Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2304476-World-1-The-Moon-God
by akaluv
Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #2304476
A young woman is sacrificed as a bride to a god trapped in a mountain.
AT LEAST RIDING IN the palanquin up the mountain is helping me to remember the story of the Moon God. In my twenty-one years, all I've ever seen was darkness. The sun never graced our village. It is said that the Moon God cursed our land with eternal night. His sister, the Sun God, never listens to our prayers after what our ancestors did to her brother.

Our foolish, foolish ancestors tried to trap the Moon God and force him to obey humans, but it didn't work. In his wrath and anger, the Moon God was said to ravage not only the ones that wronged him but the entire world.

His sister, the Sun God, stopped him, but to punish him for all the innocent humans he killed, she trapped him in the very place that betrayed him–a mountainous cave at the top of our village. The punishment didn't end there. She also deformed him, scaring him forever for the terrible deeds he had done. However, he still wanted revenge. Even though he was sealed away, the mountains in the village shook, causing mudslides and rock slides. Homes were crushed, and animals and people were killed.

Rumors said in the cave, the Moon God was banging and punching the entrance to gain his freedom, but due to the Sun God's power, he would never be able to leave until he felt remorse for what he did. After almost a thousand years, he still didn't regret his actions.

The villagers knew they couldn't survive like this, so they devised a plan. They would give the Moon God a bride every hundred years to quell his anger.

My mother told me the mountains shook, and rocks tumbled into the village on the day I was born, letting them know I was the next bride. Since childhood, I was taught to prepare myself for the Moon God. My purpose is to ease his loneliness and distract him from his rage against mankind.

Beautiful dresses, lessons on mannerisms, and how to pleasure a man have been my daily routine since I can remember.

In the palanquin, I couldn't see the moon hovering in the sky or the stars dancing around. Only a black wall was my company, along with the sounds of the men crunching through the forest and groaning from moving me.

I was about to lose my freedom and be locked away in a cave for the rest of my days. A few villagers said the Moon God had rejected some of the girls in the past. Even after a bride was dropped off, after one night, the mountains would shake, the animals would migrate somewhere else, and the screams of rage reverberated through the hills.

If the Moon God rejected me as his bride, this would be my last night alive. I sighed but accepted my death. I had already said goodbye to my friends and family. As the palanquin stopped, I braced myself for what would come next.

The door opens, and as I step out, I see the men who brought me up here scurry away. On this night, only the bride can enter the cave of the Moon God, so I don’t blame them for running away. The last time a man entered the cave with a bride out of curiosity, his corpse was found mutilated and unrecognizable in a stream by the village.

Before me was a giant entrance to a cave with a large boulder on the side. Once I enter the cave, I know the Sun God will seal me inside with her brother. Even now, she must still love him if she’s willing to open the cave every 100 years so a new bride can enter.

I exhale and use the light from the moon to find my way through the darkness. As I enter the cave, I hear something rumble outside. Sure enough, the moon’s light starts to fade as the boulder begins to seal me in.

I’m trapped in here now. This is my last chance to escape, but there is no point. If I run away from my duty, the villagers and my family will cast me aside or kill me to appease the Sun God.

The cave is draft and stale air whiffs into my nose. Up ahead, there is a faint glow of light, so I use that to proceed forward.

I feel around, hoping to find a wall, but it’s nothing but empty darkness. To calm my nervousness, I twirl a strand of my black hair in my fingers and bite my bottom lip. Soon, more light comes into view.

Sitting on a rock by a pool of water is a man. His body is glowing, giving off an unearthly light. He’s naked from head to toe, and his gaze is focused on the ceiling. Long silver hair drapes down his back into the liquid, shimmering in the moon’s light. He’s quiet, making no noise as he stares longingly at whatever is above him.

My eyes follow his’ when I spot a hole at the top of the cave. Through the hole, you can see the moon and stars. The man raises his hand, and then more light beams into the cave, lighting up the whole pool of water. The liquid shimmers and dances; the water has become like the night sky, full of stars glowing about.

The Moon God.

My eyes widen, and in shock, I yelp and step back. His piercing gaze turns to me, and that’s when various black tentacles on his back appear. Are those part of his punishment? They twist and turn in every direction, looking grotesque on his otherwise lean, muscular body.

Before I can run or even think, something wraps around my wrists, raising my arms. Behind me, another body presses into my back and tugs at the straps of my dress, sliding it off me.

Gasping, I dart my eyes to where the Moon God is, but he’s no longer there. A chill breath blows against my neck, and when I glance over my shoulder, irises of silver and crescent moons meet my brown ones. My heart flutters as I stare into his eyes, realizing the Moon God is behind me and fondling me as he pleases.

My dress drops to my waist, and my naked upper torso is exposed to him. One of the tentacles brushes across my chest and wraps around one of my mounds, teasing my peak.

Another cool breath caresses my skin, and the Moon’s God’s lips touch my flesh, sucking me. I whimper as he keeps dominating my body. His smell of Earth after a rainstorm flows into my nostrils. I tilt my head, giving him more access as a tentacle snakes around my leg, spreading me open.

I moan to his teasing kisses and licks. Warmth spreads from my core as the tentacle rubs my sensitive bub, going slow and then fast, repeating the same movements as my juices drip from my hot center, and waves of pleasure flow to every inch of me.

I prepared for this, knowing the Moon God would take me immediately. He leaves my neck, cups my cheek with deft digits, and moves my head to face him.

He’s beautiful.

His silver hair is glowing, illuminating our naked bodies, but it doesn’t hurt my eyes. It’s like he’s letting me stare at him despite the light he’s giving off. As I gaze into his eyes, I’m looking at the moon; he seems distant yet close.

I moan again as a second tendril joins the other, massaging my sensitive bud. I jerk in surprise as the Moon God presses his lips to mine, taking over my hot cavern with his tongue. Our tongues lash and mix, our lust growing with every touch.

I want more. I deepen the kiss, letting the bright God know I wish to have him. However, he stops and stares at me. His face is stoic; momentarily, I wonder if I did something wrong.

Then, he gives me a devilish smirk. My body is lifted off the ground. The white dress slips off. Tentacles have warped around my arms and legs, locking me in place.

As he roams his eyes around my body, the tentacles spread my legs wider, giving him a full view of everything I have to offer. Another dark tendril shoots from his back, stopping near the hot hole between my legs. The tentacle goes in a circle, toying with me as I scream. My juices drip from my center down my leg.

Panting, I see the Moon God enjoying the view. His sly grin as the tentacle begins to enter me makes his smile grow wider. I bite my bottom lip as my body opens for him.

My body rocks as the feeling of ecstasy courses through me. My inner passage spreads for the tentacle's tip, allowing it to enter deeper.

“Please,” I beg through panting breaths. I arch my back as the tentacle inches into my center. The slow build to the pleasure I want is torture, and he's enjoying this.

Instead of giving me what I desire, the tentacle stops. The Moon God strides over to me, cups one of my breasts in his hand, and fingers my folds. I clench my teeth and exhale as he flicks his fingers over my swollen bud.

When I look at his face, it is stoic. Even though he has taken my body as his own, he doesn’t show any excitement except when he plays with me.

He has been giving me pleasure this whole time, so now it’s my turn. My gaze drops to his length. It’s still flaccid. I need to change that.

“Please,” I whisper through labored breaths, “put me down.”

He halts and quirks an eyebrow at me. However, he does as I request, and the tentacles gently place me on my feet. I walk up to him and kneel, curling my fingers on his limp member. Stroking it up and down, I set him in my mouth, taking him all in. No reaction. Then, it begins to grow and grow.

He groans and slams his hips against my mouth, quickening his movements with every thrust. The more he sinks into my warm hole, the bigger he gets. Finally, it’s fully stiff. He pumps, reaching to the back of my throat. I gag, but don’t stop. My tongue flicks across his tip and shaft until I feel it. The liquid drips onto my taste buds. His aching cock continues to penetrate my mouth, in and out, faster and faster until my jaw is swollen, but I’m determined to give him release.

His cock pulses and spasms; cold liquid fills my mouth, tasting sweet and sour, a mixture of vanilla cake with lemon. It tingles, popping like mini firecrackers against my pink walls. His cum is a dessert in my mouth, and I want more. His body rocks against me. He stumbles, but before he falls over, he grabs my hair. I hiss from the pain, but I take it. I want him to use me and my body for everything he needs.

His glowing nectar flows down my lips; I lick it up before it reaches my neck, enjoying the taste of his sweetness.

He pants; sweat drips from his brow; he grips my chin and lifts it to his gaze. A soft smile graces his lips. The tentacles quickly grab me again and lift me into the air. The Moon God strides toward me as a tendril spreads open my folds, and another tendril locks around my clit, rubbing it until it’s swollen and longing again.

Moaning and screaming, my cries of ecstasy reverberate around the cave, nearly knocking my muscles to mush. I open my eyes again when the Moon God’s lips join mine. He gets closer; his thick cock teases my entrance, inching into me slowly until a quick thrust spreads my passage, sheathing him inside me.

He pumps harder and harder, faster and faster, as our sounds of pleasure bounce off the cave walls. The cave shakes, and rocks falling into the water echo around us. Our moistness mixes, and the slap of skin against skin creates a song of sex with the cave sounds. The Moon God keeps going; his fervent need to pound into me doesn’t stop.

His roar to the building of intoxication sends me close to the edge; my back arches as his stroke deepens, slamming both of us to our peek. It’s heavenly.

“Don’t stop,” I shout, thrusting my hips against his hardness. My climax grows more intense as his fullness plunders deeper, hitting my womb. Heat covers my entire form, keeping me warm against the chill of his body. Even though I'm hot, his cold.

His cock twitches as I quake from the sensation of his squirting seed. We both scream out; the cave shakes around us like an earthquake as we finish together. The tentacles around my wrist loosen their grip as the Moon God pants from his orgasm. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, hoping he is satisfied.

He looks at me with half-lidded eyes, and his lips turn upwards. Strands of silver locks are across his face, covered in sweat, and I can’t help but admire how handsome he is. I want him to use more of me to turn what should be a prison into our lust-filled cave for two.

“Mine,” he says, pressing his lips to my neck and making a trail of soft kisses to my chest. The cave rocks violently to what I figure is his voice, but the Moon God holds me close until it ends.

“Only yours,” I say. Still, inside me, the god’s cock thickens again, and I’m already ready for round two.
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