Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2301806-Family-Reunion
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Food/Cooking · #2301806
A woman finds hope after losing her mother.
"Family Reunion"
W. P. Gerace
Georgeann could not believe it was summer and already time for the annual Carponi Family Reunion. This one year, she wished they could skip the whole thing. After caring for her beloved mother, Annette, for five years as she struggled with breast cancer, her battle ended this past March. These Family events were her mother's favorite things to do. She could still see her mother's tiny body twirling in the kitchen, listening to Frank Sinatra on the Oldies Channel and a big steel pot on the stove filled with fresh gravy and meatballs. Ma loved making everything homemade, from pasta to meatballs. Nothing ever was store-bought. When it came to these family reunions, she went all out.

Georgeann's only brother Victor who never could get his act together to save his ass, was no help with her mother's debilitating condition. Even though he lived a few miles away from them, he was either busy getting drunk or spending his paycheck at the Casino. The more she thought about this whole event she wished she could cancel the entire thing. Still, her mother's two sisters, Grace and Bonnie, and their families were making a bunch of food, and it was one of the few times the family got together as a whole.

Driving along the narrow Parkers Village Road with its towering oak trees and winding paths, her anxiety began to make its treacherous way into her mind. Sitting on the back seat of her car was the bulky blue and white cooler she packed full of food for the event. She bought some fresh cherries, peaches, and figs from Sammy's Family Produce. Everyone in her family loved these. Georgeann had a personal preference for cherries; she could eat a whole bag herself very quickly. The only thing she liked about this entire thing was having good food. If she had it her way, she would prefer to have the food to herself and skip the interaction part.

Since her father died nearly six years ago from a heart attack, another event where she did all the caretaking while Victor lived it up, her life has not been the same. She had an excellent position as an Administrative Assistant handling the payroll, supplies, and other essential office duties at South Philadelphia Elementary School. Georgeann loved that job, making a decent salary and having a place of her own and somewhat of a social life. That all ended when Dad died. She had to move in, sell her home, give up her job, and retire early, losing nearly four thousand dollars a year in pension payments. Steering along the road desperately looking for Parkers Village Park, Georgeann could not believe being unable to recall the location of this place. She had only been here a zillion times since she was a kid.

The previous blue skies suddenly became overcast as a stream of ominous clouds blew in from the western direction. A gusty wind began to twirl about, violently shaking the lofty trees surrounding the road. Streaks of silvery lightning zipped across the sky, reminding Georgeann of shooting stars on a dark summer night. Within seconds a heavy pelting rain poured down as the hailing winds roared about.

Pulling off to the side of the road as it was next to impossible to see as the streams of rain blinded all visibility, Georgeann turned on the radio and listened to the news till the storm ended. Surprisingly the Oldie's Channel started playing a Frank Sinatra song; one her mother always loved to sing New York, New York. That was the song she recalled playing the night her mother passed. Her bright teal eyes glowed as she heard that song for the last time, giving up her last breaths. Tears streaked down her face quicker than the pelting rain outside. She sure wished her mother was still here with her. She made these family things so much fun.

"Honey, I am here. I always will be here. You must continue our tradition and have the Family Reunion. I know you feel bitter about your brother, but don't let him determine the person you are. You are way better than that. Trust me; he will come around. Just give him time. I love and miss you both so much. "Georgeann could hear her mother's soft-spoken voice speak clearly from the radio, her words mixed with Frank Sinatra's singing.

Shaking her head, not believing what she was hearing, always wondering if there was more to this life than what was here. For the first time, Georgeann experienced some hope. Sitting on the seat next to her, a plastic bag of bright red cherries appeared. Smiling, she ate a few of these juicy cherries, their refreshing sweetness reminding her of the summer she spent at her Nana Alberta’s house in New Jersey. She had giant trees that seemed to go on for miles across her massive farm. Every summer, those gorgeous trees produced delicious cherries. These had that same dark red appearance and sweet taste she recalled from childhood.

Finishing the bag of cherries came just in time as the storm cleared. Rays of brilliant sunshine glowed through the parting dark clouds. Right in front of Georgeann’s car was a white sign, and in bold black letters, it read Parkers Village Park. Smiling, she was glad she did not cancel this event. The family was everything, Georgeann said as she drove down the road to the park's main entrance.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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