Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2296825-Awkward
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #2296825
Not all friendships can weather the storm.
It was a beautiful evening and the perfect night for a dinner party. Three couples, all friends since college, had decided to get together for a nice meal and some catching up. The hosts had invited a few other people as well, including two gay guys they had met recently.

The table was set with an array of delicious food, and everyone was enjoying themselves, laughing and chatting away. The two gay guys, Mark and Alex, were charming and witty, and everyone was impressed by their intelligence and humor. But then, something happened that would forever change the tone of the evening.

One of the couples, Lisa and John, made an offhand remark about homosexuality that was clearly meant to be a joke, but it fell flat. Suddenly, the room was filled with an awkward silence. Everyone looked down at their plates, unsure of what to say. Mark and Alex looked uncomfortable, and the other two couples looked at Lisa and John with a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

Lisa tried to break the silence by making a comment about the food, but it was too little, too late. The damage had been done. Mark and Alex, feeling uncomfortable, made an excuse to leave early, and the other guests quickly followed suit.

As the night came to a close, Lisa and John realized the gravity of their mistake. They had offended their guests, and they couldn't take back what they had said. The awkward silence had ruined what was supposed to be a fun night, and it would take a long time for everyone to forget what had happened.

In the end, Lisa and John apologized to their friends, but the damage was already done. They learned an important lesson that night - that words can hurt and that it's important to be mindful of the impact that they have on others. They never made the same mistake again, and their friendships were eventually repaired, although temporarily, but the memory of that awkward silence remained. The pain still just below the surface. It never really went away. Eventually everyone at the dinner party went their separate ways. A sad testimony to the damage thoughtlessness can cause.
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