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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2296566
Now with an ally in the form of Scootaloo, Cherish has access to six pairs of tasty soles.
         “And there.”

         At long last, the final file was sent. Cherish had pulled an all-nighter to properly compress and send these files to the girl that craved them. While he was lucky that she didn’t rat him out, by giving them to her, he added more risk to getting caught. After all, what if someone magically intercepted the transmission and received evidence of his wrongdoings?

         But what was done was done. Pondering over hypotheticals wouldn’t save him from consequences. The boy could only cross his fingers and hope nobody else was suspicious of him.


         “You really can’t choose a better spot to go to, huh?”

         “Every now and then, it’s smarter to go for convenience over extravagance.”

         Sweetie Belle slumped in her seat. With another one of Rarity’s business trips in progress, she was taken for the ride. Too bad that leaving Canterlot didn’t rid her of her homework. Since Rarity decided to update her last minute, the girl had her head down, trying to carefully write answers on her paper.

         Easier said than done. Not only was the van shaking and wobbling through a heavy thunderstorm, but the radio’s volume was cranked to eleven. Even if it didn’t reach Sweetie’s ears, distractions manifested in another way.

         “Hey, look at my toes.”

         Who all accompanied the white-skinned sisters on this trip? Starting in the back, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo flanked Sweetie on both sides. One girl was sleeping like an angel, bundled up in the corner of the van. Meanwhile, the other wouldn’t stop rubbing her toes on Sweetie’s leg. Further up sat Applejack and Rainbow Dash, their sisters respectively. Only here because Rarity wanted to do some shopping with them later on. So, six people would have to cram into one hotel room with only two beds. As if Sweetie needed any more stress, knowing she’d be forced to share the bed with Scootaloo violating her.

         “Please stop,” she whispered, not wanting to draw attention to the adults.

         “No.” Scootaloo’s smile widened. She continued to rub her greasy toes on Sweetie’s nyloned legs. “I’m just massaging you.”

         “I’m good. I really don’t need one from you.”

         “Sure, but you’ll take another one from the boy when we get there, huh?”

         “He actually knows how to massage my feet. And he’s not inappropriately touching me like you’re doing right now.”

         “Fine, I’ll stop.”


         “Love you.”

         Leaving Sweetie with a disgusted expression, Scootaloo returned to her phone. For the next hour of this two-hour ride, she was observing various pairs of feet getting soaked in a white substance. Though each video concluded the same way, the journey made them quite interesting. Hearing the women talk so casually as a guy fondled their feet. Theorising how the women never caught onto the weird way his massage tool felt. While the others in this rented van were either exhausted or irritated, Scootaloo moaned in her seat. If not for the rain and radio, everyone would have had their eyes on her.

         Once inside the properly air-conditioned building, the girls collapsed onto the floor, waiting for Rarity to finish arrangements. Groggy Apple Bloom hardly remembered the drive to the place.

         “What’s so bad about it?” She looked around the carpeted lobby. “It’s a step up from any motel out there.”

         “It’s just kinda in the middle of nowhere. Super open places are uncomfortable.” Sweetie dangled her flats, hoping that it would speed time up in some way.

         “True, but not all’s bad,” Scootaloo said. “Your feet hurt, Apple Bloom?”

         Bloom rubbed her boots. “A little cramped, that’s all.”

         “Good enough answer. This hotel’s got something you’ll love. Isn’t that right, Sweetie Belle?”

         “Here she comes.” The girl pointed to her sister. Rarity handed them each a tiny room card.

         After tossing their bags onto a cart, the six squeezed into the tight elevator car. Two dings later, the doors to the third floor finally opened. But Scootaloo had already sprinted down the hall before anyone else left the box. The girl slammed her card against the door handle, then let herself in once the green light gave permission.

         “Yep, this seems familiar.”

         Two beds, limited space, this was definitely the same hotel she’d visited a month prior. However, Scootaloo’s excited attitude slowly switched to concern. This layout may have worked for two or three people, but six guests were bundled up in here. Even with Rarity at a meeting tomorrow, what would she do about Applejack and Rainbow Dash roaming the place? After all, nobody was tied to a leash.

         “Well, I’ll be damned. I know you said cheap, but I ain’t think you meant dirt cheap,” Applejack said, chucking her suitcase into a corner.

         “Nevertheless, an improvement from your farm, wouldn’t you agree, dear?” Rarity undid her elegant heels. “It’ll only be three days. Two if we’re being honest.”

         “All this open space is good for getting a sprint in,” Rainbow Dash added, kicking off her high-top sneaker with enough force to send it into the A/C unit.

         “You’ve got all day tomorrow to run to your heart’s content. Heck, a certain somebody could use the exercise, couldn’t she?”

         Sweetie stopped in the middle of her soda-pouring. “Exercise is bad.”

         Rainbow chuckled with her friends. “You don’t have P.E., that’s right. I’m gonna make you sweat yet.”

         While Sweetie poured people drinks, simultaneously whining that she was indeed healthy, Scootaloo dug into her backpack.

         I put them somewhere, she thought. Bingo!

         A pack of pills. The girl ripped five of them out of their packaging, then waltzed over to the counter. As six cups were filled with fizzling soda, the orange girl smirked. Sweetie couldn’t have chosen a better drink for the occasion. While she protested needing to exercise, Scootaloo slipped one pill in each cup, save for her own.

         “You better take your cup before I do.” Scootaloo chugged down her uncorrupted liquid.

         Sweetie snatched the plastic. “Gosh, my stuff is never safe around you.”

         “Ain’t my fault you’re too slow.”

         Within minutes, everyone had taken at least a sip of their soda. Scootaloo licked her lips in anticipation for what was coming. In a while, she could reveal her deviant side.

         Rainbow stretched her back. “Man, my feet stink or what?”

         “Didn’t need to be said,” Rarity remarked. “They make sure to alert others of their presence.”

         “I wouldn’t have skipped my socks if someone wasn’t screaming over the phone this morning like an emergency.”

         Applejack held her feet up. “Barefooting it on this trip. Left the boots back home.”

         Whereas Rainbow’s blue soles were covered in sweat, Applejack’s soles were caked in dirt from heel to toe. Some of it chunky, but most of it flat and burnt into her foot. Yet unlike both of them, Rarity’s feet were as pristine as a mannequin’s. The fashion expert scoffed at her friends, showing off her fabulously-painted toenails. Each digit was topped with a thick coat of violet, and both second toes sported golden toe rings.

         “Show-off.” Rainbow tried to rub her feet against Rarity’s. “Here, this’ll get you more in line with us.”

         “Ew! Forgive me for keeping my feet clean,” she chuckled, now defending herself from both Applejack and Rainbow. “You two are so mean.”

         “Come on, they’re just feet. They don’t gotta look that great.” Applejack wiped her sole on Rainbow’s foot.

         These three’s relationship with foot stuff was similarly reflected amongst their younger sisters. Whereas Bloom and Scootaloo had no issues looking at or smelling a pair of unclean feet, Sweetie was the killjoy. While seated at the table, Scootaloo returned to touching her again. This time, the action occurred underneath the cloth, obscuring their feet from the adults. A visually uncomfortable Sweetie finished the last of her soda, working to finish her homework before the night concluded.

         Unfortunately, Scootaloo’s game of footsies prevented Sweetie from figuring out if “like a storm” was a metaphor or simile. Aside from the older sisters, the only reason Sweetie didn’t lunge at Scootaloo was due to her nylons. She at least knew that her bare feet weren’t getting dirtied by Scootaloo’s grimy toes.

         With a loud burp, Bloom rose from the table. “I’m fixin’ to shower.”

         “Already?” Scootaloo also rose. “You don’t wanna wait until it’s done raining?”

         “Do you not smell my feet?”

         “Kinda hard when we got Rainbow over there.” Scootaloo waved to her guardian in a cheeky fashion. “It’s almost seven right now. I’ll see what they have to eat down there.”

         Bloom shrugged. “Don’t see why that stops me from showering.”

         “Just don’t yet.”


         Kissing either of her friends on the cheek filled Scootaloo with a wave of giddiness, especially when others were watching. The girl especially got a kick out of seeing Sweetie’s face of pure sickness. She grabbed a few dollars out her bookbag and jammed them in her pocket, then announced she was leaving.

         “Well thank you,” Rarity said. “Make sure you bring enough for us all to eat, and not just yourself.”

         “Bring stuff just for myself, got it.”

         Instead of rushing to the bottom floor, however, Scootaloo ascended the stairs to the uppermost floor. There, she cut across a four-way hall, finally ending up at room 806. The sandals on her orange feet slapped louder the closer she got to the door.

         “Have I got a surprise for you.”

         Knock, knock, knock!

         Just as the boy prepared to compress another video, he heard the knocking at his door. Hiding the laptop and the phone under a blanket, the peach-skinned lad prepared for the police to be waiting for him. At least he had fun in his short life.

         But when he looked out the peephole, all his worries vaporised.

         “You know, I get nervous every time someone comes looking for me now,” he said, letting Scootaloo in.

         “Unsurprising when you’re breaking the law.” She shut the door and stood on Cherish’s socked feet. So used to seeing only his penis in videos, Scootaloo had forgotten just how cute this older boy was. Before saying another word, she poked every freckle on his face like a curious child, then burst into laughter.

         Considering his vulnerability, Cherish didn’t reject any of Scootaloo’s touches. Even as she transitioned into stroking his sides, she had the boy in a corner. All that evidence of a crime sent to her phone, and she could easily report it at any moment…

         “How have you been?” he asked, receiving a flurry of wet kisses from her.

         “Those videos are addictive. How many more you got?”

         “Maybe ten more.”

         “Expect to have three more by the end of Sunday. But first…” Laying on his soft bed, Scootaloo snapped her fingers. “My feet want some lip service.”

         First, he gave them a quick massage with his hands; touching Scootaloo’s tender arches was every bit as great as it was before. Once finished with that, Cherish shoved his nose between Scootaloo’s toes.

         Sniff! Sniff!

         Perhaps a touch smellier than the last time. Cherish sniffed so powerfully that bits of foot grime took a ride up his nostrils. But now that he’d gotten his fill on Scootaloo’s odour, he could open his mouth. Mmm… The foot entered like a snake, wriggling back and forth until most the toes danced on his tongue. Once inside, Cherish sucked on the damp digits, lightly moaning.

         “Here’s the thing,” Scootaloo began, spreading her jammy toes so the boy could floss between them. “There are six of us on this stay, and we’ll be here until Sunday. So, you’re gonna have to break your massages up into chunks. Unless you got six blindfolds lying around.”

         “How’s that gonna work?”

         “Saturday, you can go for me and Sweetie’s feet again. We’ve also got our friend, Apple Bloom. So you get to fuck three pairs of feet tomorrow if you’re lucky.”

         Cherish’s eyes widened. Two was already pushing the limits, but three was the absolute maximum. At least he already had four blindfolds since they came in a pack, although he’d still need to maintain caution. What if this Apple Bloom girl was smarter than Sweetie? If she could recognise the goo he’d squirt onto her feet, perhaps she’d go straight to the cops.

         “I like the sound of that,” he said, spitting out Scootaloo’s toes to lick her cheesy soles. “But I’d rather not risk it.”

         “I’ll handle it. Believe me, I’m like the big sister of the group. And as for Sunday, our actual sisters are gonna be shopping all day. So, they’ll come back at night, and you can imagine how badly their feet will ache. Especially since Sweetie’s sister loves flaunting her high heels.”

         Cherish swallowed the sweat. “And what about your friends?”

         “I’m gonna—”

         Scootaloo froze. If Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow were to return in the evening, where would the younger girls go?

         “I’ll think about it. This’ll be a bit harder.”

         “Well, I welcome at least massaging three girls at once.”

         “You love licking feet, don’t you?” Scootaloo wiggled her toes before the boy’s face, causing him to lick along the side of her foot. Then when he nibbled on her big toe, she jumped up in ecstasy. Slumping deeper into the pillows, Scootaloo moaned. But she couldn’t abandon the mission.

         SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

         Her wet foot got Cherish’s attention again.

         “Yes, they taste good. Yours do.”

         “Look, in case Sunday plans fail, now’s your chance to worship five pairs of feet in a row. Five of ‘em.”

         “That is a shortcut to losing my job,” he said. “One of them would report me.”

         “Oh, not if I slipped something in their drinks to knock them out. Something I’ve done before to successful degrees.”

         Cherish bit his lip. If she was telling the truth, then he’d have access to no less than ten feet. Twelve if Scootaloo included herself. Before he could say anything, the girl shushed him with her big toe.

         “Two hours. Maybe make it one to increase our chances of getting away with it.”

         The boy smooched her toe, then backed up. “Is the clock ticking?”


         Back in the girls’ room, each was laid out. The adults were squished on one bed, Sweetie was spread like a starfish on the other, and Bloom was dead on the floor. The sight of these drugged females put a smile on Scootaloo’s face, especially as her eyes bounced from one pair of feet to the next. Meanwhile, Cherish scratched his head.

         “You know we have bigger rooms, right?”

         “This wasn’t my decision.” Scootaloo snatched his phone, searching for something to set it on. “Some people love to be cheap whenever possible. Myself included.”

         Before finding a spot to put the phone, she asked Cherish which girl he wanted to play with first.

         He put a finger on his chin. As much as he wanted to finally taste Sweetie’s soles, perhaps saving the best for last would’ve been smarter. The adults could wait, too. Sleeping pills were likelier to keep them unconscious for a little longer, and adults didn’t like waking up anyway. So, that left him with one choice.

         “She’s cute,” he said, pointing at the yellow-skinned girl.

         “Apple Bloom. Why’d I know you’d go for her?”

         On the floor, a wave of stench struck the two in the face. Apple Bloom’s striped socks were filthier than a pig, and they smelt like a bag of stale vinegar chips. If one looked at her boots only, they’d get the impression that her socks would be just as clean.

         Scootaloo put the phone on a chair and immediately pushed her nose into Bloom’s left foot.


         “Oh yeah… Mmm…” She continued to smell, leaving Cherish dumbfounded. “You gonna join, stupid?”

         “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you to participate.”

         “If I like getting my feet played with, it just makes sense to like playing with others.”

         While Scootaloo smelt and licked Bloom’s socked foot, Cherish grabbed her right one. Dark spots covered the red and white fabric, making him believe her feet were dry. Quickly, reality proved different, as the area under her toes was damp. It was as if she’d failed to fully dry her feet. Fortunately for Bloom, and more for Cherish, sweatiness was to be appreciated.

         Since the stink was already in the air, what use was there in smelling her feet further? Cherish desired to taste her feet, and so he stuck out his tongue.

         Slurp… Slurp…

         “First time licking a sock,” he said, feeling the tiny hairs on his tongue.

         “How is it?” Scootaloo sucked her friend’s toes, moaning.

         “Well, for a sock…” Cherish nodded, giving a thumbs-up. Though Bloom’s sock wasn’t some well-cooked meal, something about its properties clicked with Cherish. It had the right amount of spice, the right amount of heat. It was a perfect appetiser to the true dish these teens were in for.

         Scootaloo tugged the left sock with her teeth, and Cherish, not wanting to be upped by her, followed suit. With a long stretch…


         The socks came off, introducing another heat blast to the room. Scootaloo plugged her nose, chuckling while choking for some clean air.

         “Man, I forget how bad her feet can get. I’m a little jealous that they can get worse than mine.”

         Bloom’s feet had soft blushes, faintly glistening against the warm lamp lights. Complementing her warm skin tone was a red coat of nail polish across all ten of her toes. Even though her feet produced quite a stink cloud, they were perhaps the smallest that Cherish had seen in this hotel up close. Of the girls, Scootaloo’s feet were giant, Sweetie’s were average, and Bloom was like a little kid. Okay, a bit larger than that.

         “She’s probably got the cutest feet of you three,” he said, giving Scootaloo’s foot a little tickle.

         “Hmm… But are mine the hottest in your opinion?”

         “Yes. You have model-worthy feet, honestly.”

         She put a hand on her cheek. “Aw. You must be happy you’ll get to suck on them this whole weekend then, huh?”

         “I am.” He put Bloom’s foot against his face. “But let’s focus on her first.”

         The girl’s smooth, wet texture was mesmerising. And when enough sweat had seeped into Cherish’s face, the boy opened his mouth. From top to bottom, then back up to the toes… After repeating this twice, his tongue glided along Bloom’s sole. They may not have been a grime kingdom like Scootaloo’s typically were, but they still left Cherish with a buttery goodness. To his amusement, the heaps of sweat made licking easier. With little resistance, the boy transitioned into licking between her clammy toes. Searching for the remaining sweat, his eyes widened as he felt a pool of the salty substance.

         “Mmm… Tastes better than the water at this place.”

         Scootaloo giggled. “What do you like about her feet so far?”

         “They stink. They’re sweaty,” he moaned, making Scootaloo laugh harder.

         “I’m glad you’re not a clean feet nerd. You like ‘em about as vile as they come.”

         “Feet of all kinds are special.”

         He gave the top of Bloom’s toes individual kisses before sucking her big one. Then, as if instinctual, he drove the other toes into his mouth. And boy, did they fit ever so snugly. When he popped them out, he saw Scootaloo licking underneath Bloom’s arch. Cherish did the same, noting how the girl’s feet were nicely curved.

         Compared to Scootaloo’s, Bloom’s arches couldn’t compare. Nevertheless, her feet were a long way from being flat.

         Cherish worked his way down the foot, where he could suck on the heel for a little while. Just like the toes, it fit in his mouth like a perfect fruit. And was about as juicy. Feet as juicy as an apple yet as rancid as a durian. It created an interesting experience, to say the least.

         “Okay, I’m done,” he said, gasping for air and wiping Bloom’s sole. “Her feet are gonna make me unconscious.”

         Scootaloo retracted her tongue from between her friend’s toes. “Wow… You might need a cooldown break after all this stinkiness. I’d recommend Rarity’s feet. Sweetie’s older sister, the reason we’re even here again.”

         Along with repositioning the phone, she pulled him to the bed of adults. Rarity lay in the middle, with Applejack on the left and Rainbow Dash on the right. Unlike Bloom, all of them slept barefoot.

         “Her feet look just like Sweetie Belle’s,” Cherish remarked.

         His description wasn’t too far from the truth. Rarity’s feet were like Sweetie’s if they’d matured into mid-late 20s. Rather than being average in size, these feet were close to eclipsing Cherish’s hair. Instead of having no wrinkles, a few wrinkles could be spotted under the arch. Lastly, just like many women, it was against the law to go without some form of jewellery. In Rarity’s case, a golden toe ring wrapped around her second toe, giving her right foot that extra dash of elegance. Or pretentiousness.

         “Lady’s a stickler for cleanliness,” Scootaloo said. “She finds so much as a strand of hair on her feet and she’s jittery.”

         “Then let’s make sure to dry them before leaving,” Cherish said. “Everyone’s feet seem to be unique here.”

         “We’re not the same people. What’d you expect? That’s kinda what makes feet cool.”

         Like a dog off its leash, Scootaloo started to slobber on Rarity’s sole. Her volume was so loud that people in the halls would hear her eventually, causing Cherish to tap her shoulders.

         “We’re trying not to get caught, right?”

         “They’ll just think someone’s getting sucked off in here. Don’t stress about it. Get loud yourself.”

         “Eh…” Cherish followed her example, although made sure to keep his volume to a minimum. He lightly rubbed his tongue across Rarity’s long toes. They had a plain flavour, yet their softness was something else. Just like her younger sister, Rarity had very supple soles. Only they had a bit more firmness, likely due to her age. Regardless, the sheer sensation made Cherish hang around that area for a solid minute. Back and forth, back and forth.

         After drenching the toes a second time, he slid them into his mouth.

         “Suck it. Suck it, foot boy,” Scootaloo encouraged, grabbing to phone to zoom on his face. “Is it making you horny?”

         “It is,” he whispered, jamming his tongue between Rarity’s sleepy toes before travelling to her heel. The more he wet her foot, the harder he got. Even harder than when he inhaled Bloom’s foot aroma. Despite the lack of any particular taste, Rarity’s foot had him addicted.

         The boy reached over to plant kisses on the tops of both feet now. The soles received a similar treatment, receiving kisses until Cherish stopped at the heels. There, he took the time to sniff them.

         …Nothing uniquely foot-related manifested. However, at least there was a nice lotion smell. Upon noting this, he made Scootaloo roll her eyes.

         “Where’s the joy in smelling feet if they smell like body products the whole time?” She pointed to Applejack. “Now, I know she’s got absolutely nothing lingering on her feet. Wanna give her a try?”

         Cherish smelt Rarity’s soles for a few more seconds, then nodded. Once he gave each foot a final kiss, he shuffled over to the orange adult.


         Applejack’s feet were gigantic, probably the biggest in the room. So big that they dwarfed Cherish’s head by leaps and bounds. Additionally, they boasted more wrinkles than Rarity. All of this would’ve been intimidating by itself, but the cherry on top was the heavy dirt baked into her soles. A brownish-black mixture of filth left the woman’s feet soiled beyond repair.

         Cherish grabbed his stomach. Would he be able to handle this? When he glanced at Scootaloo, she slowly licked her lips.

         “Don’t tell me you can’t handle this.”

         “It’s just… That’s a lot of dirt.”

         “Hehehe. Sounds nice to me. Maybe I’ll give you the honour of licking them both clean.”


         Without warning, Scootaloo grabbed the boy’s head and shoved him into Applejack’s right sole. The arch curved perfectly over him, and as his eyes were wide open, he got an even closer inspection of the task that lay ahead.

         Not only were Applejack’s feet stained with filth, but there were also tons of little sand bits clinging to her soles. And the further up one looked, the more they’d discover. Much of this sat on and between her humongous toes. While this would be horrific for anybody, Cherish knew first-hand how clean the hotel was. And so, his lips quivered at the thought of this dirt entering his mouth.

         Yet Scootaloo refused to let go. Her arm strength was beyond impressive, so Cherish would have a hard time escaping the wrath of Applejack’s soles.

         “You gotta start licking,” she said, making slurping noises.

         “I don’t think I can handle this.” He tried to back up, receiving a push forward in retaliation.

         “Then we can forget about you getting Sweetie’s feet in your mouth.”

         “…We’ll see.”

         The amount of courage needed to go through with this could weigh down a boat. But missing the chance to taste Sweetie’s feet, possibly the only chance, wasn’t an option for Cherish.

         He set his tongue on Applejack’s heel. After a shiver travelled up his spine, he slowly ascended the large foot. While the dirt didn’t make itself known at first, it only took two inches for its flavour to stain Cherish’s tongue. Salty? No, sour. Never would Cherish have guessed that grime could taste as sour as a lemon candy, and even more uncovered mysteries awaited him.

         Scootaloo snickered during the entire ascent. “Looks delicious down there.”

         If the heel and middle sole of Applejack’s foot was sour, then the upper half was Salt City. Cherish initially smirked that his prediction came true. Yet a filth avalanche tumbling into his mouth turned that smile into a frown. Above, Scootaloo was wiggling the adult’s toes, forcing the dirt to rain. And to his dismay, Cherish’s mouth wasn’t wide enough to store all this muck.

         It needed to go, one way or another. The blackish grime started to leak out his lips.


         The boy’s face went flush. But he managed to successfully reach the toes, now sweeping his tongue back and forth underneath them.

         “SSH!” Scootaloo paused him, causing Cherish to stand still with his tongue in between Applejack’s dry toes.

         His heart exploded when hearing Applejack murmur. Right next to him, Scootaloo’s pupils shrunk, and a series of excuses began to flow through her mind. Unexpectedly, Applejack flipped onto her side, continuing to mumble.

         “What’s wrong?” Scootaloo whispered, noticing Cherish covering his mouth.

         “Mmm… Mmm!”


         How was Cherish going to tell her that his mouth was again full? Applejack’s squirming had caused a mass of thicker grime to pool onto his tongue, and unlike the plain dirt, this stuff was blazingly hot. It was as if Applejack decided to dip her chunky toe gunk in hot sauce, then Cherish, like a moron, ate it as dinner.

         “You got something in your mouth, swallow.” Scootaloo let go of his head, praying a mess wouldn’t happen on Applejack’s feet.

         Swishing it in his mouth, Cherish tried to swallow this vile grime. Five times later, he grabbed Scootaloo’s shoulders, desperately trying to convey to her the difficulty. The girl stood in disbelief, though she knew how to get this done and over with silently.

         “Here.” Locking their lips, she pried Cherish’s mouth open with her tongue. Down came the dirt; like hot oatmeal, it raced down Scootaloo’s throat, leaving a pungent aftertaste as she pulled back.

         “That was bad,” the boy remarked, wiping his lips.

         “But now her foot’s a lot cleaner. Go suck it until it’s sparkly.”

         “And if I don’t, her feet are off-limits, right?” he asked, referring to Sweetie.

         Scootaloo nodded, shifting to keep an eye on Applejack’s face in case the woman was to spring to action. But Cherish crouched below her foot again, fixing the heel into his mouth. If it wasn’t so meaty, he’d have gotten it in after the third attempt. Fortunately, licking this foot was now like tasting Rarity’s. Its flavour dropped in uniqueness, but at least his tongue didn’t feel violated.

         Especially when going between the toes, Cherish moaned like he was born to. Exploring these velvety areas put an even stronger blush on his face. The more he licked, the more he lightly touched himself through his pants.

         Applejack’s foot may have been rough to the touch, but this property piqued Cherish’s curiosity more than the others with their silky-smooth feet. It made for an interesting journey up and down the foot. Whereas a trip across Apple Bloom’s foot was like driving on a fresh road, taking the long haul on Applejack’s foot was a true country experience. Bumps and grooves at every turn, a dryness that perfectly represented the blistering air, and the occasional dirt particle that entered his mouth like a bug.

         “Mmm… This is not bad…” he mumbled, kissing the big toe.

         “I knew you’d come around. Whose feet would you rank as the best so far?”


         “Hold up, let’s save that question for the end.” Scootaloo dragged the boy away from the big-footed beauty. “Once we get over the Rainbow, you’ll land back at Sweetie.”

         The contrast between Applejack’s feet and Rainbow Dash’s couldn’t be greater. Believe it or not, their only strong similarity was their massive size. Otherwise, if Applejack’s feet were as arid and country as they came, Rainbow’s represented another type of hot climate. Her feet were so hot that sweat continually dripped from them.

         “You know when you have a full water bottle, and it’s all cold? Then you leave it on the counter, and it keeps dripping for some reason?” Cherish let his finger disappear into the mass of Rainbow’s blue sole.

         Scootaloo, in a burst of energy, rubbed her head against Rainbow’s drenched foot. With a long moan, the girl started to slurp on her guardian’s painted toes. Until she felt a twitch in her mouth, she wouldn’t dare separate herself from this foot.

         “Her feet have two settings,” she panted. “There’s clean, and then there’s super ultra hyper killer sweaty. You feel which one she’s on today?”


         Taking after Scootaloo, Cherish instantly aimed for Rainbow’s toes. First, he hungrily tracked down the sweat pooled between them. The boy’s eyes widened upon realising how rich and plentiful the salty substance was. For minutes, Cherish played with the sweat around the toes and inside his mouth. It was four times more flavourful than Bloom’s, containing a nice hint of sweetness in addition to this bitterness. When the time came to swallow, a twinge of guilt hit the boy.

         “Wish I savoured it longer.” His tongue danced across every digit, granting him more access to this magical liquid.

         Next to him, Scootaloo made out with the athlete’s powerful sole. She twisted her head from side to side, seeing how deeply she could plant a kiss into Rainbow. After focusing on the toes, she descended to the ball of the foot. Like warm candy, she sucked on it, considering herself lucky that it’d never shrink in her mouth.

         Rainbow’s arches were among the best in this room, another trait she shared with Applejack. They curved a tad differently, yet both feet were able to comfortably cover Cherish’s and Scootaloo’s faces.

         “She has no idea I’ve sucked her toes before.” Scootaloo held Cherish’s hand. “To catch her before a shower is rare but awesome.”

         “Her shoes must smell awful. Wow.” Being so close to Rainbow’s feet finally let the smell sink in. Without a doubt, it was stronger than Bloom’s scent. Almost too strong, as Cherish felt like his nose was ready to jump off.


         “Fuck yeah…” Scootaloo’s eye twitched. “You ever got off to smelling someone’s shoes?”

         “No. I’d be too scared of getting caught.”

         “I’ve made off with a couple of shoes ‘n’ socks. Rainbow’s have made me finish quickest, so that’ll give you an idea how great they are.”

         “They smell like vinegar,” he remarked, his nose brushing against the runner’s soft pads. As vile as the odour was, it made Cherish’s cock stiffer than a building. He kept touching himself, waiting for the moment where he could just release all these good emotions. But before then, a special idea popped in his head for polishing Rainbow’s feet. Scootaloo’s gripping of his hand put all his attention onto her.

         “What are you doing?” she asked, noting how Cherish slowly got onto the bed.

         The boy was extra careful not to land on one of their legs. After positioning his mouth on the top of Rainbow’s foot, he smiled. “Let’s lick together.”

         Scootaloo dropped everything and went to the same licked foot, sticking her tongue out as quick as she could. In seconds, she and Cherish shared one of the most awkward teenage kisses to ever occur. As their tongues wrestled, Rainbow’s toes served as a barrier. So not only did they get a taste of what they had for lunch, but they got to experience the joy of Rainbow’s smelly toes in unison. When Scootaloo sucked the big toe, Cherish would push his lips against hers. And if Cherish flicked his tongue on the tops of the toes, Scootaloo would tickle the bottom of his tongue by crossing between the toes.

         All this set Cherish’s cock on fire. It wanted to orgasm so badly, Cherish made no effort to hide his frantic stroking.

         “Ooh…” Scootaloo put a finger on her lip, watching the boy masturbate before her very eyes. “That’s hot. But you probably wanna save that for later if you know what I mean.”

         She then took another lick up the side of Rainbow’s foot before looking elsewhere. At this point, the two had spent at least 40 minutes playing with several sleeping feet. Bloom’s were regularly sweaty, Rarity’s were pristine, Applejack’s were filthy, and Rainbow’s were ultra sweaty.

         “Think you’re ready for the finale?”

         “Yep.” Cherish gave Scootaloo a big, wet kiss on her lips, then confidently approached the last challenge.

         Sweetie Belle slept like an angel, hogging a bed all to herself. Her legs were spread far enough that it was as if she wanted two individuals to lick her feet. Cherish would tackle her right foot, and Scootaloo would play with her left.

         “Fitting that she’s got nylons,” Cherish said. “Considering we started with a girl who also had her feet covered up.”

         “I hate these things. Always burning up my legs whenever I wear them.”

         “They’re nice to look at, though. Girls seem to like discomfort if it makes them look good.”

         Scootaloo put up her finger, but quickly cut herself off.

         “And I’ll take the extra heat if it means what I think it does.” Positioning his nose under Sweetie’s toes, Cherish inhaled for six uninterrupted seconds.

         The warm air had a touch of everything. First, Sweetie’s natural foot odour manifested, to Cherish’s satisfaction. Secondly, he sensed the nylon’s material mixed into the smell. Both ingredients would already make for an intoxicatingly addictive aroma, but the mild sweat turned this into a delight. Take two good smells, mix them with a questionable one, and anything can happen.

         Cherish smelt all four sides of Sweetie’s foot, giving the heavenly-scented beauties the worship that they deserved. Soon, the girl’s innocent foot was covered in soft kisses.

         “Ya know,” Scootaloo moaned, hopping onto the bed, “you didn’t get to lick me for that long.”

         “What’s that mean?”

         Upon looking at the sight unfold, the boy developed a nosebleed. Sweetie’s feet got closer together, and intersecting the white feet were some orange highlights. Just like when he delivered his last massage to the girls, their feet were bunched together and ready to be violated. Only this time, he had nothing to hide from Scootaloo. The teen girl wiggled her sticky toes repeatedly, counting the seconds it’d take for Cherish to finally open his mouth again.

         As she lay on top of her friend, Scootaloo slowly stuck her tongue in the girl’s mouth. Slobbery noises were Cherish’s sign to advance.

         “Let’s see…” He licked Sweetie’s nyloned toes, immediately retracting. “Nope. These have to come off.”

         Shuffling through the mass of sweaty legs, Cherish grabbed onto the dark fabric and began to tug. It worked initially, yet after a few seconds, he wrestled with the nylons. Unlike Bloom’s looser socks, these things stuck to Sweetie like glue.

         “I gotcha.” Scootaloo, in the most unprofessional way, ripped apart Sweetie’s nylons like a cat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

         While she went back to spitting in Sweetie’s mouth, Cherish stood in awe at the red blush on Sweetie’s soles. They were sweatier than her first visit, although unlike Bloom and Rainbow, this was a very mild sweat. When putting his hand against her sole, Cherish didn’t return with a palm drenched in saltwater. Rather, it was as if Sweetie had simply wet her feet and failed to finish drying them. Although, just like her sister, she had lovingly painted toenails.

         And as he didn’t need to worry about dirt, the boy could lick between those toes in peace. Those made for a riveting first target. Up and down, Cherish soaked the sweat onto his tongue, stroking Scootaloo’s feet while he worshipped her friend.

         “Ooh… I like that.” Scootaloo cooed as Cherish scratched and sniffed her soles.

         Scootaloo’s feet unquestionably stunk worse than Sweetie’s, but eventually their feet touched so much that he couldn’t distinguish one foot funk from another. Taking a deep breath, the boy buried his face in the ocean of creamy feet.

         Not only did Scootaloo’s toes continue to curl against his face, but the pressure of Sweetie’s soles on the sides forced him to whimper. As much as Cherish adored Scootaloo’s feet, licking Sweetie’s back-to-back excited him twice as much. Perhaps it was because Sweetie’s feet were cuter to look at, whereas Scootaloo’s were simply sexier. Something about cute made Cherish’s heart skip a beat. The boy refused to quit at the soles, now sucking Sweetie’s dainty toes.

         Poor Sweetie was none the wiser to the fact she was getting both her lips and toes licked.

         Her toes fit in Cherish’s mouth like a bunch of juicy grapes. This time, he was patient enough to savour the moment. Cherish slurped enough sweat to replace the spit in his mouth, and the whole time, Scootaloo’s inverted foot stroked his chin.

         “I wanna cum,” he whispered.

         “You’ll get to soon. Be patient.”

         After landing her big toe on his lip, Scootaloo shoved her toes into Cherish’s mouth. One by one, the slimy digits squeezed their way inside, resting on top of Sweetie’s. And not a single toe stood outside the boy’s mouth.

         “Mmm…” The weight of the toes pinned his tongue, tainting it with their charming flavour. As if Sweetie’s weren’t delicious on their own, giving them an extra kick from Scootaloo sent Cherish into pure bliss. Somehow, as if she possessed magic, Scootaloo wormed her foot further down the boy’s throat. Soon, the only part visible to the world was everything below the ball of her foot. And at the same time, Sweetie’s toes curled against his teeth.

         The smell of girl feet got more powerful the deeper Scootaloo pushed her foot, with the heel sticking out as if to tease the boy. While making out with her unconscious best friend, this naughty girl continued to wiggle her stinky toes in Cherish’s mouth.

         “You love my stank toes?”


         “And Sweetie’s marshmallow-like feet?”

         “Mmm-hmm!” Right at that moment, the nail of Scootaloo’s big toe tickled the back of Cherish’s throat. And so, in a glob of spit, he ejected both feet from his mouth.

         “That felt so good…” Scootaloo curled her toes so tightly that a wall of wrinkles formed. “Let’s see if 20 toes can—"

         “I think that’s gonna definitely make me cream my pants.”

         “You done, then?”

         Cherish nodded, giving all four feet an extra slurp each before backing up. “Yeah.”

         Looking across the room, his smile grew wider and wider. This wasn’t something to treat casually. Cherish managed to lick the feet of six girls, an experience he’d likely never relive. And as a bonus, he got to experience all three flavours of feet. From the pure cleanliness to the vile filthiness to the moist sweatiness. They all melted onto his tongue, and best of all, it was recorded for him to replay over and over.

         “Oh, I think you forgot to move the phone,” he said, wincing at the knowledge that his smartphone had been left pointed towards the adults on the bed.


         Ending the kiss with Sweetie, Scootaloo let out an awkward laugh.

         “Don’t worry.” Cherish slapped her on the butt. “Four out of six is more than enough, and I can at least hear the rest.”

         “You’ll get more footage of me and Sweetie’s feet tomorrow. Guaranteed.”


         Apple Bloom rubbed her eyes, groaning at the pain of lying on the carpeted floor for so long. But why had she been sleeping? The last thing the girl remembered was drinking, waiting for Scootaloo to bring them back food, and then that was it.

         “Trip must’ve tuckered me out,” she murmured, getting on her feet. “Hey, what the?”

         As if her socks being off her feet wasn’t sketchy enough, she raised an eyebrow at the chipping red nails on her toes. After all, they had been perfectly intact that morning.

         “You finally up?” Her big sister was stretching her back, similarly to the rest of the adults. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle remained sleeping on her side. However, her nylons were ripped to shreds all over the mattress.

         “I know somebody was in here,” Rarity said, tearing apart the room to see if something was stolen. “It’s not a coincidence that we all fell asleep at a similar time.”

         “Nah, the fact that some vermin clearly took a lick across my foot tells me we got a creep out here.” Applejack raised her gigantic feet to the light, revealing one clean sole and another dirty one.

         “I’d bet money nobody actually licked it.” Rainbow removed her shirt, opening the bathroom door. “Sounds more like a prank gone wrong to me.”

         “Ain’t pranks supposed to be funny?”

         “Don’t ask me. Some people find anything funny, even just looking at feet.”

         “I’m back!”

         All eyes were on Scootaloo, her slides slapping against her feet as she slammed a white bag on the counter. It had a fancy-looking symbol on it, and the steam already replaced the smell of Rainbow’s stinky feet.

         “Oriental food. Phew, they had me waiting forever, you have no idea.”

         Not one word was said.


         “Were you messing with our feet or something?” Applejack asked, giving the girl a close-up of her contrasting soles.

         The younger girl scratched her head. “I… I was out the whole time. What—”

         “Don’t lie.” Immediately, Rainbow rushed to Scootaloo and grabbed her by the wrist.

         Blinking rapidly, Scootaloo chuckled. “Okay, so I had to come back because I left my phone, and all of you were just sleeping. I noticed it was hot, so that’s why I let Sweetie’s legs breathe over there. She’s got plenty of replacements anyway. And, Applejack, I was trying to clean your feet so you wouldn’t dirty the sheets. That’s all. I just had to rush out ‘cause I wanted to make sure the restaurant wouldn’t close.”

         “And my socks?” Bloom put her hands on her hips.

         “Same thing as Sweetie Belle. Your feet stink a lot, Apple Bloom, they needed some ventilation.”

         “Could’ve happened by now if you let me shower…”

         Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Look, the walk was long. This food’s not getting any warmer.”

         Later that night, when everyone’s stomachs were full, the lights in the room went off. However, by midnight, Scootaloo continued to play on her phone. Replaying the video, she licked her lips at the sight of Cherish going down on Applejack’s mighty feet. And fast-forwarding to Rainbow’s toe sucking, the girl put a hand on her groin.

         Within his own room, Cherish spent hours resisting the urge to masturbate to this footage. Rarity’s feet in particular were tempting, seeing as they resembled Sweetie’s so perfectly.

         “Soon,” he whispered, yawning.


         After Scootaloo had gone to use the bathroom, another person’s eyes glazed over footage of feet being licked. In particular, this girl’s own feet were in a video, with Scootaloo sucking on her toes. And as soon as the socks came off, there was no doubt about it. No one could mistake those tiny toes. Beyond that, there were tons of other thumbnails involving bare feet on a bed.

         Apple Bloom, biting her finger, grabbed the phone and began to scrub through the video. After seeing enough feet, she dropped Scootaloo’s device in its previous position.

         “Now I see,” she mumbled with a smirk.
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