Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2300207-Introspective-Ki
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #2300207
We determine our destinies with our thoughts, our desires, and our experiences.

World of Ki - Introspection


Introspective Ki


The perpetual conversation that we all have with the universe.
Some of us think of it as communication with some form of deity, while
others consider it simply to be something akin to self-analysis
while those that do not understand or are incapable perceive it to be
talking to ourselves and they consider it somewhat eccentric or even
indicative of a possible mental disorder.

It can be a combination of all of these, and so much more.

I find it to be the fundamental essence of philosophy, the driving force
behind the search for truth, the reason that we ask ourselves, and
others, so many questions throughout our lives as we strive to
understand the world around us and those other individuals that we
share our journey.

As the journey is not about destinations, this exercise in futility at finding
truth and knowledge is not about finding answers, but more a matter of
learning how to formulate the search, and the ability to analyze and determine
what we discover. The goal is to understand, and the only way to do this
is to learn to actually ‘think’, whatever that may be.

It is different for each of us, and determines who and what we are and what
we may become in the future. It defines us not only to others but more
significantly to ourselves as well. The goal is comprehension of both the intricacies
as well as the simplicities of life. It is the distinction between a life of peace
and harmony as opposed to confusion and frustration. Many understand that
this is the purpose of our journeys while others simply do not have a clue.

It is for each and every individual to make that decision for themselves.


Ki on Introspection


Note to self; Deal with it

~ ki ~



I speak with my mind
this is what I have come to know

I speak with my heart
this is the way I have come to feel

I speak with my soul
this is who I have come to be

this is who I am

~ ki ~



The inferior man demands his rights
and argues their existence
the superior man demands only
that he accept the responsibilities
of the rights he deserves

~ ki ~



You will find that which you seek
not by searching in the world around you
but in the world that you hold within

the reason of mind

the emotion of heart

the integrity of soul

~ ki ~



i am different
it has never been otherwise
i am the magic that no one understands
not even me
i do not follow
i do not lead
i question
i attempt to understand
there is much value in what i know
and i know nothing
in all the universe, there is no one like me
i am unique
as you are

~ ki ~



the fiercest battle you will ever face
in the war you wage against ignorance
will be the individual you find
in your own reflection

~ ki ~



look for your darkness
it will reveal your fears
it will show the way
to set you free

~ ki ~



i am a follower of no leader
i am a leader of no followers
i stand alone and naked to the world
excited, apprehensive, intense
waiting for life to appear

~ ki ~



whatever you may wish to find
it can be found in silence
If you are willing to search for it
if you are willing to listen for it

~ ki ~



I have not become someone else
I have become who I was meant to be

~ ki ~



To think is to be human
to be human is to attempt
to attempt is to fail or succeed
which brings knowledge
knowledge brings questions
questions demand thought
to think is to be human

~ ki ~



truth is
agreement is irrelevant

~ ki ~



the hubris of the man
who believes that there is nothing
he does not already know

what he does not understand
is that he knows nothing at all

~ ki ~



philosophy comes from the need
to tame the madness
that pushes you to the edge

~ ki ~



the battle of ideas is fought everyday of our lives.
some days it is fought with strangers.
at other times with friends.
but always with ourselves

~ Ki ~



crazy is as crazy does
and whose reality shall decide?

~ ki ~



you can never lose yourself
you can only hide from yourself
When you feel lost
look inward
you will find yourself waiting

~ ki ~



the refusal to think
to accept even the possibility of truth
is the refusal to live
and accept the slow death of ignorance

~ ki ~



chaos exists without
chaos resides within
the only force that can tame it
is the power of your mind, and your soul
it has never been otherwise

~ ki ~



I have been to the edge of the abyss
it has smiled at me and invited me in
i have smiled back
there will come a time

~ ki ~



To sample all of the available 'thoughts' of Ki you can find them here:

The World According To Ki  [E]
Ki experiences the world from a different perspective. The questions define existence.
by Lone Cypress Workshop

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