Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2304499-The-Lost-Star
by Krista
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2304499
Izzy helps a fallen star find its way back to the sky. Word Count: 569
One clear night, while stargazing in the enchanting Rosewood Forest, Izzy noticed something extraordinary- a star tumbling from the sky! But instead of disappearing like a typical shooting star, this one seemed to land softly in the grass, its glow dimming as it touched the earth. Curious, Izzy knew she had to investigate. With her eyes sparkling almost as much as the star itself, she set off toward the clearing where it had landed.

As she reached the clearing, her eyes widened at the sight before her- a fallen star, shimmering yet slightly bewildered. "Oh dear, I seem to have lost my way," said the star, its glow dimming with each passing second.

"That's okay, we'll help you find your way back," Izzy reassured the star. Her magical friends, the rabbit, the beaver, and the bluejay, joined her side. "You're not alone; we're here to help."

The star explained that it needed to be placed at the highest point in Rosewood Forest to return to the sky. So, Izzy and her friends set out on a quest to find the tallest tree in the forest. Along the way, the group faced a series of challenges that tested their wit and courage.

The first obstacle was a rapid stream that cut through the forest like a silver ribbon. The current was strong, and the water seemed to roar as if warning them to stay away. But the beaver, ever the engineer, had a plan.

"Leave this to me," he said, diving into the stream with his tool belt. With swift movements, he assembled a makeshift raft using logs and vines. "All aboard!" he called out, and they crossed the stream safely, thanks to his smart thinking.

When they thought the path ahead was clear, they came across a wise old turtle blocking their way. His eyes twinkled like stars as he spoke, "To pass, you must solve my riddle."

The riddle was tricky, but the rabbit's ears perked up as he listened. "Ah, I've got it!" he exclaimed, whispering the answer into Izzy's ear. Izzy relayed the answer to the turtle, who nodded approvingly.

"Very well, you may proceed," said the turtle, slowly moving aside to reveal the path to the tallest tree in Rosewood Forest. They finally reached the towering tree, its branches almost touching the sky. It was the perfect place to help their star friend return to its home in the sky

Izzy sat the star on the bluejay's back where it rode gently to the highest branch. As they did, the star's glow brightened, lighting up the entire forest in a soft, magical light.

"Thank you, Izzy. Now I can shine bright in the sky, where I belong," said the star, before shooting back into the night sky, becoming one with the constellation above.

Izzy hugged her friends. "Great teamwork!" It felt good to help someone else.

As Izzy lay in her bed that night, she noticed the sky seemed a little brighter. Her star friend had found its rightful place, and it twinkled as if to say thank you.

As she snuggled into her pillow, her hand felt something underneath- a tiny, glowing pebble that shimmered just like her star friend. With a grateful smile, she placed the pebble on her nightstand and closed her eyes, drifting into a peaceful, dream-filled sleep, knowing that sometimes, the sky is not the limit, but just the beginning.

© Copyright 2023 Krista (krista at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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