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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Psychology · #2298782
A picture is more than an image.
“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

-Ansel Adams-

I am not a photographer but still I take pictures in order to express myself. As an introvert who have difficulty expressing their verbal reactions and prefer to keep things to myself once I meet a stranger, I am able to find joy and contentment through writing and by taking pictures. You see, the pictures that I take are not perfect. I know nothing about angles nor the lighting, however, I take pictures in order to communicate with others.

Picture taking is for me to communicate and not to gain followers nor likes, but when I was younger, I was so dependent on the likes that I receive on social medias. However, I no longer mind if others like what I post. Also, it is very therapeutic for me to take pictures and post it for the sake of fun and to express myself.

After all, non-verbal communications have more depth than verbal. Right?

Also, as a person who experienced so many traumatic events, picture taking is an art for me. Luckily, I am able to read an article that confirms that psychology and photography are connected. I have used this link as a reference. LinkTextHere

First, we will discuss Photography in Therapy. The above said article discusses how Photography is related to Therapy. It says, The unconscious manifests through words and creativity. In psychology, one of the results of the intervention is the discovery by the patient of what’s happening to them. Furthermore, this protected world is accessed through representations in photography.

Another thing is that both Psychology and Therapy build identity. The said article also says, Different things pertaining to identity can be constructed or reconstructed through the intervention of psychology and photography. Here are some of them:

Self-concept. This is the definition you have of yourself. Psychotherapy works on it to help a person build a healthy perspective of themselves. One that helps them grow and is comfortable.
Self-esteem. This is how you feel about your self-image. It’s the emotional part of the vision of the self and has a lot to do with how you project yourself in time (past, present, and future).
Self-efficiency. Closely associated with confidence, it conditions the attitude with which you face a challenge, to a great extent.

With these being said, it could be understood that with photography, the said individual could build a healthy perspective of themselves and the world around them. Personally, I take pictures that makes me happy and post it on my social media accounts in order to share to others what makes me happy. It could be as simple as a picture of my dogs or simply nature.

In conclusion, Photography is for everyone, even for an amateur just like me.


note: copyright of image belongs to the owner nordwoodthemes
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