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by J.J.C
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2295803
Trapped in a robotic body, a robot awakes aboard a spaceship without memories of the past.
Weight of a Dream: Eternal Future

By: Jay C


1.0 Solemn Days

The sky was a clear beautiful blue, the grass was a tall green and seemed to stretch on forever. I felt so warm while feeling this strange happiness in my heart. In the distance I could see the most beautiful tree on the peak of a hill.

I don't know why but I made it in a sprint towards the tree, my eyes fixed on it as I ran. I began to feel a bit colder and the warmth faded little by little with every step I took. I didn't take notice at the time, instead I kept on running my eyes never leaving the trees' beauty. A light breeze spiraled around me, propelling me forward. I kept running and running, never getting out of breath, getting closer and closer to the foot of the hill.

I was now at the foot of the hill, then I was halfway up it, still running and running. As I got closer to the tree, I realized.

"There was something important I needed to do?"

I finally arrived, right at the foot of the tree when I fell on my hands and knees. I slowly noticed I was freezing cold and my body was shaking; but nevertheless I crawled and sat with my back on the tree.

I looked up and sighed a breath of relief, the beautiful leaves waved pointing down to the ground. Then finally I looked to myself, my body shocked me. What has made me this way?

My hands were made of metal, then I noticed my legs were too; my body was no longer warm. Suddenly from deep within me despair began taking hold. I now saw my body made of cold metal. The pain sprouted from my very soul, I was drowning in it. Horrific torture was all that I could feel anymore, so much so that it made me wish for any way to end it. I trembled violently but while encased in agony I made no sound so as to not bother anyone.

The Tree stood above me as beautiful as ever as did the sky and endless plains.

1.1 Faraway Place
A glaring white light blinded me. From the darkness my vision became a glowing hue of white.

Two shady figures loomed above.

"Transference was successful, and it seems to be conscious."

I blinked to slowly realize the changes to my body. I could see it clearly, I was connected to a full metal body!

A realization sparks a rush of intense pain and despair. "Get away!" I internally shrieked, clawing at my prison of a body. I started to quake violently as that was the only reaction I was capable of.

One of the figures above took a step back, "Hey, is something wrong with that robot?". I could only stare back at them, my cries echoing within me. The light was dimmed and their faces were made clear. They were wearing a red jacket, fuzzy red-brown hair and deep green eyes.

"Hey!" The doctor seemed worried, "is something wrong?". I looked them dead in the eyes but I couldn't bring myself to speak, I silently wished for it to end. "Why is this happening?" the doctor spoke up "Raydeen, get back please!" The other figure moved out of view.

I felt as If I was set aflame! My arms, legs, body and soul seemed to be getting crushed by a deep red color. I didn't have a single clue why.

"Hey are you ok?" The doctor reached out to me aiming for the rectangular shape sticking out my stomach area. Being unable to move I shut my eyes tight in anticipation of a shock. "Are they gonna touch me!" I thought.

Their hands met the shape protruding from my body, then the shaking resided. It was so warm and pain near the shape began to fade a little. I felt immediately relieved, closing my eyes and laboring a deep sigh as if my breath was being held.

The doctor squinted their eyes "You seem a bit better now, but it's strange? You don't have lungs or even breath anymore."

I opened my eyes again allowing them to adjust at the doctor, the pain was slowly receding throughout my body. I began twitching as the feeling started coming back to my limbs, the doctor slowly removed their hand.

The doctor looked on in amazement "Hi, Im Doctor Tylor. What's your name?". I vacantly stared at him. Being unable to talk, It was all I could do. I propped myself up, the feeling of my body made me feel exposed.

"Oh!" the confused doctor muttered, "you don't even know where you are huh?"

1.2 Things like Hope

I sat up, curling up my knees wanting to cover my face and body. The whole room was spotlessly white and bare, the only things being the three of us and the examination table I sat on.

The doctor cleared his throat "So, right now we are traveling outside your solar system. You are the first of your kind to step past the barrier". I peeped from around my knees to look at the doctor.

"Oh, what the barrier is is a filtered projection of the universe that the councils decided to put over "underdeveloped species".

An awkward silence followed... the doctor turned a bright red and began stuttering, "N-not to say that your species is-". The doctor turned nervously to his assistant Raydeen. She shrugged her shoulders while leaning against the wall, her eyes closed and with a grin from ear to ear.

"Well um- It just means that some planets aren't ready for other life and the complexities that come with it." The doctor seemed satisfied with his answer "Yea, it's for the best of your planet, the projection that your kind sees is exactly what we see, minus all the signs of life". The Doctor paused for a second.

"You were entrusted to us and here we are on the Mark Ed. Here we conduct evaluations to see if you and many others can explore the universe on your own". I was running on so little energy but I turned to the doctor.

"L-L-Li-". I terribly fumbled the word, full of shame I hid my face once again. It's not like I wanted to say that, it just came out!

The doctor full of compassion said "It's ok I get it, it must be a lot to process. Just give it some time and know that the people you left behind will never forget you". Something seemed wrong with what the doctor said, Who will miss me? Did I know anyone before this?

I shut my eyes, hiding my face deeper, slowly being filled with melancholic pain.

"So you don't remember anything from before huh?" Doctor Tylor is taken aback and turns to their assistant. "Hey, come over here to greet our guest they are friendly enough."

Raydeen rolled her eyes and moved forwards anyways with crossed arms. Looking down at me she says "Hi, as you probably guessed by now Im Raydeen and I help Dr. Tylor with newbies like you." I looked up weakly while still hiding.

"What is wrong with you?" Raydeen says with a frown. "You're a robot and for some reason you don't want to talk?"

There was something I really wanted to do.

A shocked Doctor Tylor gently exclaimed to Raydeen, "Hey, did you know there are many types of people in this universe. I've decided that I will be their tutor because I believe they can pass the exam." I looked softly at the Dr. and Raydeen.

What am I? I don't look like the Dr. or this girl.

Raydeen dismissed me with a scowl. The doctor with a smile looked at me with kind eyes.

1.3 My Love
I felt uneasy at the Doctor's expression. Within me the pain was still swirling, going from a sharp stabbing to a dull numbing feeling. The pain grew as I looked at myself wondering, while the questions mounted. This is not my body? What am I?

The Doctor took notice of my discomfort, "Isn't this what you wanted? To be out in the universe, to seek something more than yourself?" At that moment my mind was focused elsewhere.

The pain was coursing through my entire body. It was unbearable, I was so tired. The intense urge to sleep, I was ready to collapse, to sleep. I froze in place, the shaking got worse and my face still hidden.

Doctor Tylor, surprised by this, jumped onto the table to sit with me. An uncontrollable surge of pain pierces my whole frame, causing me to joint without making a sound.

The doctor didn't hesitate, putting his arms around me and embracing me tightly.

"I don't know what's bothering you, and even though you have all the components for speech it seems you don't talk."

The notion of being touched like this terrified me but somehow I knew that Dr. Tylor would never harm me. I raised my face from hiding and looked at the doctor, he smiled and sat up straight.

"I have an idea, something we can do to distract us from all this." The Doctor held out his hand with his palm open. "A hardcover copy of Bone Childs Tales please."

I looked on in awe as a book materialized onto his hand. "I bet they didn't have this kinda tech on your planet huh?" The sight felt new to me, I shook my head.

"I could read you a chapter if that's ok?" the doctor said. My eyes haven't left the book, the doctor took it as a yes. Raydeen took it as a sign to leave. Doctor Tylor had such a smile on him "I really love reading to others" he opened the book.

Suddenly a ring was heard from around the room, peaking the doctor's interest. "Oh dang, actually I should probably show you around the ship." I looked up and around me, the dull pain slowly crept back.

1.4 Worthless Voice
We stepped out of the room, then the doctor began his tour of the ship. The hallways, the testing rooms (both mental and physical ones); With the only disruption to the ship's all white coat being the golden plaques that named each room. The Doctor with no shortage of enthusiasm talked away about the ship and himself. "I'm not really from this part of the universe either, I kinda just dropped out to do what I love." He talked more about where he was from, my mind couldn't focus on any of it.

Then we walked past the CEO's office. "A huge jerk is in there." the doctor rolled his eyes, "just because my parents basically own this ship doesn't mean I want it..".

We kept walking the halls, occasionally a window would appear and if by instinct I would look out. Outer Space was dark, vast, the tiny stars flickered. I quietly followed Doctor Tylor until the tour was over, Still having not said a single word since awaking.

"Well that's the whole ship friend, wait let me show you to your room." We got to the Living quarters and the doctor mentioned he had to meet up with somebody and ran off. "Its Room 72x ok, just stand in front of the door and it should automatically open, I know you're smart so figure out the rest". He left waving and with a goofy smile.

It didn't take too long to find my room, I stood in front of the door and walked inside. The door closed and a voice boomed all around me, "Please set a vocal password for repeated entry."

I didn't say anything and just looked around the room. A bed, a desk, an open door revealing a bathroom and closet inside. All perfectly white. The pain in my body beginning to spike.

"Temporary Vocal Password for room 72x will be randomly selected....... "12345"" said the voice.

It took a lot of effort to continue standing, I walked towards the bed when something caught my eye almost out of view. Huh? It was a mirror, I mistakenly looked to see my grotesque reflection. My dull orange eyes, uneven gray body, exposed wiring and a protruding rectangle on my abdomen.

I turned away faster than I looked. The pain boiled over, I collapsed onto the bed. Don't ever look again.

I had passed out for an unknown amount of time, I even had a faint dream..

(Warning: This Dream should not be recalled. It will be immediately deleted.)

I was woken up by a light "bing" sound, the pain had taken away the feeling in my body once again.

"Lessons will begin shortly. Please make your way to your designated education room." a voice said throughout the room. I was exhausted and I didnt want to get up. "Room 72x's occupant must report to Testing room M26, or administrative action will be executed."

Something in me had ticked, I didn't want to bother anyone. I had found some strength to get up, so I walked towards the door. It opened and I made my way to Testing room M26.

I didn't see anyone walking in the halls, I guess I'm just that late. I stood in front of Testing room M26s door, a code appeared on it "G7". The door slid down and I walked in.

Rows of young people with all different forms looked to a larger one of them in the front of the room. The rows were numbered and I found my seat on the last row, the second to last one and sat down.

From this point we were to remain absolutely silent, we would listen on as the class doctor drilled us on Logic and History that bore no relation to anyone. If we were not being tested we were running miles though a course. We were always reminded either it be from the class doctor themselfs or the posters across the testing rooms stating "Become a Free citizen of the universe".

Time would pass, class time was split between mental and physical work. Since the first class I knew this was a new hell, the strict class and my robotic form serving a layered prison. During the physical drills I would be the last to finish, I hid from view as much as I could. For the mental classes I would never make a sound, and hid behind the larger participant that sat in front of me. I would grow accustomed to the pain but it still slowly built up, I neglected all the testing scoring near the bottom in every drill.

I want to be someone that I can love.

I looked to the others around me, silently observing them with longing eyes. We couldn't have been anymore different. They all possessed bright eyes of all colors, their mouths and bodies all shaped naturally. They spoke with different voices that filled the room once class was over, I didn't have a voice. My eyes glowed a dim orange, my face had no expression and my body was ugly and jagged.

What am I?

Day after day I sat with silence, my form tormenting me every waking hour until I saw my dreams. One day It changed, I would be called out of the testing room mid-examination, and it was Dr. Tylor that was responsible.

1.5 Walk Forward
"G7, please stand and exit the room." the class doctor said while looking directly at me. I stepped outside and standing there was Dr. Tylor. He was smiling, holding the "Bone Child" book that he had when we met.

"I hope it's fine that I'm your tutor", "I wanted to help with your reading". I couldn't look Dr. Tylor in the eyes, I looked down and remained silent. "Let's go, I know somewhere we can read in private", as we walked Doctor Tylor began gushing about how amazing the book is and how I would probably love it too.

We went towards the back of the ship to a dimly lit and forgotten auditorium stage. Dust lined the wooden floor and red cotton seats, the stairs creaked as the doctor walked up them. The state of it was sad, but he found a spot to sit under a light by the stage. He sat on a step and invited me to sit next to him, I began shaking and hesitated.

"Come on, it's ok it's just me and you here." the doctor said calmly, he dusted off the spot next to him. I didn't understand why Dr. Tylor would be around someone like me. I sat down next to him, he opened up the book and began reading, I listened.

Ever since then Dr. Tylor set aside time every other day to pick me up from the classes to read. The doctor was always excited, practically barging in the testing room asking for me. I was indifferent about going out, and more wondering what was wrong with him. That was until after the next few sessions I began to feel more relaxed around him.

Dr. Tylor always had this warmness to him but it slowly grew more and more. I was able to enjoy the book with the doctor as he read it with a passion, he voiced each character with his strong yet gentle voice. In these pockets of time, I would forget all about the testing rooms, the drills and even some of the pain.

After about 2 weeks we had finished the book and Dr. Tylor suggested picking another, "Hey I think reading the prequel next would make this story a lot more meaningful!" I nodded my head, making the doctor delighted.

"I was also thinking that maybe for this book we can both read the book together, like taking turns reading a chapter or even each paragraph." I looked down, feeling frustrated.

Then from the front of the auditorium, an officer approached us. "Hey kid, you're gonna have to come with me, the principal wants you."

1.6 The Words
I turned to the doctor, feeling a bit lost. He had a cautious expression "If they need you then just go along with it, when you get back let's start the book alright."

Though intimidated I stood up and accompanied the guard, walking through the dark auditorium and into the brighter parts of the ship. I remembered the tour that the doctor gave me.

To get to the president's office we walk to the end of this hall, pass these three doors and take a right then a left then another left and here we are. I found myself facing the president's door with the guard behind me a plaque marked as "President Doctor Mall", Dr. Tylor's warmth was fading.

I took a step forward as the door slid down to open, it revealed such a beautiful room. The whole room was sculpted from maple wood, the floor, the bookshelves built into the walls, and the grand desk at the end of the room. The door behind me closed with the guard staying outside.

It didn't feel right for me to stand on such a polished floor, but then I noticed a figure's turned around standing behind the desk.

"Take a seat". It was President Mall. Her voice sounded simultaneously harsh but soft. I wanted to meet with the doctor again, to feel warmth again so I took the seat, on an old wooden chair in front of the desk.

"I just want to know what the hell is your problem? I can tell by just looken at you that you're miserable." Mall turned to me wearing a mask of a robot and in a long white shower robe.

"Cold cold cold, is all you are" they say with a snide tone. "Well I just wanted to remind you that I own you and to your place."

Uh? I thought not really registering what they were saying, would the president hurt me? I was neither feeling cold or warm from her, I quietly looked down.

Mall hunched over the desk, suddenly slamming her hands on it, startling me. "Hey Look At ME!" She shrieked, "I run this ship and If you don't stop acting like that I can throw you out!" I was cold, I wanted to run but I couldn't move.

I felt like there was something I needed to do. What was it?

Then suddenly I felt something scraping inside of me, like a bug clawing out.

"There it is!" Mall got into a defensive position, holding both arms in a cross shape in front of their mask. I was being torn from within, when quickly a tiny orb blasted out of me. I barely saw its movements as It shot towards Mall. The tiny ball soared striking Mall's arm going through it and ricocheting off the other arm halfway though. The little dot came back to me, hovering in front of me covered in a red liquid. Mall began giggling at first to themselves but it soon blew up, they broke into fit. She held her chest, smearing the liquid all over the perfect robe.

"I un-understand you now G-get ou-!" Mall's laughter broke her speech "G-go back to your doctor FRAN!"

I quickly stumbled up, knocking over the chair, with the little ball following me close behind. Malls howls echoed throughout the halls as the door opened and shut. The orb rested on my shoulder as I sped walked towards the auditorium.

1.7 The Future you spoke of
Having memorized the ship's layout I fastened my sight towards where I came from, to where the doctor was. I was going at a breakneck pace, my full concentration on getting back to the warmth. Like a bug to a light.

The now crimson tiny ball was leaving a small red imprint on my shoulder. I kept my pace, while swatting at the "weird bug", it didn't move but I wiped the liquid off, staining the clear white floor.

President Mall? I thought, Do they know what I am? The consequence of that thought set in giving me a jolt of sharp pain around my whole body, almost making me trip. It's cold, I never asked to have this body. I got closer and closer and approached the dimly lit halls that led into the auditorium.

I walked in scanning the auditorium for the doctor.

There he was, having not moved an inch since I left. "Hey, took you long enough". I was still shaken from everything, I just wanted to warm up. I sat down besides him, looking at him fondly.

"All right let's start" Dr. Tylor opened the book and began reading the first chapter, the pain slowly residing with each word. He read so fluently, never breaking the story's flow and driving my fascination wild. I could imagine it clearly, like I could live in it! He turned the page.

"Chapter 2 The Depth of your Eyes, Hey want to read some of this chapter?" he was glowing in anticipation. I was suddenly snapped out of my immersion, turning to the doctor. I sheepishly nodded, his excitement was visible. I wanted to try my best.


I paused and slumped over in shame. Such a disgusting voice. I was shaking as the pain came soaring back.

"That was Good, don't worry about it we can read together ok" he scoots closer to me.

"I was". He read. I repeated.

Eyy-eye wwah-wass

"Good lets keep going now"

"I was still trying to find a home"

I-eye! w-wuu-ss st-st-i-ill tt-t-reye-ng t-ouu ph-f-eye-n-nd ah h-h-oo-m

My words were so stuttered and slurred, I was in agony, my worthlessness laid bare.

"Hey" the doctor softly said "no one else is here, and we have all the time in the universe to keep trying". I felt a change in my very core, but I couldn't have known what it meant at that time. Dr. Tylor didn't notice but I was able to smile if only for a second.

There was something I needed to do.

Doctor Tylor continued reading, and I read after him. We didn't get that far in the book that day, only finishing chapter 2. But of course we still met up every other day and read through each chapter together. With each chapter's end, my speech improved, the doctor leapt with joy, always encouraging me.

1.8 Behind that Smile
Three weeks have passed since me and Dr. Tylor started reading together, as well as since I met President Doctor Mall.

"It'ss all once ahgain my ffault" I recited nervously. the doctor closed the book "Ok and that's the chapter. You've gotten so much better at speaking I'm really proud!".

yea, I muttered.

"Well, let's get to the testing room, I think the final exam is set to start soon, wait a sec." she checked her watch and leaped up from her seat. "Ohhh what! We really gotta go, it started like a few minutes ago." I got up after the doctor and we made it out the auditorium, then making it in a sprint as we made it to the hall.

The Examination Room door opened and the evaluation has already started. Dr. Tylor apologized to the administrators and I was registered to a seat to begin my exam. The candidates were stationed along the wall and facing it with a screen to take the exam on. Each test was unique and randomized but would measure the same skill sets. The Doctors sat in wait for the exam to conclude.

I began the test not really thinking about if I wanted to pass or fail it. One of the questions read, "True or False, the lord has created all in their image." Did they teach this kind of stuff? I quietly answered question after question along with everyone else, when suddenly my test came to an end.

I looked around kinda confused why I was done early, the room was eerily silent. Suddenly Doctor Tylor jumped up from her seat "You passed!!", she rushed towards me.

"You Passed! And with the best score possible too!" The Doctor hugged me from behind, I stared blankly at the screen it read 1/1. "You're so smart! I knew you could do it!"

"Hey, calm down now. The others are still testing." An administrator barked, the doctor whispered to me, "Good Job" before retreating back to their chair. I looked around at the other testers, half-embarrassed but also with this feeling of warmth. Dr. Tylor stepped out to run an errand for one of the administrators.

The clock ticked, when finally the administrators announced that the test was over, and everyone's score appeared on their screens. No one made a sound and people were sent one by one to their rooms for a rest. They called my seat number, and allowed me to leave.

1.9 I still want to keep dreaming
I stepped out the room, onto the pearly halls, with a different stride than usual. My normally quick and anxious pace was exchanged with a calm and composed stroll. Within me, I felt something be lit.

I did something? A good thing?

The pain never sprouted from my words, "I am capable of something, I can be someone." That thought felt right as if I was born to think it.

The tiny dot quietly emerged gliding onto my shoulder. I stopped walking near a small window "This little bug again.", poking it with my finger when it got attached to me. I focused on the bug, it really was just a metal sphere.

My gaze shifted towards the window, the beautiful scenery gazed back. The blooming stars, the beating planets and the peaceful darkness that surrounded it all. Has it always looked like this?

There was something I wanted to do.

A voice chimed "Hey smarty-pants have any plans?" Dr. Tylor appeared in the distance. I shook my head, as the bug retreated back into my frame. "President Mall called me Fran, it's my name, I want to tell Dr. Tylor my name." I mindlessly looked towards the doctor as he walked towards me.

Suddenly it seemed as if he was walking on clouds, the hall slowly becoming more and more still. I, seeing only the doctor, took notice of something looming beyond the window. I quickly wanted to see what it was but my head turned slowly little by little. It became blinding, something was coming fast towards the ship. I saw "it",the whole thing.

No sound was made as an explosion could be seen outside the window, a force field negated the damage. Then another one hit the window, the flashes repeating again and again without pause. I pried my eyes from the scene to look for the doctor, he seemed to be gliding, walking slower than before, when a final Flash would restore reality.

A haunting roar gored the hall as a hole was torn open into outer space., the shrapnel shattering the silence. My eyes locked with the doctors, his kind eyes reflected the surrounding calamity. My body was being destroyed but I didn't feel any pain, not until seeing him being torn to shreds. The pain within my soul overtook me, I screamed my mouth hung open. Such a sound has never come from me before, suddenly my cries went quiet. It was that time that I had learned what hope and despair were.

End of Part 1

In the deep darkness, the winds raged, the sound of leaves scattering the air. My eyes burst open, the winds calmed, finding myself under the beautiful grace of "that tree"; Its shimmering leaves dancing on its branches, its trunk strong and stable.

Something hovered into view, it was the tiny bug from before only now there was another besides it.

Thank you!!!
It means the world and more that you would give me a chance. I'm very passionate about my work and the drawings of the characters are what I drew (even if they are not good). I would love any feedback/reviews. The next part of my series is called Weight of a Dream: Collapsing Skies, it will be full length and show more of a strange new world.


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