Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2303556-The-Whisper
by Anum
Rated: E · Chapter · Inspirational · #2303556
the story is about....
The Whisper

Anum Akhlaq 2023

Whispers in the Pages
The girl's name was Elara. In the soft glow of dawn, taking one step at a time, she arrived at her destination. In front of her, was the gate of a church, covered in white snow as it was winter and the snow was falling, the teenage girl entered the church. It was all empty on the inside, the candles were lit, and the sound of her footsteps was audible as she walked to the altar, in the center of the grand church with her head hung low and genuflected before it in the church. As she was busy thinking to make a wish, she felt the cold wind brushing against her cheeks, her hair danced with each gust of wind. The breeze whispered to her, as it carried fragments of the tales yet to be discovered, kneeling on the tuffet, she closed her eyes and made her wish. She stayed there for some time, feeling the cold breeze, totally forgetting that she had work that day. Soon she realized that she had been sitting there for too long. She opened her eyes, picked up her leather bag, and rushed outside the church. She was wearing blue jeans with a black top that fitted her curves perfectly and a white sweater to stay warm in the cold weather. Her curly hair was falling on her shoulders as she walked through the narrow roads humming her favorite song. Her blue eyes admired the sky as she kept thinking about the wish that she made earlier.
The world we live in is an immense space, full of diverse landscapes, cultures, and creatures. It is a place of endless possibilities, where every corner holds the potential for new experiences and discoveries, there is always something new and exciting to experience in this incredible world. But from Elara's perspective, the world is a tiny and dangerous place, where with every footstep she takes she becomes more afraid of falling where with every new thing she discovers, she is scared of the mess, it will bring to her, where with every achievement she makes she fears the criticism of the people around her. Fear has become her best friend, no matter how hard she tries, fear never leaves her side not even for a moment. In Elara's world, everyone lives in constant fear of losing those they hold dear.
Elara is an 18-year-old girl, living alone as she has no one left in this world. Her parents passed away when she was 11, and since then she has been living and surviving on her own.
Upon reaching her bakery, Elara fetched the keys from her pocket, carefully inserted them into the lock, and turned them with a click sound. She confidently pushed open the door and stepped inside her well-guarded shop. Entering the shop she started doing her work. She was busy with her work when the click sound caught her attention, The door opened and Aunt Stella entered the shop.
"Hello, How are you?" Asked Aunt Stella while having the brightest smile on her face.
"I am good. How are you? and How is Alex doing?" I said with a smile.
"Oh. We both are doing great. Thanks for asking dear. Actually, I am here to order a Birthday cake for Alex"
"What flavor of cake would you like, little Alex?" I asked while squeezing his cute chubby cheeks.
"Chocolate," said Alex.
"Okay, I will deliver it tomorrow, on time," I said, assuring Aunt Stella, who appeared visibly tense and anxious as the deadline for the order drew near.
The following day, Elara stood at Aunt Stella's doorstep, the carefully crafted cake cradled in her arms like a precious treasure. As she crossed the threshold, she was met with Alex's excited laughter and Aunt Stella's warm embrace.
As the day's celebrations began to wind down, Elara found herself drawn to the serenity of Aunt Stella's home library. She wandered among the shelves, her fingers tracing the spines of countless books. It was in this quiet corner that destiny intervened.
A soft thud echoed through the room as a book tumbled from its perch, landing with gentle precision atop Elara's head. She reached up, her fingers brushing away a thin layer of dust.
"Sweet Melody" was written on the book's cover.
Removing the dust from the book she started reading it.

In 1789, in Ravenscroft Manor, in the palace of King Alaric lived a young princess, Eleanor. She was known for her ethereal beauty. Her skin had a soft glow like the first light of dawn, Her mesmerizing eyes, the color of stormy seas, held a depth that seemed to harbor a myriad of emotions, a reflection of the hidden currents within her heart. Her raven-black hair cascaded in elegant waves down her back, its lustrous strands catching glimmers of light like a waterfall of midnight silk. Her smile was pure sunshine, It was her smile that truly enchanted all who encountered her. She wore gowns that shimmered with elegance, and jewels sparkled like stars in her hair. Her attire was a reflection of her royal lineage.
One fateful night, a storm raged in the village, and some of the village people sought refuge in Ravenscroft Manor Palace, among them was a gifted pianist, Adrian. When it was midnight, Adrian started playing his piano, His fingers danced on the piano keys as the melody pierced through the heart of Princess Eleanor. The king liked his melody and hired him as a royal musician. Every night, Adrain played his melody in the Garden and Princess Elenoer watched him from the Balcony of her room. His melody was a sweet melody for the Princess. Months passed by and they fell in love. Every evening, the enchanting melody that Adrian played resonated through the air, wrapping itself around Princess Eleanor's thoughts like a comforting shroud. With each note, a flood of memories from her childhood surged within her, a gentle reminder of days filled with warmth and laughter. The music acted as a conduit to the past, carrying her back to the embrace of her late mother, a beacon of kindness and strength.
The lingering strains of Adrian's melody conjured an image of her mother's benevolent smile, and Eleanor found solace in the familiar embrace of those memories.
As Eleanor's gaze settled on Adrian, her smile shimmered like the moonlit waters. Unaware of the obstacles that awaited them.
When King Alaric found out, he exiled Adrain from the Kingdom, and Princess Eleanor's fate was sealed with a wedding to Prince Eric of the neighboring realm. Eleanor and Eric, bound by shared reluctance, strived to sway their families' hearts against this union, yet their pleas fell on deaf ears, lost in a sea of misunderstanding and tradition.
Whispers of Curiosity
"Thud" The book fell from her hand when she heard Aunt Stella calling her name, "I'm here" Elara shouted from inside the library
"Oh, dear, I have been searching for you for the past half an hour," She said upon entering the library
"Ummm,.....I was..."She tried to make an excuse but failed miserably
"Nevermind, come downstairs and wish Alex," Said Aunt Stella
"Okay," Elara responded.
Leaving the book unfinished, she went downstairs and wished Alex. After some greetings, she rushed home.
The clock had struck 10 p.m., and in the quiet embrace of the night, a lone figure was lying on the bed. The soft caress of moonlight gently kissed her features, casting an ethereal glow upon her face. Her gaze remained fixed upon the expanse of the ceiling, lost in contemplation as if seeking answers in the interplay of light and shadow.
She was unable to sleep that night. The book she stumbled upon earlier occupied her thoughts. She yearned to find out what happened next."Why did Prince Eric resist marrying Princess Eleanor? Will their union happen? And what lies ahead for Adrian?" Amid the quiet darkness, these thoughts danced through Elara's mind.
Restless and unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Elara made her way to Aunt Stella's house.
"Knock knock," she rapped on the door, which obediently swung open with a soft click.
Aunt Stella's warm voice greeted her, "Oh, Elara, dear, what brings you here at this hour? Come inside."
Elara mustered a nervous smile. "Ummm... Aunt Stella, I believe I might have dropped my necklace in your library. It's quite precious to me. Can I take a look?"
Aunt Stella's concern softened her gaze. "Of course, go right ahead."
Stepping into the library, Elara's heart raced. Time ticked by slowly as she searched for something far more captivating than a necklace. Frustration pricked at her nerves as minutes passed.
Then, like a hidden treasure finally revealed, Elara's eyes lit up. "There it is!" she exclaimed with a mixture of relief and triumph. She rushed over, plucking the book from the shelf, and carefully stowed it in her bag.
With newfound confidence, she descended the stairs to Aunt Stella's awaiting eyes. The older woman's concern was evident, as she inquired, "Did you manage to find your necklace?"
Elara met Aunt Stella's gaze with a triumphant grin. "Yes, I did."
Reaching her house, Back in the comfort of her room, Elara wasted no time. With the book cradled in her hands, she settled at her study table, where the soft glow of the lamp illuminated her eager expression. She began reading once more, losing herself in the enchanting world of "Sweet Melody."
Under the gentle glow of the moonlight, Prince Eric and Isabella found themselves standing at the heart of the palace gardens. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, their colors dancing in the silvered night.
Isabella's gaze met Prince Eric's, and at that moment, words seemed unnecessary. Their connection was one of unspoken understanding, a language that flowed from the depths of their hearts.
"Isabella," Prince Eric's voice was a soft whisper, his eyes reflecting the stars above. "I wish we could be together, beyond the constraints of this world."
A hint of sadness touched Isabella's eyes, and she nodded gently. "I know, Eric. But our love is like a melody that transcends time. Even if circumstances keep us apart now, I believe our souls will find their way back to each other."
Prince Eric's fingers brushed against Isabella's, a silent caress that spoke of his longing. "Promise me, Isabella. Promise me that if we're ever separated, if the world denies us our love, we'll find each other again."
Isabella's hand trembled as she reached out to cup Prince Eric's cheek. "I promise, Eric. No matter what challenges we face, I'll find you. Our love will endure, even if it takes lifetimes."
Their eyes locked, a shared understanding passing between them. In that sacred moment, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon and the stars, they made a vow that would echo through eternity.
And as the breeze carried their whispered promise into the night, their souls seemed to become entwined, bound by a love that refused to be forgotten--a love that would find its way back, no matter the obstacles, no matter the time.
The two souls had a deep love for each other, like stars burning bright in the night sky. But inside, a fear held them back - the fear of showing who they really were, the fear of going against the rules of their royal roles, and the fear of stepping away from what others expected of them. Their love seemed to challenge everything around them, making them hide their feelings, like secrets locked away. So, even though they loved each other deeply, they never found the courage to share their love openly. Instead, their love remained like a secret tune, a song of wishes and missed chances, echoing through time.
The day of Eric's wedding with Princess Eleanor arrived, and the palace was adorned with opulence, a dazzling display of wealth and power. Eric stood at the altar, the weight of the crown upon his head paling in comparison to the heaviness in his heart. As the vows were about to be exchanged, a commotion erupted at the entrance of the grand hall.
Eric's closest friend, a loyal and devoted confidante, burst through the doors, his face, a mask of distress. "Your Highness," he gasped, barely catching his breath. "It's Isabella..."
A hushed silence fell over the room as Eric's eyes widened in shock. His heart pounded against his chest, and an icy dread seeped into his bones. "What has happened?" he demanded, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Isabella," his friend spoke, each word laden with sorrow, "she... she has taken her own life."
The world around Eric seemed to blur, the sounds of the bustling crowd and the anticipation of the wedding day fading into nothingness. His breath caught in his throat, and a chill ran down his spine. The room seemed to sway as he clung to the words he had just heard.
The realization crashed over him like a tidal wave. The one he loved, the one with whom he had shared a bond that defied time and circumstances, was gone. In the midst of the grandeur and the opulence, the truth struck with a force that left him gasping for air.
And in that moment, a darkness descended upon him, a darkness that he could not escape. As if in a trance, he walked away from the altar, his steps unsteady, his gaze fixed on a void that had opened within him.
The grand wedding became a haunting echo of what might have been. The celebratory ambiance turned into a suffocating atmosphere of grief and disbelief. The palace that had once been filled with music and laughter now bore witness to the anguish of a love cut short.
Leaving the grand wedding hall, Prince Eric's heart was a storm of emotions that threatened to consume him. With every step he took, his thoughts were consumed by the haunting image of Isabella.
As he reached a secluded garden, away from the celebratory clamor, his eyes fell upon Isabella's unconscious body. His heart clenched with a pain that defied words, and he knelt beside her, taking her head gently onto his lap. Tears welled in his eyes as he whispered her name, his voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and regret.
"Isabella," he choked out, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Why did I let fear hold me back? Why did I not stand by your side, as I should have?"
The weight of missed opportunities and unspoken feelings bore down on him, and he pressed his forehead against hers as if seeking solace in the touch. His words spilled out, filled with raw emotion that had long been stifled.
"I loved you, Isabella. A love that knew no boundaries, a love that defied expectations. I should have shown you, held you close, and faced the world for our love. But my fear... my fear was my weakness."
A shuddering breath escaped him, and he held her even tighter as if trying to convey the depth of his feelings through his touch. The moon above cast a pale glow on their figures as if nature itself mourned the tragedy that had befallen their story.
And then, through tear-filled eyes, he saw something glinting in Isabella's hand--a dagger, its blade reflecting the moonlight. An icy realization settled over him, a truth that struck him to his core.
"No, Isabella," he whispered,
His heart raced, his vision blurred, and the weight of his own regrets bore down on him.
With a final, anguished cry that echoed through the stillness of the palace, he raised the dagger, and in an act of tragic surrender, he plunged it into his heart.
The garden was bathed in moonlight and the haunting silence that followed. Two souls, intertwined by love and destiny, now lay side by side, their hands still touching, their fates sealed in a way that defied comprehension.
The world they left behind was one of sorrow and disbelief, a kingdom mourning the loss of two lives entangled in a web of love, fear, and unspoken words.
And as the story came to a heart-wrenching end, it left behind an indelible lesson--one that whispered across time and generations, a haunting reminder that sometimes, the power of courage is the only force strong enough to rewrite the tragedies of fate.
Only if they had shown some courage, perhaps their love story would have unfolded differently, leaving a legacy of hope rather than heartbreak.
And about Princess Eleanor and Adrian. Their love knew no fear. With unwavering courage, Princess Elenoer abandoned her royal titles, leaving behind the kingdom's constraints. In a distant land, they carved a modest haven where love reigned supreme. Their union, sealed under the open sky, exemplified the triumph of love and courage, reminding all that true happiness lies in the choices we make for love's sake.

A dream Come True
Closing the book, Elara felt a mixture of emotions wash over her. The story had taken her on a journey of love and loss, courage and fear, and she found herself lost in the bittersweet symphony of its words. As she sat there, the weight of the tale settled in her heart, resonating with her own experiences and dreams.
Elara had been the girl engrossed in the novel's pages, a silent observer of the lives unfolding within its chapters.
As the echoes of the tale lingered in her thoughts, Elara found herself pondering the courage it takes to confront fears and embrace love. She wondered if, in her own life, she could find the strength to face her uncertainties, to let her heart speak louder than her fears, and to create her own story of courage and love in a world brimming with endless possibilities.
The next morning, Elara found herself standing once again at the entrance of the Church - a place that had become a source of comfort and solace for her. As she made her way down the aisle towards the altar and knelt down to pray. Her wish was the courage one needs to defeat one's fears and she found that courage within herself. As she left the church, she accidentally bumped her forehead with an unknown figure "Ouch, Can't you see" she shouted in anger. her demeanor quickly changed as she realized the person she had collided with, "Jack"

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