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by Nisa
Rated: E · Article · Scientific · #2302387
Exploring India's groundbreaking lunar achievement with Chandrayaan-3

Since the beginning of time, humans have been fascinated by the Moon. It has been the subject of countless stories, myths, and legends. In modern times, space exploration has allowed us to study the Moon in greater detail, leading to numerous scientific discoveries.

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) confirmed on Twitter that:
Chandrayaan-3 is in "precise orbit" and has begun its journey to the Moon, with the spacecraft's health reported to be expected.

On Friday, July 14, 2023, India's space agency achieved a significant milestone.

It successfully launched a rocket carrying the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft into orbit, with a planned lunar south pole landing next month. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched the LVM3 rocket from the main spaceport in Andhra Pradesh, leaving behind a trail of smoke and fire.

The rocket's mission control later confirmed the success of putting the Chandrayaan-3 lander into an Earth orbit, sending it on a trajectory towards the Moon for a potential landing.

Former Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), G Madhavan Nair, said:

"This moment, I can only say that this mission should succeed in all respects so that we will cross a major milestone in space exploration",

If the mission is successful, India will join an elite group of countries that have achieved controlled lunar landings, including the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China.

Notably, the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft will be the first to land at the lunar south pole, a region of particular interest due to the presence of water ice, which could support future space missions.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission has been eagerly awaited and is scheduled for a lunar landing on August 23.

The launch marks India's first significant space mission since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government introduced policies to boost investment in space launches and related satellite-based businesses.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the mission on Twitter:

"Chandrayaan-3 scripts a new chapter in India's space odyssey. It soars high, elevating the dreams and ambitions of every Indian. This momentous achievement is a testament to our scientists' relentless dedication. I salute their spirit and ingenuity!"

India aims to become the fourth country to achieve a controlled landing on the Moon with the successful launch of its Chandrayaan-3 mission.

The spacecraft, named "Chandrayaan" (meaning "moon vehicle" in Sanskrit), took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in southern Andhra Pradesh state. The launch garnered significant attention, with over 1.4 million people attending the event on ISRO's YouTube channel, expressing their congratulations and patriotic enthusiasm.

Chandrayaan-3's primary goal is to safely land on the lunar surface, collect data, and conduct scientific experiments to gain insights into the Moon's composition.

It will be India's second attempt at a soft landing following the unsuccessful Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2019. ISRO develops the task and consists of a lander, propulsion module, and rover.

India's previous lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1, discovered water molecules on the Moon's surface, and Chandrayaan-2 successfully entered lunar orbit but encountered a rover crash-landing. Despite the setback, Modi commended the engineers behind the mission and pledged to continue working on India's space program.

A brief history of India's space program: Modi's leadership and its impact on the program

India's space program has a rich history, dating back over six decades, and has made significant strides under Modi's Leadership.

The country became the first Asian nation to reach Mars with the Mangalyaan probe in 2014. It launched a record 104 satellites in one mission in 2017.

In 2019, India conducted an anti-satellite test, making it one of only four countries.

The rapid development and innovation in India's space sector have attracted investments, and world leaders, including US President Joe Biden, have expressed interest in collaborating with India in the space economy.

ISRO has also proposed sending an orbiter to Venus, indicating India's ambitious aspirations in space exploration.

Overall, India's Chandrayaan-3 mission represents a significant milestone in the country's space odyssey, further solidifying its position on the global stage as a powerful player in space exploration.
Moreover, this mission holds great significance on a global scale. India's 3rd Moon Mission showcases the nation's technological prowess and ability to contribute to the scientific community. Collaborations and partnerships with international space agencies further highlight the mission's global perspective, fostering cooperation and knowledge-sharing among nations.

Collaborative efforts and partnerships with other countries

India's successful launch of ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 has captured global attention and brought back memories of the previous mission, Chandrayaan-2.

We all remember the heartbreak when the rover failed to land in 2019. However, this time, space agencies' hard work and support worldwide have contributed to India's achievement.

Chandrayaan-3 involved collaboration with European, Australian, and US space agencies, which provided crucial ground station support for communication with the spacecraft.

The European Space Agency (ESA) played a significant role, using its 15-meter antenna in French Guiana to track Chandrayaan-3's condition after liftoff.

Additionally, under ESA's coordination, Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd in the UK supported the lander during lunar surface operations. This ensured the safe transmission of science data acquired by the rover to ISRO in India, enhancing international spaceflight collaboration.

NASA's Deep Space Network and ISRO's stations also contributed to tracking Chandrayaan-3.

The joint efforts of space agencies worldwide have played a crucial role in Chandrayaan-3's success, demonstrating the significance of international collaboration in space exploration.

USA and China's Perspective on Chandrayaan-3

India's ambitious space exploration efforts have captured the world's attention, particularly with its anticipated 3rd mission to the Moon.

This captivating lunar endeavour holds excellent scientific promise and carries significant geopolitical implications.

As India sets its sights on further lunar exploration, its actions are closely observed and interpreted by two influential nations - China and the USA. In this exploration, we delve into the intertwined narratives of scientific discovery, geopolitical implications, and international collaborations while also uncovering the intriguing viewpoints from China and the USA on India's lunar aspirations.


1. Competition and Vigilance:
It's important to note that China and India are essential players in the Asian space race. Any progress made in space exploration by one country could be seen as competition by the other.

China has already achieved significant milestones in space exploration with its Chang'e program and the construction of its space station. Therefore, China may view India's successful lunar missions as challenging its regional and global space leadership.

China must see India's achievements as something other than a challenge but as an opportunity for potential collaboration that could benefit both nations.

China should also strategically consider its space exploration initiatives to maintain its dominant position while safeguarding its national interests and security concerns.
Ultimately, countries must work together towards a common goal of expanding our understanding of the universe and achieving more remarkable scientific progress for the betterment of all humanity.

2. Geopolitical Rivalry:
China's perspective on Chandrayaan-3 can be seen through the lens of geopolitical rivalry in the context of the Asian space race.

India and China have significant space exploration programs, and any advancements made by one country may be seen as competition by the other. China has accomplished notable milestones through its Chang'e program and the establishment of its space station. Hence, India's successful lunar missions, such as Chandrayaan-3, could be perceived by China as a challenge to its regional and global space dominance.

In this context, China must carefully consider India's advancements in space exploration and assess their potential impact on its regional influence and aspirations for global space leadership. It may also closely monitor India's space program to ensure it does not threaten its national interests and security concerns.

While there is an element of competition and vigilance, both countries must approach space exploration with a spirit of cooperation and collaboration. Instead of viewing India's achievements as a threat, China could consider potential opportunities for joint ventures and scientific research initiatives with India. Such associations could benefit both nations and contribute to expanding our understanding of the universe and achieving more remarkable scientific progress for the betterment of all humanity.

Ultimately, the perspective of geopolitical rivalry from China towards India's space exploration efforts underscores the need for constructive engagement and strategic planning to foster a positive environment for space exploration in the region and beyond.

3. Collaboration and Cooperation:
Despite the competition, China acknowledges the advantages of cooperating with India in space exploration.

Both nations possess knowledge and resources for joint ventures and scientific research initiatives.

Countries must put aside differences and work together to expand our universe's knowledge.

4. Regional and Global Impact:
With India's lunar mission, China may view it as a significant demonstration of India's space power from a geopolitical standpoint.

Suppose the Chandrayaan-3 mission is carried out successfully. In that case, it could raise India's profile as a space-faring country and significantly impact the global space community. This could lead China to carefully evaluate its stance and policies in international space matters, considering the potential impact of India's advancements in space exploration.

Countries must stay informed about each other's space programs and advances, potentially leading to new avenues of international collaboration and scientific discovery.

1. Recognition of India's Progress:
As a long-standing space power, the USA has been paying close attention to India's exploration achievements, particularly its Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 missions.

With the recent Lunch of Chandrayaan-3, many believe that the USA has recognised India's growing capabilities in space exploration and acknowledged its progress in lunar science and technology.

This is a significant step forward for India as it continues establishing itself as a major player in space exploration. The USA's acknowledgement of India's progress is a testament to the hard work and dedication of India's scientists and engineers, and it is sure to inspire even more extraordinary achievements in the future.

2. Potential Areas of Collaboration:
It is worth that the USA and India have collaborated in various scientific and technological fields, including space exploration.
With India's recent progress in lunar science and technology through the Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 missions, there has been a collaboration between the two nations on the Chandrayaan-3 mission.

Such collaborations could lead to even more outstanding achievements and advancements in space exploration for both countries.

4. Maintaining Leadership:
As a space exploration leader, the USA closely monitors India's progress in the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Although recognizing India's recent achievements in lunar science and technology, the USA may aim to maintain its leadership position in space exploration by continuing its ambitious lunar and deep space missions.

By keeping up-to-date on India's activities and potential collaborations, the USA can ensure that both countries can continue to make significant advancements in space exploration and foster stronger ties in the space domain.

The USA must prioritize its space exploration initiatives while acknowledging the potential benefits of engaging with India's space program. Both countries can achieve even greater success in space exploration with strategic planning and cooperation.

5. Support for Peaceful Exploration:
Given the USA's stance on promoting peaceful exploration and cooperation in space, the country might welcome India's endeavours in lunar exploration.

The USA has been a proponent of international collaboration in space missions, and India's lunar missions could provide new avenues of cooperation. With India's recent advancements in lunar science and technology, both countries have great potential to work together towards common goals in space exploration.

The USA can benefit from staying informed about India's Chandrayaan-3 mission. Both countries can succeed tremendously in space exploration by prioritising international cooperation and strategic planning while fostering stronger ties in the space domain. It is exciting to consider the possibilities for joint space missions and scientific discoveries resulting from a partnership between the USA and India.

Chandrayaan-3 is India's ambitious lunar mission, continuing the legacy of its previous missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2. It is India's second attempt to achieve a soft landing on the Moon's surface. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is leading this project to safely land on the Moon and deploy a rover for conducting experiments and collecting essential data.
The mission's main objectives include studying the Moon's geology, mineralogy, and exosphere, which will enhance our knowledge of the Moon's origin and evolution. Chandrayaan-3 aims to demonstrate a successful landing on the lunar surface, rover roving on the Moon, and conducting scientific experiments. The lander has advanced technologies, including laser and RF-based altimeters. India's Chandrayaan-3 will demonstrate its space exploration capabilities through extensive terrestrial testing.
If successful, this mission will further strengthen India's position in the global space community.

Image source [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Chandrayaan-3_Integrated_Mod...]

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