? By whom?
Does communication play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
How is your world subdivided into nations, societies, or regions?
How do the various nations/societies/regions get along or not get along?
Which nations are allies and which are enemies?
What is the history of these alliances/rivalries?
How does the terrain of the world shape the existence of nations in your world?
Which nations are considered the most powerful and why?
Do any nations control other nations?
What are the major cities or towns in your world?
Organizations and Factions
Are your nations subdivided further into organizations, factions, communities, groups, etc?
How do the various organizations get along or not get along?
Which organizations are allies and which are enemies?
What is the history of these alliances/rivalries?
What is the role of these various organizations?
How are the organizations perceived by the rest of the world?
What do people look like in your world?
Does gender play a role in your world?
Are there other intelligent species besides humans?
How do the various species get along or not get along?
What kind of clothes do people wear?
Are there any standards for beauty or desirable traits?
Are there any unique greetings, gestures, mannerisms?
What is the traditional family unit?
How does family play a role in the way people live in your world?
Architecture and Infrastructure
What types of dwellings do people live in?
Do the dwellings differ by class, society, faction, occupation, etc.?
How do the dwellings protect its inhabitants from the elements (i.e. heating, cooling, etc.)
How are cities and towns laid out?
How are cities and towns connected?
How is waste disposed of?
What types of monuments exist in your world?
What architectural style are the buildings?
What are buildings typically made of?
What language(s) do people speak in your world?
How has language created barriers in your world?
What are the origins of the language(s)?
Are there any common phrases, greetings, insults, or slang?
Are there any distinguishing accents in your world?
Does language play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What do people typically eat in your world?
Is there a wide variety of food choices?
How readily available is food?
Does food vary across nations? Across organizations or factions?
How is food grown or made?
Does food play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
Arts & Entertainment
What do people do for leisure in your world?
What infrastructure exists for leisure activities (i.e. theaters, bars, clubs, parks, etc.)
How do the arts affect or shape your world (i.e. literature, music, paintings, sculptures)
What infrastructure exists to support the arts? (i.e. museums, concert halls, libraries, etc.)
Are there any artistic talents that are revered or shunned in your world?
Are there organized sports in your world? How do they work and where are they played?
Do the arts play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
How are people educated in your world?
What levels of education exist?
What buildings exist for education? (i.e. schools, universities, libraries, etc.)
What is the availability of education across nations, factions, organizations, groups, races, species, etc?
Is education publicly funded? If not, how much does it cost?
Is education controlled or regulated by any institution?
Does education play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
Religion and Belief Systems
Are there any structured religions or belief systems in your world?
How are they structured?
Are there gods or deities in your world?
Are there holy or sacred texts?
Are there any sacred buildings dedicated to belief systems?
If multiple religions/belief systems exist, how do they interact with each other?
Do the people in your world believe in an afterlife?
What traditions, customs, or rituals are predominant in your world?
Are there any festivals, celebrations, or holidays associated with the belief systems in your world?
Are any religions forced to practice in secret?
Does religion play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
What are the origins of your civilization?
How is history recorded in your world?
What major events have shaped your civilization? (i.e. wars, natural disasters, treaties)
Are there notorious leaders or rebels who everyone knows?
What major discoveries in the past have changed your world?
Are there any myths, legends or conspiracy theories about the history of your world?
Trade and Commerce
What natural resources are traded in your world?
What goods are manufactured in your world?
What are your world (or divisions or your world)’s most common exports and imports?
How is trade conducted in your world?
Is trade regulated or controlled by an institution?
What nations, factions, organizations, groups trade with each other?
Finance and Currency
What type of currency exists in your world?
How is currency circulated?
Who controls the creation and distribution of currency
What types of buildings exist for trade and commerce (i.e. banks, markets, guild headquarters, etc.)
How do people pay for goods/services?
What is the distribution of wealth in your world?
What types of professions exist in your world?
Are there any professions that are more or less desirable than others?
How are people paid?
How do jobs and professions differ across genders, species, races, classes, nations, factions, organizations, etc.?
What is the unemployment rate?
How is the government structured (i.e. monarchy, dictatorship, democracy, other)?
Are there political parties? If so, what are they? And how do they interact?
Who is the leader of the government and how are they chosen?
Where is the seat of government located?
What kind of government buildings exist?
Are there any secret organizations or branches of the government?
How does the government play a role in your world’s history, technology, magic, and economy?
Who creates the laws?
Who enforces the laws?
How does the judicial system work?
What are common crimes and punishments in your world?
What laws impact the daily life of your people/species?
Are there laws that discriminate against any groups, organizations, factions, species, races, or other?
What are prisons like in your world? Who runs them?
How do people feel about the various laws in your world?
Do laws play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?
How is the military structured?
How big/influential is the military in your world?
Who funds the military?
Who is in control of the military?
Where is the military’s central operations?
How is war declared in your world?
How do people perceive the military and its leaders?
Does the military play any role in your world’s history, technology, magic, economy, or politics?


Use this section of the story bible to keep track of any research you do during the revision process.


Use this section of the story bible to keep track of any brainstorms you do during the revision process.


Use this section of the story bible to keep track of any detailed plot information (that goes deeper than your high-level storyboard). This could include beat sheets, detailed plot outlines, timelines, etc.

Style Sheet

Use this to kick off the creation of your style sheet, as described in the Page-Level lecture, Are my pages consistent?


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